Babcock Technical Publication - TUBE MILL OPERATION

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Babcock Product Engineering Ltd Technical Publication No.1004. Subject: Tube Mill ! Operation Babcock Product Engineering Léd ering Leal Tube Mill Operation Babcock Product Engineering Limited (BPEL) are the sole United Kingdom licencee for the Kennedy Van Saun Corporation (K.V.S.). The equipment described in this publication covers the K.V.S. grinding mill and systems which can be supplied by BPEL. Babcock Product Engineering Ltd 11 The Boulevard, Crawley, Sussex RH10 1UX Babcock Product Engineering Lid Introduction Grinding Grinding is the size reduction of material by compression, impact and abrasion. The feed size to most grinding equipment is the product from a crusher. Product size can range from 100% minus 4 mesh to the superfine sizes of 100% minus 5 micron. Materials are ground for the purpose of liberating minerals from gangue or to produce a given size distribution to meet market requirements or for a chemical reaction Grinding Theory Grinding is one of many unit operations common to mineral processing, and it may be helpful to describe the process occurring in grinding mills. To do this a general Understanding of the theory of fracture is required, Fracture In order to produce fracture, a solid must be stressed by the application of force. The three-dimensional stress pattern in the solid represents the tensile, compressive or shear force per unit area acting in any direction through any point in the solid. Corresponding to stress there is a change in dimensions of the solid, referred to as strain. The integral of force (stress) times the distance the force has moved (strain) is the energy stored in the solid due to stress and strain. In principle, an ideal solid would fail when the applied stretching force was just sufficient to tear all the planes of atoms or molecules apart (Fig. 1) simultaneously by stretching the cohesive bonds between atomic planes aes ae t ! to their breaking point. Such an “‘ideal”” failure would disintegrate the solid. In practice, many parts of the solid are weaker than the ideal structure because of flaws in the solid. A flaw is a region of discontinuity due to. microscopic holes or cracks, mineral inclusions, etc. The well-known Griffith crack theory postulates that local stress concentration occurs in the region of a hole or a crack in the solid, Griffith used the solution of the differential stress strain equations for a single small elliptical hole in a large thin plate subjected to simple tensile stress. .! Fig.2 The solution shows that the regions of the solid around the tips of a narrow ellipse have much larger local tensile {and shear) stresses than the overall stress in the solid. Consequently, the cohesive bonds will break first in these regions, and a crack will propagate from the hole. (Fig.2) Fig.3 A region in the solid which can initiate a crack is called a stress-activated flaw. By performing a simplified energy balance on the moving crack tip Griffith also showed that the overall stress Babcock around the flaw must reach a critical value. This balance used the concept that the decrease in stored strain energy due to the crack movement must equal the surface energy of the new surface produced by the crack. In a simple one-dimensional tensile test, the critical value would be the tensile strength of the solid. Once the crack starts to propagate, if the stress and strain are not rapidly removed (relieved), the system becomes unstable and the crack propagation accelerates to high velocities of the order of the velocity of sound in the solid. (Fig.3) Perfect material is rare and most real solids will contain a multitude of flaws. The magnitude of the force necessary to cause fracture depends on (a) The bulk geometry of the specimen (b) How the force is applied. (c) The number, size and distribution of flaws. In addition, the rapidly moving crack tip will usually branch and rebranch to form a tree of cracks, as shown Fig. 4 Fi This appears to be due to the high dynamic stresses produced at the tip of a propagating crack which will produce many stress-activated flaws in the path of the crack. Ifa large force is applied dynamically to a solid instead of being attained by slow increments of additional force, the solid will undergo rapid strain at the point of impact. The strain will spread through the solid and the resulting stress wave can cause fracture to initiate at many stress activated flaws in the path of the stress wave. There appears to be no fundamental theory which can be used to predict the set of fragment sizes produced by the branching crack. oduct Engineering Led Itis known that different particle sizes break at different rates in mills and theory states that the following factors are involved. Since fracture originates from stress-activated flaws in the solid, small particles will require higher levels of stress to cause fracture because there is a smaller probability of finding a large flaw in a small volume. In addition, the geometry of stress application does not favour the breakage of small particles. To break the unit mass of small particles requires that many particles must be captured for subjection to stress. However, when a small particle is stressed to a level where fracture occurs, the high level required is likely to lead to many branching cracks and a more explosive disintegration, and greater surface production. It'is also Possible that the high stresses necessary 10 fracture very small particles may cause plastic behaviour because many solids have some degree of visco-elastic behaviour and can be considered to be an organic polymer. In these cases, allowances must be made for absorption of energy in plasticity. Large particles may not break readily because the forces required to stress them to the fracture point may never be reached. Obviously, even if a given force applied to a small particle of 1 mm diameter produces a local tensile stress of 10° psi, the same force applied under identical conditions to a lump of 10 mm diameter may produce a local tensile stress of no more than 10 psi because of the larger area and volume involved. In addition, the geometry of capture of large particles for stress application may again not be favourable. For example, fracture of particles between rolls can only be accomplished if the particles are small enough to be nipped and pulled into the stressing region Fig. 5. Fig. The same type of action is likely to be present to some extent in tumbling ball mills, rod mills, roll-race and ball-race mills, When the particles are too large to receive the full force necessary to give complete fracture, it is possible that they receive glancing force actions which knock small bits off, a relatively slow process known as abrasion grinding. Because of the difficulty involved in a fundamental treatment of breakage in a mill, the concept of constant energy per unit fresh surface produced can be used. This combined all the effects into a single number, energy per unit area. To examine the validity of this concept itis instructive to consider the dissipation of energy in the fracture process. First, mechanical or electrical energy into the mill is converted into the Kinetic energy of the moving parts, balls, rolls, or hammers, These moving parts produce stressed particles, with some fraction of the energy being converted to stress energy stored in the particle. Some fraction of the stressed particles fracture, consuming some of the stored energy to break bonds to give fresh surface. It can be shown that the fraction of the stored energy which goes to the energy of bond fracture is extremely small. The major part of the stored energy is converted to heat when the external stress is relieved. like two halves of a broken spring contracting and expanding