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This Post defines the simple process on how to setup automatic daily backup of
ODI Master and Work Repository. This process is especially important where there is
no backup or improper schedule backup is carried out by DBAs.


Export Master Repository using ODIEXPORTMASTER

Export Work Repository using ODIEXPORTWORK
Refresh the Variable SYSDATE
Delete the Required day files using ODIDELETEFILE
Finally Send Mail for notification ( optional)


Provide your target directory and give the zip file_name as

This way Exported Master Repository is saved with Meaningful
Filename and Date of the backup.

Repeat the above process for ODIEXPORTWORK

Provide your target directory and give the zip file_name as


Sample output of the above files.

Creating daily such Exports of Repository wont be an ideal

solution, so its good to delete the old archive and keep just two
days of archive .

To do so , Please follow these simple steps.

Create a variable named SYSDATE and write a following query

Here iam using -2 as i want to keep just two days of files and
delete all the previous day files.Change this value according to
your need.

Call ODIFILEDELETE to delete the required files.

The Filename * will delete the required day file.

so if the sysdate is 23-09-2009 , the above command will delete
21-09-2009 files.
This simple procedure would enable you to have a simple backup
of the Master and Work Repository especially in condition where
there is no proper backup of Development database or backup is
not being carried out at proper interval.
Schedule the Package using ODI Scheduler and schedule it
accordingly and add odisendmail for any success or failure
[ Note : No write permission should be given any ODI developer in
the Archived Folder so that no one deletes the above file
accidentally or corrupt them with improper handling. Only ODI
should be have write access to this Folder]
If any error occurred and you are not being able to recover the
Database or Repository ,these backup files can come into handy
and using the right Import procedure the whole Development box
can be brought back to action. Please keep looking into future post
of for how to do a proper Import without
affecting objects Internal Id .

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