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Antelope High School

Home of the Titans

Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

Zion Cobb
7801 Titan Drive
Antelope Ca, 95843
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, Ca 95814
To Whom It May Concern:
Good evening Governor Brown, my name is Zion Cobb. I am a sophomore student researcher at Antelope
High School. I was born in Sacramento, California and am very intrigued on your thoughts of the current
situation in the Middle East. The reason I have chosen to reach out to you was to converse about the
Syrian economic refugee crisis. The Syrian refugee crisis has been explicitly seen as stunning and heart
breaking to say the least. Many innocent lives are dying everyday in the middle east because of the
economic structure from previous wars. The tragic events that are occurring in Syrian are parallel to the
events that occurred during the holocaust. I see this these actions as I assume you do as a very big matter.

The horrific circumstances in Syria involves the economic and population depression. As one can
see, in the Middle East there has been a plethora of war and epidemic of lives that have been
ended. While the rest of the world is slow to see this crisis, it is blatantly seen to the people of
Syria, Close to, 11.5% of the Syrian population has been killed or injured because of violence
within the city, ( The Syrian civil war is hurting innocent people within the
territory & I believe it has come to a time to put a stop to it.
As one reaches back into history, an individual can see a similar theme to the crisis of the now:
Jewish refugees during World War II. As one knows, we cannot completely compare the two
tragedies because that is underminer them as a whole. Although, the similarities cannot be
ignored. One similarity that sticks out is the U.S. putting strict limits on refugees fleeing their
respected country. The U.S. did put limits on the jews from fleeing europe as well as they have
down from refugees fleeing Syria. As well as the limits placed, the Syrian Civil War compares
greatly to the harsh treatment that was given to the Jews during the Holocaust. This unjust
behavior in both eras of the world must be stopped and changed if we want this world to be a
peaceful one.
The current lawmakers decision states that Syrian refugees may not be distributed throughout the United
States of America. Honestly, I disagree with the lawmakers decision and support the idea of President
Obama. I believe that all Syrian refugees are not dangerous, but yet just fall under the contagious
stereotype of one being. If this stereotype is stopped, it could result in less racist acts and unify ethnicities
of the world. The mixed ideas of cultures around the world could change innovative ways and ideas
around the world if we come together and connect as one people, rather than separate.
4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

Antelope High School

Home of the Titans
Principal, John Becker
Phone: (916)782-6565 ext. 1047

The Syrian refugee crisis has gone on far too long and should be put to rest immediately. The economy
within the Syrian boundaries have deteriorated and have formed a sort of black hole that is beginning
to suck the heart of a culture ( I would greatly appreciate it if you would take my opinion
into deep consideration and vote yes to the Syrian refugee migration law, I appreciate your support, and
thank you for your time.


Zion Cobb
Antelope High School Student
Respectful. Responsible. Proud

4635 Elverta Road, Antelope, CA 95843

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