until their elastic energy is converted by internal friction into heat. it must be concluded that only a smail fraction of mill eneray is converted to surface energy, and this fraction will vary depending on'the conditions of fracture. Mill efficiencies are very low if efficiency is defined as the fraction of mill energy converted to new surface energy. Under certain circumstances the addition of more power to a mill wil cause a directly proportional increase in the number of breakage actions per unit time. In these circumstances doubling the power doubles the breakage rate and the energy per ton of product remains approximately constant. (Eneray per ton equals power to mill divided by tons per hour of production). This is a simple useful concept which does not rely on any fundamental fracture relation. It is also clear from the discussions above that small particles break slower than larger particles, so that finer grinding requires more mill energy. Finer grinding also produces more surface area, but there is no valid reason why the mill eneray per unit of surface produced should be constant for finer and finer grinding. In summary, the theory of fracture implies that the terms weak and strong should be used with respect to the ease of breakage of materials, not soft and hard, because the flaw structure is involved in breakage as well as the. basic strength indicated by the surface energy. The concept of branching cracks states that any normal fracture process will produce a natural set of products including some fine powder, it is not possible to fracture solids at high rates without producing fines, The function of a mill is to stress many particles to the fracture point at high rates, so that the capacity in tons per hour for a given capital outlay is high. At the same time, the efficiency of transfer of mill energy to stress-strain energy should be as high as possible, so that the specific grinding energy is as low as possible. Under the best conditions the fraction of mill energy converted to surface energy is small, giving very low mill efficiencies based on the minimum thermodynamic eneray to create a new surface. To describe the rates of breakage of a solid in an industrial mill from fundamental reasoning it would be necessary to know (a) How each particie is stressed by the forces produced in the mill (v) How frequently the particles are stressed. H (0) The tensile regions produced in each particle (d) What fraction of the stress actions produce tensile stresses exceeding the failure point for the particular flaw in the solid (2) The distribution of fragments produced by the branching tree of cracks, Therefore, when one considers the complexity of describing the dynamic applied forces in the grinding mill, the complexity of the distribution of flaw Babcock oduct Engineering Led sizes in solids and the difficulty of solving stress-strain equations for irregular shapes and glancing blows, it is not surprising that the designer has to rely largely on empiricism in the prediction of mill performance. Principle of Operation The Tumbling Ball and Rod Mill A tumbling ball and rod mill consists essentially of a horizontal rotating cylinder which is partially filled with steel balls or rods with the product being ground between the balls or rods as illustrated (Fig. 6) Fig.6 The speed of rotation is chosen to give the best lifting and tumbling of the grinding media since it is this tumbling Which causes the product to be ground. Too fast, and the media will be held against the walis by centrifugal forces Too slow, and the media will just slide about within its container. In principle, the maximum crushing force is developed by a ball which is raised to the top of the case and falls into the toe of the bed. However, observation of the balls through a clear plate on a mill shows that the most common path for the balls is to emerge from the surface of the bed and roll down the bed surface as illustrated (Fig. 6). [tis this constant stream of rolling balls or rods which performs most of the breakage by nipping particles between the grinding media ‘Thus the basic breakage is more like knocking two balls or rods together with powder trapped in the contact region rather than throwing the balls or rods into a bed of powder. The average crushing forces are of relatively low magnitude, but there are many impacts per second Grinding Tests An enquiry for a mill usually states’ 1. The type of material 2. Its feed size distribution or several point values. 3. The desired product size distribution or several point values. 4, The desired product production rate. If the user desires only budget pricing information, then an approximation of the size of the mill required can be made by assuming that the material will behave as if it were the same as some previously tested material. If the user desires an exact sizing, then grindability tests must be performed upon the material. There are two general types of grindability tests. The first type is the standard grindability test. Here the test is conducted according to a standard procedure and a result obtained. This result, after being empirically corrected for feed sizes and the required production is compared with those for different size machines until an appropriate match is made. An example of this type of grindability testing is the Hardgrove Index test. The usefulness of this type of test obviously relies on prior accumulation of empirical experience and it is most valuable for simple grinding applications. For example the Hardgrove Index test for coal consists of grinding 50 grams of coal sized to pass an 1,180 micron screen but not pass a 600 micron screen, The coal is ground for sixty revolutions in a standardised ball-and- race mill. The sample must be carefully produced from larger lumps by repeated crushing in jaw crushers at a low-size reduction ratio so that as much as possible of the origina! coal sample ends up in the test size fraction. The sample is also air dried to a stable moisture content, The ground coal is removed after the test and screened at 75 microns to determine the weight passing through the sieve (w). The Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) is then determined from HG! = a + bw where the coefficients a and b are determined from tests on four standard coals. (Supplied by National Bureau of Standards.) Although originally proposed to relate the energy of comminution to the fresh surface area produced, the HGI is simply an empirical correlation number which, when coupled with feed maisture and desired product fineness, is used to relate the capacity of certain grinding devices to the type of coal: a high value of HG! indicates a coal which will grind easily The second type might be called a scale model test. Here it is assumed that the large-scale mill will behave in some sort of consistent relationship to the behaviour of a small mill. Then the test is performed in the small mili and scaled up to predict the size of the large mill necessary to produce the desired quantity. An example of this approach is the Work Index test. Here a standard size laboratory mill is used to grind a sample of the feed material according to a prescribed operating procedure. The energy per unit weight is determined, popularly known as the Work index. This value has already been scaled for an 8-it-diameter mill when it is, determined by this method. The value can be corrected for other size distributions by an empirical relationship, for other size diameter mills by an empirical factor, as well as for other operating conditions by a multitude of other empirical factors. Empirical formulae have been proposed for the conversion of a Hard Hardgrove index toa Work Index. However, the conversions are not uniformly reliable. Even experimentally collected data does not exhibit a uniform pattern so that such