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At the moment the old buiiding_____to make
space for a parking lot.
A. demolishing
B. be demolished
C. being demolished
D. is being demolished
E. to demolish
As he was badly hurt in the car accidcnt, he
___10 the nearcst hospital.
A. being taken
B. took"
C. was taken
D. be taken
E. was being taken
3. SIPENMARU/9/'88
"We need to remodel our school-building."
The passive of the above sentencc is :
"Our school-building____."
A. needs to be remodelled
B. is nceded to remodel
C. nceded to remodci
D. n-eding to be remodelled
E. is nceded being remodelled
4. SIPENMARU/23/'88
"They built a new high stone wall around the
garden," means___.
A. They built a new garden
B. The garden wali was made of stone
C. There were high stones around the wali
D. The garden was made of stones walls
E. The wali was made of high stones
5. SIPENMARU/29/'88
Tenants____not to turn on thcir radios after
A. requesied
B. are requested
C. request
D. are requesiing
E. being requested
6. UMPTN/S/'89
"Iwan was offered between two posts," means
"____the choice between two posts."
A. Iwan offered someone
B. Iwan had offered
C. Someone offered Iwan
D. They would offered iwan
E. Somebody offers Iwan

The produetion process in the texiile plant
A. needs to be monilored
B. are needed to monitor
C. they need to monitor
D. needs to be monitoring
E. are needed to be monitored
8. UMPTN/23/'95
"Some workers were loading the containers
into the van."
The passive form of the above sentencc is :
"The containers____into the van."
A. were loaded
B. are loading
C. be loaded
D. were being loaded
E. are lo be loaded
9. UMPTN/28/'90
I became quite nervous when I knew that my
A. was to record
B. to be recorded
C. being recorded
D. to be recording
E. was being recorded
10. UMPTN/18/'91
"Which paintings will be exhibited tomorrow
"We don't know yet; they_____by a team.
A. are still being selected
B. are still selecting
C. still be selected
D. still selected
E. still selecting
11. UMPTN/A/22/'92
"Last night someone broke into our house."
"Oh, dear !____?"
A. Did anylhing take
B. Was anything taken
C. Anything to taken
D. Anything to take
E. Was anything being taken
"I want the red dress displayed in the
windows yesterday."
"I'm sorry, it_____."
A. has been selling
B. has to be sold
C. has to sell
D. has sold
E. has been sold

13. UMPTN/C/l9/'92
Anita is looking forward to her birthday
because she___a new wateh.
A. promiscd
B. has been promising
C. being promised
D. has been promised
E. has promised
14. UMPTN/A/10/' 03
"What happened to her skirt ?"
"Oh____when she jumped over the fence."
A. 11 was torn
B. 'o be torn
C. i t tore
D. tearing
E. be torn
15. UMPTN/B/S/'93
"How old is tnc mosque ?"
'Well.il_____in 1870."
A. bui II
B. to be built
C. was built
D. had built
E. had been buiiding
16. UMPTN/C/10/'93
"When did the accident happen ?"
"When the goods____from the truck."
A. were unloading
P were being unloaded
C. being unloaded
D. they were unloading
E. unloaded
17. UMPTN7C/18/'95
"Why do those people panic ?"
""rheir semi-permanent houses____. "
A. demolished
B. are demolished
C. to be demolished
D. to demolishcu
E. are being demolished
18. UMPTN/
"Can we get tickets for the second show of
the Jurasic Park ?"
"I think they____. "
A. are sold out
B. are to be sold out
C. scld out
D. be soid out
E. are sclhng (hem out


"Have you delivered the paekages to the
"Not yet, some____. "
A. are still being wrapped
B. have been wrapped
C. will have been wrapped
D. would be wrapped
E. were wrapped

20. UMPTN/A/10l/'97
"Bambang looks very happy today."
"Dcn'l you know hc___to General manager ?"
A. has promoted
B. to be promoted
C. being promoted
D. has lo promoie
E. has been promoted
21. UMPTN/C/101/'97
The President Direcior aareed that the
performance of the company has not been
good these past few years. In faet, its
A. restructured
B. is restructuring
C. is lo restruclure
D. is being restructured
E. restructuring
22. UMPTN/B/86/'99
I am still waiting____for an interview.
A. to be called
B. be called
C. be calling
D. tocall
E. called
23. UMPTN/A/84/200C
'Have you been informed abou: the exact
r.urnber of vietims of the airpiane crash ?'
'Yes,____to the hcadquarters of Garuda."
A. they are faxed
B. has faxed
C. the vietims fax
D. it has been faxed
E. we fa.\ u

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