Learning Styles Assignment

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Unit 1


Period: 4

Career Development

Date: 5/9/2016

Learning Styles Assessment

1. Go to this web address: http://www.educationplanner.org/students/selfassessments/learning-styles.shtml
2. Take the test.
3. Take the 2 highest learning styles and go to the internet and find their
meanings and ways to learn. List them below.
Tactile 65% You learn by using movement and by doing hands-on
experiments or activities. Ways to learn include making games out of
it, hands-on projects, and moving while you learn (through physical
activities or through the project or game itself)
Visual 20% You learn through visual concept such as imagery or
artistic techniques and associate information with such things. Some
ways these people learn are through mind maps, and by using a lot of
color in their work.
4. Think of teachers now and in your past and list any that use these learning
Mrs. Widner
Mrs. Collier
Coach D. Cross
Coach Crow
Coach Boswell
5. Now that you are aware of your learning styles and multiple intelligences,
how can you improve on how you learn and study?
I can use more ways such as arts and imagery to help me learn, as well as the
hands-on projects and making sports or games out of the information.

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