conversions require an experience factor. Both of the tests mentioned are used in sizing a tube mil. The former being used only for coal applications. The latter is the most widely used for all other materials. Applications (1) The following can be used to determine ball mill specific energy requirements based on the Work Index (WI). If the WI is not known, it should be determined before final equipment selection. For rough budgeting and estimating a WI may be assumed Material which fractures easily, such as a very soft limestone, will have'a WI of 6 to 8. If itis moderately difficult to break, comparing to a medium-hard limestone, assume a WI of 9 to 11. Material comparing to a hard limestone will generally have a Wi of 11 to 13. Most mineral ores will have a WI of 10 to 15 granite and trap rock can range from 75 to 20 Wi. HEH ygaw de ot iz HEH van wi Ae AB] x x Fax FH Fa Fe Where: . HPH = Power required fr genlng in horsepower hours ST per short ton 0. = Size in microns ofthe screen opening whieh 80% oF the prodct wl pass FO. = Size in microns of he othe Yoo material wi se. WL = Wor Index grind in kWh per shot tn, for wet grinding. = ator ary grinding F, = 101or closed cut For opon etult Fy varios depending onthe reauited product Size conte pont ‘opening which 80% Open Cireult Cumulative % Passing Fe 75 Micron 130 70 120 20 4.40 0 Be Ts on = 0(C rox wo fT fi F, = Fine grinding factor 80+ 103 1.145 PEO Note: When P80 = 75use F, = 1.0. F, = Milldameter factor, For mils wih diameters greater tnan 81 R= 10. For mils with diameters less 8 f. Re ‘wher9 = mill ameter inside liners. necting Alter determination of the specific energy required, this is multiplied by the required capacity in short tons per hour to obtain the minimum mill power. The mill size corresponding to this figure, after the application of a relevant safety factor, is chosen from the list of standard single compartment, wet and dry mills. (2) For coal grinding applications, systems including positive or negative pressure air swept mills incorporating Classification devices are generally used, A number of factors are used in the determination of the mill (hence mill capacity/througput) required for any particular application, the most important of these being: 1. Hardgrove Index for the particular coal. 2. Classifier output at specified fineness. Moisture content of coal. Top feed size. Inlet temperature available. Product moisture content specified. The mill base capacity is the maximum capacity when grinding, in closed circuit, at standard conditions for coal oaEe These are: Hardgrove Index 50 Output fineness from 70% passing classifier 75 micron Feed top size Product moisture content 1% The mill base capacity is then adjusted using: 38 mm (1% in) i My wes wae) Faw Fix Fe x Fa Where: We = Feed ate inclucing total moisture ibe NM_ = Total ood moisture as a percentage, (For moisture Contents greeter than 4am, praying may Be Feauites) Fg. = Harégrove index tactor (Output fineness factor. 5 = Feed top size factor Fhe = Product moisture factor. Once the adjusted base capacity.has been determined the nearest standard mill is chosen. The mill power and length are then altered to suit the particular application and the airflow, inlet and outlet temperatures are calculated to meet the system parameters. It is worth mentioning that (a) As Hardgrove Index increases, Fa increases (b) As output fineness increases, F, decreases. {c) As feed top size increases, F, decreases (d) As product moisture increases, Fy decreases. Note: Whilst the formulae given in (1) and (2) can be used (for ready: reckoning), final sizing must be referred to BPEL. Circuit Design Ball mill grinding circuits are classified as follows: (a) Wet, open circuit (b) Wet, closed circuit, (c) Dry, open circuit (d) Dry, closed circuit. When confronted with a grinding circuit design problem, the designer must. consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the four basic circuit configurations. It is often the case that the end use of the product will dictate whether the material must be ground wet or dry, but when wet or dry grinding is not pre-determined, the following items should be considered in choosing between dry and wet grinding: The ball mill drive horsepower is approximately 30% more for a dry grinding mili than for a wet grinding mill when grinding the same material to the same product fineness. 3 2. Ina dry grinding circuit, feed moisture is limited to a maxirnum of 2% without the addition of heat to the material in the mill 3. Grinding media and liner consumption per ton of product ground is lower for a dry grinding system. 4, Wet grinding does not require dust collecting equipment. There are two basic advantages of a closed circuit over an open circuit grinding system: 1. A closed circuit requires less grinding horsepower per ton of product than an open circuit. Open circuit requires approximately 20% more power when grinding at 80% minus 200 mesh and this difference would be less for coarser grinds and more for finer grinds 2. The closed circuit will minimise the amount of superfines and also has a tighter control on the top size. The term “open’” circuit grinding describes a system which feeds coarse material and produces a desired fine material at a continuous rate directly from the mill. Since the operation is at a steady state then the material feed rate into the mill equals the rate of material leaving the mill Some grinding machines operate as retention devices, ie. there is a hold-up of material within the mill and the mean grinding time (residence time) is equal to this hold-up weight divided by the teed rate, Hence for a constant amount of hold-up material increasing the feed rate will produce a coarser product, Decreasing the feed rate will make the product finer In general, a desired product size specification can be achieved in open circuit. However, it can also be achieved by increasing the feed rate to the mills, thereby reducing the grinding time in the mill, and passing the mill product through a size classification device called a classifier. The classifier separates the mill product stream into ‘two streams, one a fine product meeting the specification. The coarser produot stream is returned to the mill feed for regrinding, When the classifier is incorporated into a grinding system in the manner desoribed, the system is termed “closed” circuit grinding. It is the difference in size distribution between the product from an open circuit and that from a closed circuit that leads to the comminution principles. 1. In order to obtain a size distribution with the minimum proportion of fines, the ratio of coarse material returned to the mill to fine product material should be high and the classifying device should be efficient. 2. The quantity of product is increased only when a closed circuit is operated to give a product with a steeper size distribution (less fine material) for the same top size. Since the energy to operate the device is essentially constant, the specific eneray, i.e. the kWhiton is reduced, The physical reason for these effects is that the higher mass flow rate through the mill gives a relatively smaller production of fines because of the decreased grinding time. These fines are presented to the Classifier and removed from the grinding action before they can be overground. An efficient classitier is one which does not re-cycle fine material for overgrinding Removing the fines from the grinding zone can be achieved either: 1. By increasing the solid mass flow rate through the mill and using an external classifier. 2. In dry grinding — by sweeping the mill contents with gas, carrying out the fines and letting the coarse particles back into the grinding action The former is external classification to achieve an external circulation, the latter is internal classification to achieve-an internal circulation The tollowing is a discussion on basic types of closed wet and dry grinding systems The three basic types of closed circuit dry grinding systems are’ 1. Air lift systems. : 2. Air swept systems. 