Ecse6290 HW5 2016

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ECSE 35.

Semiconductor Devices and Models II
Homework Set#5
April 15, 2016
1. (a) Sketch the energy band diagram of (i) a pGe-nGaAs heterojunction and (ii) a
pGe-nGaAs heterojunction. For what metal-pGaAs junction would the case (ii) be
similar to if the pGe region is doped to degeneracy? Sketch the energy band of
this metal-pGaAs junction also.
2. Consider an ideal abrupt heterojunction with a built-in potential of 1.6V. The
impurity concentrations in semiconductor 1 and 2 are 10 16 donors/cm3 and 3x1019
accpetors/cm3, and the dielectric constants are 12 and 13, respectively. Find the
electrostatic potential and depletion width in each material for applied voltages of
0.5, 0 and -0.5V.
3. In an nGaAs-pAlGaAs heterojunction, the band-gap offsets are EC = 0.30eV and
EV = 0.15eV. The donor doping concentration of the nGaAs is 1018 cm-3. The
minority carrier diffusion lengths are 1m throughout, and the widths of the p side
and n side are 10m each. Calculate the AlGaAs bandgap and carrier injection
ratio for shallow acceptor doping concentrations in pAlGaAs of 1016, 1017 and 1018
4. Consider an nAlxGa1-xAs-pGaAs heterojunction. Calculate and plot (in semi-log
scale) the current-voltage characteristics of the junction, for (i) the value of x
when EC = 0.30eV and (ii) x = 0, using the thermionic-like (somewhat
simplistic) model which states that
J = (A*TqVbi/k) exp(-qVbi/kT) [exp(qV/kT) -1]
The p-type GaAs region is doped with a shallow acceptor concentration of 10 16
cm-3 and the n-type AlxGa1-xAs is doped with a shallow donor concentration of
1016 cm-3. For case (ii), also calculate the current-voltage characteristics using the
conventional pn junction theory and compare with the results here. Also, in light
of the other models presented in class, calculate the I-V characteristics using one
of these more complicated models (see Sharma and Purohit).

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