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PRIMARY: Ages 7-9



a. list different consequences for following directions and not following

b. understand the importance of following directions and its connection to
academic success.
c. comprehend the story
Activity 1:
1. The participants will be given a set of instructions to follow. (Please see attached
Guide questions: (after the activity)
1. How did you feel when you discovered the "trick"?
a. What did you learn from the activity?
b. How do you feel about tests?
c. What happens to you before and during the activity?
d. What other times would it be important to carefully read directions first?
e. What could be a consequence for not following directions on tests,
assignments, or otherwise?

Activity 2:
Scavenger Hunt
Each group will be having a bag which will be used throughout the hunt. Read all
the instructions before proceeding with the task. There are four stops or tasks, for
each stop the participants will be given a piece of paper that contains a portion of
the story, The Lions Share, and a task that they should accomplish. Whoever
finishes the task first wins.

A mighty
Lion once
along with
his 3

Find out what kinds of animals are the lions friends.

1. Get the envelop labelled Task 1.
2. Get all the cards and put them on the floor. The letters
should be facing upwards
3. Arrange them to form the 3 words which refer to the
lions friends.

Animal number one - We want to know what does he say.

Animal number two He was the bad guy from the story, Three Little Pigs.
Animal number three The Tasmanian Devil can be classified as this
4. Once you got all of the lions friends, roar as loud as you can and call your
teachers attention for checking.

The Lion together with his friends, the Fox,

the Cayote and the Wolf hunted and hunted
until at last they surprised a small horse and
took its life. Then came the question how the
captured animal be divided among them. The

3. After they had quarter the horse, The Lion

took his stand in front of the carcass and
Help the Lions friends
to quarter the horse.
see, as a member of
1. Gethunting
the envelop labelled
Taskit my right to receive one of
2. Get the clay and mold it into a horse.
3. Quarter it. Make sure it is divided correctly.

4. Once you got made it call your teachers attention for checking.

The others nodded in agreement.

"But then, I am also the King of Beasts. So I

must receive a little bit more". he declared.
The others looked uneasily at each other.

"And besides, I was leading the hunt.

So I deserve a little more extra". he
The others mumbled something, but it
could not be heard.
"As for the fourth share, if you wish to
argue with me about its ownership,
let's begin, and we will see who will
get it."
3. GO to final destination.
a. Get the envelop labelled Task 3.
b. In a 1/8 illustration board, Think about a different ending for a story, write
about it, and draw a
picture of it.
c. Pass it to your teacher .

After the activity: Guide questions:

1. Which animal is the king of the jungle? What words would you use to describe this animal?
2. How would you describe the lion in this story?
3. If you have a big plate of meat how would you share it with others? Would you eat it all? Cut it in half?
Give each person a bite? What would be fair?
4. What could be a different ending for this story? (Let the students share their final output)
5. What is the moral lesson of the story?

Food Classification:
The participants will classify the food to Go, Glow and Grow and the benefits of each food
group to healthy food choice.


-string beans

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