3, Mechanical lift systerns. The distinction between these three types of systems is the means of conveying the mill discharge to the classifier. A process and instrumentation flow diagram for the air lift system is shown on Fig. 7. For the air lift system, material is conveyed to the classifier by means of an air stream. This system has a negative pressure throughout except between Babcock Prodinet Engineering Led Process and instrumentation Fiow Diagram Dry Closed Circult Grinding Air Lift System t Fig. 7 the main fan and the main damper, where there is a slight positive pressure, therefore, a dust free application. A small quantity of vent air, normally 10 to 25% of the main fan volume, is vented to ensure that the feed end of the mill is negative, to prevent dusting and to prevent condensation in the grinding system. This system is applicable to grinding almost any material with a product specification of 40 to 80% minus 200 mesh. For feeds with a low feed moisture (of up to 5%) an air heater can be added to dry the feed in the mill and that instrumentation is shown in phantom on Fig. 7. The advantages of the air lift system are’ 4. No mechanical moving parts to convey the material. 2. The main fan has a very low dust loading, therefore wear of fan blades is not a probiem. Extreme flexibility in product size specifications, The cyclone product separator can be located over a product bin and thus provide a conveying means to storage. If the material to be ground contains a feed moisture up to 20% the air swept dry grinding system should be used and the process and instrumentation flow diagram for an air swept system is shown on Fig. 8a. The air swept grinding system is distinguished from ihe air lift system by the fact that a large quantity of air is pulled through the mill, see Fig. 8b, for classifying and drying inside of the mili with final classification being done in an external Classifier. The source of hot air for the air swept system can be an air heater, the air pre-heater of a boiler, or the firing hood of a rotary kiln. Process and instrumentation Flow Di ee i ror an ood. 1 sopety Based 1 |__|on a THEATER FEED AMBIENT. aN TA DANPER ICTUATOR, Heuer Tye ALARM 6, PUMP. MILL LeveL, CONTROLLER, BALL MILL LPALL CHARGE, Dry, Air Swept System —— TE lata FEED RATE | DIFF. PRESS. BEONTAOLLER | e CYCLONE : L (VENT FAN BEM: REET P| ER | FRLLET PUMP AIR PRODUCT é UST ouLecToR Lock Fig, Ball Mill Air Swept Babcock [Prodinct Eagii ening Led The air swept system is capable of 8% feed moisture can be handled in producing a product of 40% minus 200 _this type of system by adding hot air to mesh to 95% minus 200 mesh. The the feed end of the mill and to the major advantage of the air swept mechanical air separator. The main system over the air lift or mechanical advantage of the mechanical air air separator system is the capability of separator system is the ability to obtain drying and grinding simultaneously. The _a very fine product disadvantage of the air swept system is. There are many modifications of the. that a larger diameter mill and larger two basic types of wet closed-circuit mill bearings are required for the Same —_grinding systems. The two basic types capacity but many times this use cyclones or wet mechanical disadvantage in mill size is justified with screens. The variations in circuit design a separate unit for pre-drying the feed are control of mill feed rate, cyclone material, feed rate, specific gravity of slurry fed The process and instrumentation flow to cyclone and product size variation. A diagram for a dry, closed circuit typical process and instrumentation grinding system using a mechanical lift _ flow diagram for a wet closed circuit, Process and Instrumentation Flow Di eee ry Blosed Circuit Grinding Mechanical Lift System te rea = g Hage a. zr aoe is shown on Fig. 9. For this system a ball mill grinding system using cyclones bucket elevator is used to convey the is shown on Fig. 10, The mill discharge to the mechanical air instrumentation in this system is separator. This type of grinding circuit designed to keep a relatively constant is generally used when fine grinding is slurry specific gravity, thus maintaining required; that is, a product of 90% a product fineness variation of minus 200 mesh to 95% minus 325 approximately plus or minus 1% ona mesh. The elevator, mill and classifier 200 mesh screen. Fig. 11 shows a wet should be vented to maintain a dust- mechanical screen to classify the mill free operation. With the addition of an discharge. This system will not give as air heater, feeds up to approximately tight a control on product fineness as Process and Instrumentation Flow Diagram Closed Circuit Wet Grinding Wet Cyclone Classifiers Fig. 10 Process and instrumentation Flow Diagram Closed Circuit Wet Grinding Wet Screens Babcock Product Engines ag La) Flow Diagram of Typical KVS Airlift Grinding System a Fig. 12 the previous system because the volume fed to the classifier and the specific gravity are not as accurately controlled as in Fig. 10. This lack of contro} is not a function of the classifier because cyclones could replace the screen with approximately the same product variations. Phosphate Grinding In the manufacture of phosphate base fertilisers, it is necessary to grind the raw phosphate rock to increase the surface area, thereby reducing the reaction time in chemical processes producing superphosphates, triple Superphosphates and phosphoric acids. The trend in the industry has been to install fewer trains of larger equipment, reducing the manpower required and the number of pieces of equipment to be maintained. This trend brought into service air-lifting grinding systems in sizes up to 2,000 hp per mill These systems consist of a mechanical discharge mill combined with a suction- type air litt system and a classifier. in Fig. 12 the feed to the grinding systems is provided by a weighing-type feeder, which receives a signal from a sonic mill level controller. The feed control provided is stepless, increasing or decreasing the speed of the feeder belt to balance the system for optimum grinding efficiency and maximum, throughput The vari-mesh classifier uses air velocity, deflection of air dust streams and expansion chamber principles without use of moving parts while in operation to achieve a wide range of product fineness. Complete remote control is pravided for variation of product size. Fe Continued improvement in processing technology is resulting in the use of coarser phosphate rock for the production of phosphoric acids and superphosphates. This improved technology does not eliminate the need for phosphate rock grinding but will result in increased capacity in systems now in operation Wet phosphate grinding systems are now being used predominantly, both open and closed circuit systems are applicable with high pulp densities and relatively coarse grinds. The first installation of this type in the Florida phosphate field was a KVS rod mill (12 ft6 in x 17 ft), a KVS wet ball mill system (11 ft 6 in X 17 ft) was also the first installation in Florida producing phosphate slurry for phosphoric acid manufacturer, The trend toward larger mills, experienced in dry grinding systems, has continued with wet grinding systems. KVS has now supplied ball mills with 3,750 hp (15 ft x 30 ft 6 in) and 6,000 hp (17 ft x 37 {16 in) to the phosphate industry for open circuit wet grinding. With relatively large feed size phosphate rock, two-compartment ball mills are used for open circuit grinding. Wet Limestone Grinding In 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act in the United States established