Lesson Plan Format (Generic) : The Following Is A Sample of The Lesson Plan Format Used by The University

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The following is a sample of the lesson plan format used by the University.
Lesson Topic/Focus:

Multiplication Revision



AusVELS Domain(s):


Year level(s):

AusVELS strand (s):

Number and Algebra

Lesson duration:


AusVELS sub-strand(s):

Number and Place Value

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):
Solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers using efficient
mental, written strategies and appropriate digital technologies (ACMNA100)
Use efficient mental and written strategies and apply appropriate digital technologies to solve problems
At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:
Students will be refreshed in the strategies and knowledge to complete multiplication problems
At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of:
Successfully answer multiplication problems using 1 and 2 digit multipliers by using efficient written

Assessment for learning to gauge knowledge before starting BODMAS
Assessment criteria for analysis:
Students can solve multiplication problems with one digit multiplier
Students can solve multiplication problems with two digit multiplier
Students use efficient written methods to solve multiplication problems
Teaching focus:
the pre-service teacher's teaching skill for observation by Associate Teacher;
teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.
Modelling the skills
Background to the learning:
References for teacher background knowledge
Unit planner
Helping Children learning mathematics
Identify students current knowledge
Students have been taught the subject earlier this year
Lesson resources:

White Board and individual white boards

Students maths books
Multiple 10 sided dice
Lesson content:
How is Division linked to multiplication?
What is the structure of a multiplication algorithm?
Review the language of multiplication.
Multiplicand is the number being multiplied
Multiplier is the number by which the multiplicand is being multiplied.
Product is the answer to the multiplication problem.
Model multiplication problems using both one and two digit algorithms.
Highlight the distributive property
14*2 = 14 is 2*4 = 8 and 2*10 = 20 which is 20+8=28.
Cover multiplication by zero.
Model one problem using the dice.

____ mins

____ mins

Consolidation, practice, extension
____ mins
Students will then split into pairs and using a nine sided dice which they will roll to randomly decide
their multiplication problems which they will solve.
If we are multiplicating with two digits what do we have to ensure we do when we begin multiplying
the second digit. Add a Zero in the tens column.
Review key points
Get students to share their strategies

____ mins

Post-lesson review and evaluation:

Student achievement:
The students exceeded expectations, all students completed the activity to a good standard
Teaching effectiveness:
That the development of the lesson went really and the majority of the students had developed a great
understanding of the concept. By the completion of the lesson the lower performing students were
moving successfully from one digit multiplication to two digit. If I could teach this lesson again I would
allow more time for students to play more games, as all students really enjoyed the activity. The
development of the lesson and the modelling of the multiplication algorithm went really well, and by
highlighting the ones, tens and hundreds in a clear manner the students really understood the correct
procedure of solving multiplication problems.

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