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High Performance Stream Processing

By Stephane Maldini, Glenn Renfro, David Turanski
@smaldini, @cppwfs, @dturanski

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Performance as it pertains to:

Message flow

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Message Flow: The Myth?

1 million events a second?

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Message Flow: The Myth?

It Depends
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Message Flow: The Myth?

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Check Network speed

Check Disk Read Write speed
Processor Speed (specs)
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Hardware: Network
1 Gb Ethernet
Msg Size


10 Gb Ethernet
Msg Size
















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100 12,500,000

Hardware: Disk

dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test

will just commit your 128 MB of data into a RAM buffer
initially fast but server is still writing to disk after test

dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/testfile

This tells dd to require a complete sync once, right before it
Ensures all data is on the disk before calculating result
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Message Size

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Message Size

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o Default is 16384
o . vs .
o Default for XD is 1
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Testing Tools
Spring XD

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Spring AMQP

Per Sec


10 158,564
100 453,926
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Network Hops

Adds a cost per hop

Direct Binding
Composed Modules
Custom Module

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One last little thing

JMX is disabled by default
When enabled it took a performance hit
because how SI was capturing stats via its

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Object Serialization

byte[] required for transporting data between

remote processes
XD uses Kryo except when the payload type is
byte[] or String
XD supports optimizing Kryo for known payload

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Serialization Benchmarks
An excellent comparative JVM serializers benchmark:

Best case: ~1500 ns

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Serialization Benchmarks
Domain Object (as JSON):
{"uri": "", "title":"Javaone Keynote", "width":640,
262144,"persons":["Bill Gates", "Steven Jobs"],
"player":"JAVA","copyright":"" },
{"uri": "","title":"Javaone Keynote","width":
{ "uri": "", "title":"Javaone
Keynote","width": 320,"height":240, "size":"SMALL"}]
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Object Serialization

Size matters: YMMV

Manually optimized Kryo ser/deser ~ 1500 ns = 1.5 s = .0015 ms.
Kafka XD;1000B messages ~ 500,000 msg/sec
2000 ns per message
Serialization overhead
~ 285174 msg/sec (source|sink)
At 50,000 msg/sec, the overhead may still be significant

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Optimizing Kryo in XD

Disable references - If you know payload

types do not contain cyclic references.
xd.codec.kryo.references=false (in servers.yml)

This is a global setting for all streams

Register a custom serializer for a known
payload type

Install a jar with containing the required beans in

XD will auto-configure these
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Custom Serializers in XD

package spring.xd.bus.ext;

XD scans this
package for beans of
type KryoRegistrar

Each Registration associates
public class CustomKryoRegistrarConfig {
a type to a serializer and a
unique ID
public KryoRegistrar myCustomRegistration() {
List<Registration> registrations = new ArrayList<>();
registrations.add(new Registration(MyObject.class, new MySerializer(),62));
return new KryoRegistrationRegistrar(registrations);
public PojoCodec(java.util.List<KryoRegistrar> kryoRegistrars, boolean useReferences)

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Custom Serializers in XD
public class AddressSerializer extends Serializer<Address> {
public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, Address address) {

public Address read(Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<Address> type) {
return new Address(input.readString(),input.readString(),input.readString());

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Serializable Domain Object

(+) Simple: This works
out of the box with no
(-) Requires access to
source or wrapping
(-) Internal
benchmarks indicate

public class Address implements KryoSerializable {


public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output) {

public void read(Kryo kryo, Input input) {
this.street = input.readString(); = input.readString(); = input.readString();

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Benchmarking Your Custom Serializers

The spring-xd-samples repo includes a serializationbenchmarks project
Lets look at some code
Sample Results

Ser (ns)

Desr (ns)




Serializable Domain



Custom Serializers



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What about Processing ?

Source Msg/s > Sink Msg/s ?

Rate limited by Sink
Blocking transformation (http, file) ?
Rate limited by blocking Processor
Polling Sources Pausing ?

Rate limited by small Prefetch properties

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Mitigating Cost of IO
Negative impact ?
Scale Out ?
o Works up to a point
o Network cost
Scale Up ?
o Message passing Overhead
o More In-Flight Data
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Blocking IO
request A


request B

request C


Request Latency
Network Latency

Rate Degradation = -(A + B + C) ms

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Asynchronous Boundary



Rate degradation = -(Async Hand O) ms

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Request Latency
Network Latency



Asynchronous IO
Mitigate temporarily slow processors/sink
Back to degraded mode when queue full
Async Hand-Off generates Garbage

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Reactor Core: Efficient Asynchronous

Trade-off Memory vs Garbage generation

Pre-Allocated Ring Buffer
Concurrent consuming without duplicating
buffer content
Ring Buffer Consumer Sequences
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Ring What?

schedule Message<?> execution

get and publish
next available

Event Loop
read published slot

execute Message<?>

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Reactor Core: Efficient Asynchronous

The Spring XD Module
public interface Processor<I, O> {
Publisher<O> process(Stream<I> inputStream);

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public class PongMessageProcessor implements Processor<Message, Message> {

public Stream<Message> process(Stream<Message> inputStream) {
return ->
new GenericMessage<String>(message.getPayload() + "-pojopong")

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Parallel Scatter Gather !

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Request Latency
Network Latency



Reactor Stream and RxJava

Compose asynchronous results

Without blocking (unlike future.get())
Reduce the processor/sink backlog !

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Scatter Gather
public class AsyncNetworkProcessor implements Processor<Message, String> {
public Observable<String> process(Observable<Message> inputStream) {
return inputStream.flatMap(message ->
postHttp(/userProfile/ + message.getHeader(user_id)),
postHttp(/userLocation/ + message.getHeader(user_id)),
(respA, respB) -> respA + , + respB
public Observable<String> postHttp(String endpoint){
// An asynchronous HTTP call to forward response as CSV
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Reactor Stream and RxJava

Some operators help tuning the right packet

size to send over the network
MicroBatching !

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public class AsyncNetworkProcessor implements Processor<String, String> {
public Stream<String> process(Stream<String> inputStream) {
return inputStream.window(1000, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMap(messages ->
messages.reduce(, (prev, next) -> prev + , + next

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Learn More. Stay Connected.


Microservices to Fast Data

John T. Davies

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