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«i9) PART DM / 1 DL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES / Tatawar serat Paden : freafslera seit & sere 3 & fore rae Pear aves gfe 1 Directions + Answer the following questions by) selecting the most appropriate option. 61. Which of the following is/are tools and techniques of assessment in EVS at primary| level? A. Project work. B. Field trip ©. Journal writing D. Concept mapping Only Bana c Only D A,B, CandD_ Only AandB Study. the following statements about the ‘Thacm farming practised in Mizoram : ‘A. After eatting ene erop, the land is left as it is for somo years. B. ‘The bamboo or weeds which grow on that and are ovt and burnt ©. ‘Tho land is deeply ploughed before soving the seeds. D. In one farm three or four different types] of erops are grown. E, Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are also used as per need? ‘The correct statements are (@) C,DandE (2) A,Band’D (3) Only AandB, (4) Only Band D 68. Teaching of VS should encourage process skills, whieh are the core of inquiry-based, | ‘hands-on learning. Which one of the follewing ia not such a skill? (1). Predicting (2) Determination (3) Inferring (4) Observation 1. ez. Petites 48 aaa wrafis eee TafTCT worm % sree & fee eH ak GAs ee? A. Nieitoer or B, aa wr C. SHfet lournal) fever Dp. fear area @ aaaBare @) tad @) ABC aRD gr Wt AD fasten #1 SR ah gy Mat & Rea HF reaferfa aet ote Fre: A @ maa a & oan, a at eT ail wm aerate EI Bot Rg an we aie he GEA A area rer fear aan 8 | se, aa TA eA AH TU eng a Lp. @ st dram Safa son A swadi of sre # | B, aTaeRaER Terafie seh otk Biearwead a eat of fbn et & 1 wie ent @ CpaitE @ 7A, BateD @ FAM dae ashe velar, sore Reem 8 3a afr arene ateat at ager Ret ae are at BATE enter eae agra Fig & 1 Praferfaa Aa atea w ter aia ae? @ gigr () frafer () frost fret @ sacter wo PART HL / TIL MATHEMATICS / afin Directions : Answer the following questions by| Pde: frase weit & ar & Ferg wae fer seleting the most appropriate option fraser gfe | 31, Which ofthe following is not correct? a1, Prearfa 2 ahaa eet eh #2 (1) Shows 14 minutes = 194 minutes veh 9B a fine = 194 re @) eg 30 gis the saine as 2090 g 2 Retire 30 8 = 2080 rt (2) liteos 80 maiilitros = 389 miiitres (3) 3 tex go faerie = 80 Peter ‘avon of a oquare ot side 10 em = Area of| wolf 10 Rerfx aI aT@ wh wT aw = the rectangle of length 100 em andl breadth 0-01 m 100 Mater rang wer O01 Hex shee are ST HT SAT On dividing 120111 by 11, the sum of the|s2, 110111 #11 & 9m BK WS AMET FT quotient ané the remainder is a @ @ Cy 102% 201 to get 19999? a @ @ aot 11001 10101 10011 503 602 103 asters oa abrest & @ nou i we @) 1001 @) 10101 Mey oot What should be subtracied from the product|88 JF 102x201 8 A ea acer are Te sra dt 30000 512 @ = (D508 yer a @ oo2 we ee @ 103 Se @ 401 @ 401 (28) PART IV LANGUAGE ENGLISH Directione : Read the poem given below and answer the questions that follow (@. No. 91 to 96) by selecting the most appropriate option. ow 92. Invictus Out of the night thet covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, 1 thank whatever gods may be For my unconquersble soul In the fell clutch of circumstance Thave not winced nor eried aloud, Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody, but unbowea, Beyond this place of wrath and tears Loom but the Horror ofthe ahado, And yet themenace’of the years Finds, and shall‘ind, mie unafraid, William Ernest Henley ‘The phrase ‘uncOnquerable ‘soul? means a person who is (2) invindble @) compeasionate (GY moble sensitive Lines 5 and 6 show that the speaker (2) refuses to surrencer. (@) remains undaunted even under the wera cireamstances. (@® ie overwhelmed by advores cireamstances, @® accepts life's challenges. }93. “Wrath and tears’ means (1) unbearable suffering (2) anger causing havoe (8) anger and sorrow unfavourable circumstances [94, ‘The phrase ‘menoco of the years’ eagyoste (Q). threats ofthe times. (2) danger to life. (3) cruel fate. evils of }95. ‘The word ‘winced! in the second stanza meat (G) rveviled 2) rafited (@) frightened worried }96. The poetic device used in Black as the | from pole to pole’ is (Q) metaphor 2) irony (3) simile parallelism Directions : Read the passage given telow a Jancwer the questions that follow (Q. Ne. 97 to Il by selecting the most appropriate option. Adversity provides us with an opportunity develop our character in a natural, recurring a powerful way that only the challenges of adversi offer. According to Solomon, adversity refines a reveals the gold and silver of our character A lot of times adversity comes our way as direct or ingireet result of our own actions. We mal ‘bad choice or a had decision, or we simply fail to) something we should have done, When I made bi PARTH fori c? MATHEMATICS / Directions : Answer she following questions by me selecting the most appropriate option. Si. Perimeters of = rectangle and a square i a citar 96 Stic 8 ah aren es equal. Perimeter of the square is 96 breadth Of the rectangle is 4 cm less side of the square Then two times Bachar a _ Cin ae aaa eetanelo ig pee =i 7 (a) 1040 6? Get aac 3) arg Reape ie ef 1120 Ris (2) 1040 ea (3) 660 ea ow 1120 ., 960 (3) 560 & () 960 x we 32, A water tank is 31 m long, 10 m wide and 9m high. It is filled with water to a level of 6 m, ‘What part of the tank is empty ? 32. TH Ft cok tae, 10 Hier SHS att Pe SEE eal o tex & Sad ow oH gen | cat an faa am att 2? 1 6 2 sf 3 eo e a & 4 wi ial 3 of 33. at # frat 1 pe 18 “ue l2e 47. Miu, am The value of 1422, 44, 111, 111 fatue of 1+ 19 * 100 * 1000 * 70000 * (a) 38221 @ 29921 (3) 2-245 (@) 2432 Oa es o ‘The mean of range, mode and median of the data Pe 4,3, 2,2, 7,2, 2,.0,3)4, 4 is w4 x @ 5 @ 2 @ 3 ‘The sum of all interior angles of a regular convex polygon is 1080°, The measure of each of its interior angles is @) 7 (3) 120° 135° ‘ ZC = 100°. The bisector AG K and 2B meet at the point P. The measiire of Z APB is 80° Re (3) 60° (4) 70° In 4 DEF a R, if PQ = DE, EF = PR @ ADEF (@) ADEF (8) ADEF o re digt , 191 10" 100” 1000 5221 (Of 23321 (3) 2245 (4) 2-482 atest 4, 3, 2,2, 7,2, 2,0,3, 4,4 & whee, age ote aro te 43. ws (¢ 5 5 @2 LY @ 3 ws . 45. UH RH aE B wh sia St aT asa 1980°% 1 gees wee aia: aT A TT & Cd acer

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