national ambient air quality standards for sulphur dioxide (SO,) emissions. Fiue gas desulfursisation (FGD) using limestone, lime or other alkaline reagents is currently the highest developed and most economical approach for control of SO. in power plant flue gas. A signiticant portion of FGD systems currently in operation use limestone as the SO, removal medium. A limestone slurry is prepared and introduced into the scrubber. The calcium carbonate in the slurry interacts with the flue gases forming calcium sulfate/sulfite. The first FGD wet limestone grinding system installed by KVS was in 1972 at TVA's Widows Creek, Alabama site. This 11 ft x 20 ft, 1,250 hp ball mill is rated at 45.4 mtph of limestone. Since then KVS has supplied the majority of wet limestone grinding mills used in FGD installations in the USA Wet limestone grinding systems can be installed in both open circuit and closed cirouit configurations, see Figs. 10 and 11. Mills operating in closed circuit with wet cyclones are capable of producing up to 95% minus 325 mesh product in a 30 to 40% soilds slurry. DAY LIMESTONE. FEED SINE GATE oRINOING wareR SUPPLY WEIGH FEEDER MILL BEARING, W MAIN PROCESS, WATER | | | | ‘Typical Flow Diagram for ha ‘Grinding Sy CLASSIFIER ARRANGEMENT Wer CvGLone omg — TAUNDER, biszaiwurion PSGysrem = pRoDUCT SLURR WIAGITATOR Fotutow water mu, sur ‘sie opeparine SLURRY PUNE, ‘STAND-BY SLURRY PUMP Fig. 18 For FGD projects the mill system includes recycling and turndown features which have been designed especially for wet limestone grinding systems. The turndown feature is a 50% reduction In product from the wet cyclones. This is accomplished by manually adjusting the weigh feeder and manually adjusting the pinch valve on the product line from the cyclones The recycling feature eliminates draining and flushing of the cyclones, piping and pumps when the product slurry tank is full and the mill is down. When the high level of the product slurry tank is reached it sends a signal to the grinding system, and the weigh feeder stops, the clutch disengages stopping product flow to the mill sump. This signal also activates the recycle cylinders in the product distributor and the cylinders are repositioned to set-up a continuous flow through the cyclones, piping and pumps until the product slurry tank calls for more slurry and the weigh feeder will start. The air clutch will then engage and the recycle cylinders will reposition and product will fiow to the product tank, see Fig. 13. Correct slurry density is maintained with a nuclear-type density meter mounted in the slurry pump discharge line. The density meter has a feedback loop to secondary water flow control. Atypical general arrangement of a wet limestone grinding system is shown in Fig. 14, Classification Introduction Generally, classification is the separation of particles dispersed in a fluid medium, usually air or water, on the basis of their “size”, into two streams — one containing coarser particles, one containing finer particles. ‘The device which does the separation is termed the classifier. When the classifier is coupled with a grinding device, the coarse stream is returned to the grinding device, the fine stream becomes the product stream of the grinding circuit Typical General Arrangement wel Limestone Grinding Systems Gee ose Fig. 14 The actual separation of the particles is achieved by combining gravitational (including centrifugal), inertial and drag forces into a series of separating mechanisms, Classifier designs take advantage of the fact that small particles fall at a slower rate than large particles; that larger particles are acted upon with greater force in a cyclonic flow than smaller particles; that smaller particles can change their direction of flow much more easily than large particles; that larger particles require a higher conveying velocity than smalier particles; or that the probability of collision with a rotary blade is higher for a larger particle than for a smalier particle. The engineer tries to design minimum mutual interference among the particles in the classification zone, so that the stream of coarse particles does not contain entrapped tine particles and vice versa. Also, it has been assumed that size is the only characteristic that varies among the particles and hence only size influences the trajectories of the particles. Obviously, other characteristics such as specific gravity or shape also affect the trajectories of the particles. if the other characteristics are the same for all particles, the effect may be only minor. On the other hand, if there is a characteristic among the particles which varies from one particle to another and influences the trajectory, such as specific gravity, then the separating is termed sorting, not classifying. If the feed is a mixture of materials with different specific gravities, then each type of material must be treated individually when predicting the classifier performance. Types of classification can be broadly catalogued as: Typically, in classification the fine product stream is usually not defined in terms of 100% passing a particular size, since in order to guarantee such an upper specification a much finer stream than is actually required is produced. Hence, the product from the classifier is usually specified as 95% Bassing, a desired size or 80% passing, etc. The performance of a ciassifier is a function of the feed material, the operating conditions, and the type of classifier designs. Variations of any of these can give results that range from excellent to poor for a given device Feed material properties which influence the performance include: Size distribution: Cumulative percent passing the designated size of the product stream control point. The narrowness of the size range {the so called near size material). Specific gravity. Rheological properties. Classifier design factores include: Type of classification. : Geometric configuration. The settings of adjustable features. Materials of construction Operating conditions include: Fluid/solid ratio. Energy input. Feed rate. Obviously, there are correlations between these factors. For example, the rheological properties of a slurry are dependent not only upon the feed material, but also the fluid-solid ratio and the rate of shear in the classifier. Not all of these factors are controllable and for any given system there will be both uncontrollable factors and uncontrollable interactions between factors. This makes it difficult to design classifiers using precise physical laws and models, and design is largely based at present on empirical experience. There are many different kinds of Classifiers, so it is convenient to break them down into common groups. First, classifying devices can be split into two overall groups on the basis of the conveying fluid — gas or liquid — dry or wet classification. Next, within each of these groups, they can be further divided according to their primary separating mechanism; e.g. centrifugal, inertial, ete. Itis not the intention to investigate or discuss all types of classification devices and so only classifiers in which solids and fiuids enter as one stream will be considered Twin-Cone Classifier The twin-cone classifier, Fig. 16, is probably the most popular type of air Classifier. This device consists of an outer cone, an inner cone equipped with adjustable vanes, a discharge pipe, a coarse product return pipe with discharge traps. . The feed stream enters the outer cone at the bottom of the classifier and passes through the adjustable vanes into the inner cone. When the vanes are fully opened, the inner cone acts as an expansion chamber, increasing the amount of solid gaing to product while decreasing the overail fineness of the product. Turning the vanes towards the Closed position causes the inner cone to act as a cyclone. The centritugal