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4:20 pm – 327 Graff Main Hall

May 4, 2010

Members: Joe Heim, Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh, and Bart Van Voorhis (excused)
Visitors: Kathleen Enz-Finken, Deb Veglahn and Bob Hetzel

1. Minutes from the April 27 SEC meeting approved.

2. Chair’s Report and Discussion:
a. SEC will have a transition meeting next week – day/time to be determined.

3. New Business:
a. Discussion of Textbook Services Issues: SEC invited Bob Hetzel and Deb Veglahn to
discuss the finance side of textbook rental. SEC will meet with Kathleen Enz-Finken,
Chuck Lee and others on Monday to discuss the academic side of the issue. Following
that meeting, SEC may have special charges for the 2010-11 Textbook Oversight
b. Discussion of Calendar Committee: SEC will support all of the recommendations
made by the calendar committee with the exception of: “The committee recommends
that a task force be created across the governance groups in the near future to
investigate ways to reduce mid-semester stress for students, faculty and staff.”
c. Selection of Faculty Recruitment Review Committee Members: SEC has been
asked to appoint three department chairs to serve on this committee. SEC discussed that
these should be chairs who have recently been through multiple searches and the
appointments should have representation from each college. SEC will appoint the
following members and alternates:
i. SAH: Aaron Monte (Chemistry); Gubbi Sudhakaran (Physics) – alternate
ii. CLS: Kim Vogt (Sociology/Archeology); Emily Johnson (Psychology) – alternate
iii. CBA: Barb Eide (Accountancy); Keith Sherony (Economics) - alternate

4. Faculty Senate Meeting Agendas:

a. May 6
i. Approval of May Graduation List
ii. Discussion of Calendar Committee Recommendations
iii. Approval of the 2012-13 academic calendar
iv. APR reports: Environmental Studies minor, Physical Therapy

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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