Digital Citizenship and Our World Today Ppoint

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Digital Citizenship and

our world today

By Dylan Hayman

The Digital divide in Business

The Digital Divide has a great effect on the social investment,
there is a great divide in the people that have access to technology
and the benefits that come with it, and those that dont.
With the growing dependence on technology within a business,
those that do not have access to technology are left behind with a
great disadvantage, and those that do will be able to make
progress and be able to move forward with an advantage.
In the years to come we may recognize a trend in how those with a
technological advantage will progress with a much greater
advantage to those that dont .

The Five Fluencies

Solution fluency.
Creative fluency.
Information fluency.
Media fluency
Collaboration fluency.

Solution Fluency

The capability to resolve issues clearly, with a

creative mind, by defining the issue, coming up
with a suitable solution, and then assessing the
procedure and result

Meaning is added with artistic
proficiency through creativity,
artistic design and storytelling.
Creativity is in everybody, and
is a unique skill that can be
learned and mastered.

Information Fluency
Making use of information and
technology is all of its forms, while
thinking analytically, a person that is
dominant in this this fluency will see a
need for research or information

Media Fluency
Our ability to learn visually is
motivated by media from many
different sources. Inputs and
outputs are the two components of
media fluency ,there is a lot more
to media fluency than a photo
online or a poster.

Collaboration Fluency

This fluency refers to ones ability

to relate to and work with
computer generated partners and
real ones.

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