action decreases the product output while increasing the overall fineness of Fig. 16| the product. The coarse particles are directed to the bottom of the classifier and exit through the side of the inlet as shown. The product is carried out of the top of the classifier in the air stream, This type of classifier is constructed to 50 psi design pressure for coal applications. The product from the twin- cone ciassifier is controllable from 50 to 95% minus 200-mesh depending on the operating parameters. Expansion Type Classifier The expansion-type classifier, Fig. 17, is used in conjunction with air swept mills. and provides positive separation of materials by means of an expansion chamber and deflectors, Adjustable deflectors determine the fineness of the product by changing the tlow of material away from the outlet. The deflected material and air hit the end impact plate and the coarse material, due to its size, slides down the side of the classifier and into the oversize outlet and is returned to the mill tor further grinding. The desired product is carried by the air stream out of the classifier. The expansion-type classifier is used for 40 to. 90% minus 200-mesh products. KVS Expansion Classifier mare fo par 7 Fig. 17 KVS Vari-Mesh Classitier (Gross Section Showing Flow of Material Fig. 18 The classifier is designed to ensure uniformity of product and a simplicity of operation which practically eliminates maintenance. - The Vari-Mesh Classifier The vari-mesh classifier is used for fine grinding; generally in the 70 to 95% minus 200-mesh product range. The vari-mesh is used when a very high ash, iow volatile coal is fired, and therefore a finer grind is required, see Fig. 18. To operate the unit, only one port, three air dampers and a large damper within the expansion chamber need to be reset. The port at the entrance of the classifier can be opened to draw off 20% of the air and product. This port acts to reduce the air quantity in and velocity through the expansion chamber, in combination with other adjustments. When the port is closed, a coarser product is obtained. Most of the solids and a small amount of air pass through an air opening below the port and into the expansion chamber. Secondary air sweeping down three ducts which are dampered, causes the finer particles to move outward and upward to the top of the unit as product. Coarser solids continue down and out the reject opening at the bottom of the unit The air which sweeps through the lowest damper carries the fine solids into the expansion chamber and up to the product outlet. The second and third dampered duct each take off progressively finer particles before the air Stream moves to the reject opening The main control within the expansion chamber, which can be hydraulically actuated, has the greatest influence on the product size. This large damper maintains speed through the chamber and, consequently, the particle size of the product. When the gate is wide open, the finest product is obtained; closed, it produces a coarser product. Its simplicity of design, with no moving parts to wear out, practically eliminates, maintenance downtime. Centrifugal Classifier Anew classifier design employed for very fine grinding in the 60 to 98% minus 200-mesh size range. This classifer is illustrated in Fig. 19. The feed stream enters the classifier with air through the volute, concentraing the solids to'the outside as they leave the elbow. The stream is then split by a baffle as it enters the classifier into an upper particle and a lower gas stream. The particie stream is forced downward as it enters the classifier. As the conveying velocity decreases the coarse particles fall to the bottom of the classifier. The gas stream passes through the coarse stream before it exits via a seal to remove any fine particles. The particle/gas stream is then directed Upward into a centrifugal field. Adjusting the flow guide (A) such that its longest surface approaches a position parallel to the classifier entrance duct will cause more coarse maierial to enter the centrifugal field. The middling traction is separated to the outer wall and returned into the incoming particle stream. The fine stream is removed via an eccentrically placed exit pipe. The main flow guide (B) near the classifier exit has the greatest influence on the product size This flow guide controls the size fraction which exits the classifier. All adjustments can be made externally. The classifier is equipped with an access door and a safety door and it has no moving parts. Wet Classifiers Hydrocycione The hydrocyclone is a geometrically simple wet classifier (as shown in Fig. 20b) which uses centrifugal force to separate particles dispersed in @ liquid. The teed slurry, under pressure, enters a cylindrical chamber tangentially via a volute, causing a rotation of the liquid as shown in Fig. 20a. The centrifugal forces thus produced cause the particles of greater Mass to move towards the outer wall, These particles then continue in a spiral Fine a or coarse Fig. 19 Babcock [rocluict Engineering Led) paitern into the cone, where they spiral along the wall to the apex of the cone and discharge to the atmosphere as underflow. The particles of smaller mass and higher reactive drag are left nearer the centre and follow the liquid flow as it spirals upward and out as overflow through a centrally located pipe. The pipe, called the vortex-finder, projects down into the cylinder and its function is to prevent short circuiting of large particles in the feed directly to the fine particle outlet. The spiralling patterns are depicted in Fig. 200. Fine Coarse © Fig. 20 Since the solid content in the underflow is high, some portion of the fine particles are not separated and they pass down the wall with the underflow. These fine particles are referred to as “void filling"’ material, and appear as if they by-pass the classification action. Different particle size separations can be achieved by changing the diameter of the cylinder chamber, the percent solids of the feed and the total volume feed rate. Typically, the feed stream to a hydrocyclone is 30% solids by volume; the fine stream would be around 15% solids by volume Sieve Bend Screens are not normally used to produce a fine product because the efficiency and capacity per unit area decline as the opening size becomes smaller. The sieve bend is a special Feed a ™.... Fine Fig. 24 type of wet screening device. The “screen” is a slotted deck made of stainless steel wedge bar oriented at right angles to the direction at which the solid-liquid slurry streams cross the screen. The feed slurry is fed evenly across the entire width of the deck, tangentially to the screen. The full stream of slurry flowing over the sieve bend decreases in depth in increments of about one-quarter of the siot width each time it passes a slot. The result is a separation of the feed solids at a size considerably smaller than the opening in the sieve bend. The curved surface, see Fig. 21, is only important to insure that the slurry layer stays in contact with the screen surface. The specific gravity of the particles has no influence on the fineness at which they are screened. The slurry of water and fines is collected in the effluent chamber from where it is piped for further processing, The cake is discharged over the lip of the sieve bend and returned to the mill. This cake will contain some partion of the fine particles as “void filling” material Finer slot widths in the sieve band produce finer particle separations. As with the hydrocyclone, the feed stream is usually below 30% solids by volume. Two-Stage Classification Since the development of single-stage Classifiers performances far superior to current industrial devices is not likely, an alternative approach is to accept the limitations of one-stage classification, and attempt to correct them by reclassification of the impure stream in a separate independent step. This approach is being pursued both in wet and dry classification. Although there are various arrangements of two classifiers in series, normaily the serial configuration employed is one where the coarse stream from the first classifier is fed to the second classifier and both fine streams are combined. The overall fine recovery for such two- stage classification is the sum of the individual classifier fine recoveries minus their product. However, in closed circuit grinding, the interaction with the size reduction device must also be taken into account before increased throughput with less fines can be achieved Grinding devices with indirect internal Classification which are closed with an external classifier automatically incorporate two-stage classification circuits. However, in this case the two- design based around standard components for economic reasons. The following describes the various mill components and the general design features of the mills. It should be noted that components are selected for the optimum process and mechanical reguirements of each individual application. Feed Arrangements Fig. 22 shows various feed arrangements that are used on our mills, Fig. 22a shows the air swept mill feed box; this arrangement has a large diameter inside of the teed sleeve to allow a large quantity of air to enter the mill for sweeping the ground product. The feed sleeve contains spiral flights to convey the material to be ground into the mill proper. The air swept mill feed arrangement is used only with air swept ball mills. Fig. 22b shows a combination double scoop and drum feeder for wet mill. Provided the sump is maintained at oo Feeder Arrangements " “i eae St Fig. 22 stage classification arrangement is one in which the fine stream from the first classification action is reclassified and the two coarse streams combined. The fine stream from the second classification action is the product stream. The overall fine recovery from this two-stage arrangement is the product of the individual classifier fine recoveries. Mechanical Components and General Design The approach to engineering and manufacturing of mills is a custom a constant level, the double scoop feeder will charge a constant volume of slurry to the ball or rod mill. The ~ trunnion is lined with spiral flights to convey the slurry into the mill proper. The drum feeder as shown in Fig. 22 allows a feed chute or any device to place material inside the drum and then it is carried by spiral flights into the mill proper. The drum or the combination scoop and drum feeder are normally used for wet grinding rod or ball mills, with the advantage of high material level in the mill. Fig. 22d shows a feed chute for a wet mill. This feed chute is Babcock ae rahe Bo Fig. 23 smalier in diameter than for a dry chute and a higher slurry level is maintained in the mill by means of the feed sleeve. Fig. 22e shows a retractable feed chute used for dry grinding. A dry grinding mill requires a larger feed chute because some of the material enters the top portion of the feed chute and air is pulled into the bottom portion of the feed chute to keep the mill under a negative pressure for dust suppression. Discharge Arrangements Rod mill and ball mill discharge arrangements are shown in Fig. 23. Fig. 23a shows an overflow discharge for wet ball or rod mills. The mill trunnion is lined with a discharge sleeve; a trommel screen extension separates the slurry to a sump. The air swept mill discharge arrangement as shown in Fig. 23b is only used with air swept mill and the feed arrangement on Fig. 22a. The mill trunnion is lined with reversing spiral flights to return balls and material, too large to be carried by the air stream, back into the mill. This is the only discharge arrangement where the material leaves the mill entrained in the air stream. A dry-grinding ball mill generally uses a discharge arrangement as shown on Fig. 23e. This discharge arrangement consists of: (a) Discharge grate with openings through which the ground material passes. (b) Lifters which convey the material. (c) Discharge cone. (d) Discharge trunnion sleeve liner. Normally the trunnion discharge sleeve has a trommel screen extension which would reject oversize material and ball fragments through a reject chute. The finely ground powder will pass through the trommel screen and out through the large discharge opening When a high capacity, coarse grind is required in a rod mill, a peripheral discharge is used. Large radial holes through the mill shell and shell liners are located around the circumference of the mill. Through these openings the material will pass into a discharge hood and collection hopper. The peripheral discharge can be located at the centre of the mill and the mill fed from both ends or it can be located at one end. The peripheral discharge arrangement is shown on Fig. 23d. Discharge Grate Assembly* Discharge grate assembly consists of trunnion sleeve made of ASTM A-48, Class 40 iron; lifters made of ASTM. A-48, Class 50 coast iron; and screen plate with self-cleaning type slots made of cast Cr-Mo steel. Mill Shell The mill shells are manufactured from structural grade steel and all welds are stress relieved prior to machining, Mill Heads Mill heads can be of the fully integral head and trunnion design or a cast trunnion which is bolted to the inverted flange of the mill shell. For either design a fully annealed cast-iron head and trunnion is supplied. The flange joints and trunnions are machined to a perfect concentricity for a true alignment upon erection. Friction is minimised by a fully polished trunnion surface. All trunnions and heads are x-rayed to ensure quality castings. Fig. 24 shows the fully integral cast head and trunnion. Trunnion liners can be supplied to suit the application in cast iron, fabricated steel or rubber. Fig. 24 Fig. 25 All materials refered to are typical and may ‘be changed at the dscration of BPEL who ‘ay choose fo use UK equivalent or beter Mill Bearing* Fig. 26 shows the mill bearing. Each bearing has a removable, self aligning, babbitied insert, Babbitted inserts are used because they will not damage the trunnion when there is a malfunction of the lubrication system; the inserts can be readily replaced. Bronze inserts are also used, particularly in the mining industry when bearing pressures exceed 250 psi. Sub-plates beneath the pedestals simplify alignment of the mill and gearing. Bearing cooling is undertaken by water jacketed inserts for bronze bearings and cooling coils of corrosion resistant Cu Ni alloy for babbitted bearings. Hydrodynamic Bearing Lubrication — Integral Design Oil ring assembly is integral with mill head trunnion. The oil ring dips into the reservoir and elevates the oil to the top of the bearing where it is transferred to the trunnion by a spring-loaded wiper. The system includes a high lift pump for use at start-up which elevates and floats the mill on an oil film to reduce starting torque to a minimum and to improve operational life. Hydrostatic Bearing Lubrication — External Design The lubrication system is complete with an oll reservoir, high-pressure pump for high lift and jow-pressure pump for lubrication, temperature and pressure indicators, heaters, strainers, oil cooler, controls, and other related auxiliary equipment. All components are shop assembled on common support base and tested. Mill Liners Shell liners are carefully selected to give the highest performance for the Grinding job to be done, All components are simply replaced and sized for ease of handing. Among the many types available are: (a) Single wave, generally used in rod mills and the first compartment of the bail mill where large balls are required. With a single wave liner, typically the number of lifts per circle is equal to twice the mill diameter in feet ‘i (b) Lorain (US Steel trademark) are a two-piece lift bar and plate lining. Bolts through the lift bars hold the liner securely to the shell (c) Corrugated liners are typically used in small mills running at relatively high speed, such as air-swept mills, and fine grinding applications. (d) Rubber linings are frequently used in wet grinding applications where the mill feed is small and large balls are not required. Rubber liners are also used in some coarse feed Babcock rode? & applications where noise reduction is a primary consideration. Fig. 26 shows the five basic liner configurations, as discussed above. A backing of mill board or linatex is used between the shell and the liner. Grinding Media For a ball mill the grinding media consist of high carbon forged steel heat-treated balls having a Brinel of 550/650 for long life. Balll life or ball consumption varies considerably with type of application, with a range of 0.05 to 1.0 Ibs of ball per ton of product ground. Balls can be added to the ball mill during operation. Double Plate Partition* Used in multicompartmented mills of double-plate construction with slots in the feed side plates. Lifter frame made of ASTM A-36 structural steel with abrasion-resistant plate liners on surfaces exposed to product, The cone as weil as the plates and grates are made of cast Cr-Mo steel Note: In rubber lined mills, the partition is also of rubber construction. Mill Drive (a) With high-speed motor, couplings, speed reducer, pinion and gear. (b) With low-speed motor, couplings, pinion and gear. (c) With wound-rotor motor, couplings, speed reducer, pinion and gear. Gear Guard Of all welded sectional steel fabrication equipped with seals, inspection door and provisions for mounting gear lube assembly. Gear and Pinion* Reversible helical. Pinion made of forged steel, heat treated and integral with shaft. The gear is made of cast steel or fabricated from E-1045-ESR steel per AGMA design standards. Gear Lubrication Gear lubrication is by automatic air- operated spray type, complete with nozzle assembly, control timer, pump assembly, lube and air hoses. Spray Fig. 26 nozzles are incorporated into the gear guard. All electrical components are NEMA 4. Lubrication is controlled by the Kennedy Van Saun type "KSL” controller which ensures positive flow of lubricant to the gear. The "KSL” controller is totally enclosed and includes: 1. Lube frequency timer. 2. Lubrication counter which can be pre-set for the number of distribution valve cycle switch operations per lube cycle. 3. Alarm timer and relay. 4. Test button. 5. Red alarm light. Installation Mills are, whenever practical, shipped from our works partially assembled in order to facilitate more rapid erection. In order to have the proper location and "Al materials refered to are typical and may be changed a he discretion of BPEL who may choose fo use UK equivalent or bate. dimensions of all support piers in relation to the elevations of the units being installed suitable drawings illustrating the foundation bolt hole locations for the mill and allied equipment are supplied with each order, along with fully detailed mill erection instructions. It is recommended that the excavations for the foundations, particularly under the piers for main bearings, should be sufficiently deep to reach solid footing Maintenance in order to maximise availability and minimise downtime a periodic schedule should be established for inspection and maintenance of the mill A typical schedule is given below which should be either adopted or modified to suit actual plant procedure Check the Following Items Daily: 1. Oil level of main bearings. 2. Oil level of pinion shaft bearings. 3. Amount of lubricant in container of gear spray system or level in oil Sump on oiling pinion arrangement. 4, Contact of oil wipers against oil rings, particularly when mill is at operating temperature, daily for a period of one week, monthly thereatter. 5. On new mills, check the spray pattern of the gear spray system Gaily for a period of one week, monthly thereafter. 6. On new mills tighten all liner bolts daily until they are fully seated and cannot be further tightened. A coal mill firing a kiln cannot be shut down daily for tightening liner bolts. initial funning-in of mill with balls and tightening of liners after each run should suffice, Check the Following Items Weekly: 1. Check the contact pattern of the gear and pinion. If adjustment is required, it is generally easier to shift the entire mill on its sole plate than to upset the alignment of the pinion with the motor. 2. Clean around the bearings, gears, motor and ali moving parts where dirt accumulation could work in and cause wear. Clean more often, if required Check the Following Items Monthly: 1, Shell liners — wear of these can best be determined by measuring across the mill, This dimension should be recorded when the liners are new and a rate of wear can be determined by subsequent measurement. 2. The thickness of the head liners should be measured and recorded. 3. Check all bolts for tightness, particularly the shell liner, head liner, foundation bolts and hold-down bolts of all bearings and motors. 4, If a magnetic or air clutch is furnished, check the liner gap and adjust for wear, if required. 5. Check the spray pattern of the gear spray system for proper coverage of the gear face. 6. Inspect the water cooling hydraulic lift hoses for abrasion or twisting which could cause eventual breakage. Technical Data Dry Grate Discharge Ball Mills Table} Wet Overflow Ball Mills Tabie2 Wal TD __Elecive MilSppedSalcharge Motor Tp, Eieeive Wilpers Bailoa'ge 1S" onetivn Cong) NAMB" Tongan Ne" nehon _tenainity_— Mini? Faraone 0 30 45 354 i 7 30 50 sa eH 5 30 es Ba ta 1 30 75 as a6 2 a0. ao En 7! 20 ao 45 Be 20 25 ao Ee. Be Be 25 a0 ss Ed Bs x 30 50 Be ar 20 a0 as 28 Bt cy 5 as Ba eg w 30 15, 26 a7 = 50 55 Boe ry so 50 60 364 50 © 5o es 35a 5a @ ct 79) 364 5B 75 60 5s ma 5a = 30 EG 25 72 700) 60 70 28 a7 ic 50 7a) 23a mH 135 60 35 we To 138 Bo 30 738) ira 70 70 7 zig is 150 79 ZI 219) 187 200 70 700) 219 159 20 70) aa 719) 185) 250 30 80 204 180 0 oo 30) 2a 29 30 3D 719, Za me Em 20 i ET} 251 560 0 185) ea ae 30 30 35 192 ar 00 30 09) 192, 313 0 30 iio 182, 35) 7 ae i 92 so 70 30 125, 182 3 300 20 25 792, 36 0 70 105 e) on} eo 100 120) va waa 0 70a 125) is) 185 700190 120 721 Bis Te “a0, 150. isi 0 ato 100 160 87 a2 200 To 135) in ee 00 wt 145 W79 car 0 ino 150. ira Ta joo 160 173) 723 T000 ino 7 73 oI 1350 726 160 165 a6 1.250 120) 165) 75 wea 1500 730 185, 165) 28 1.500 180) 165 68 fire 750 130 as ise 1208 1750 140 160) 152 wa 7.000 is 210 358) 1383 000 140) 185 82 1536 2200 120) 330 =e aa 2280 746) 2s 152 745 2500 140 B25 52 i685 2500 160) 798 147 1068 000 150 20 “ar 28 3.000 150) 235) az 2254 S00 760 70 sag 2203 3.50 160 255) a2 2572 4.000 rao 250 142 2861 000 160 20 12 2383 300 70 255 1092807 500 7 360 138 aes 8.000 760 20 aa 310.1 5,000 0 250 138 387, 5500 80 70 aa 6) 500 60 280 134 308 6.000 160) 285 ‘oa are eae 769 as rat 255; Air Swept Ball Mills for Coal Tabled ra 10. Hea Bai oo Se BessAyton STH Cass ator Ste iain chee ey "cor See Se th i 8» mn Seale (Bi) 1 t Th cE 255 300 amis a 70 7 3 Zu 23 3.00 Tas 5 20 7 7 28 2a 700 2850 @ 250 3 on 22 Be 72300 7235) @ ‘xo 2 i 387 Be 25505 1455 7 0 = 2 a5) az 31.600 7.450 Gy 200 : 10 ae ae 36.000 8.860 = a0 = 1a ara Be a0 s00 368 = 300 70 1 eo Zt 2500 24800 # eto i 1 Ta za 5300 2200 a 706) 1 1s m0 8 e200 34260 ioe 0 i a0 180 Tia55 36.30 ioe 300 1 WH joa 76 73300 75500 1 eF 60 16 16 1226 76, 39,700 8.500 28) 1250 12 78 50 72 78600 a 1.500 13 18 cn] 182, 735100 or i760 ie 2 2220 Ee 756000 an 2000 i zi 2300 18a) 180.00, 2 The above thvoughputs are aie ia standard condlons fr Goal, 70% passing 7S micron 80 Haragrove, 18 ope gray.

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