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Case # 16-05-0225 Warrant! 20/6 AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF CLAY BEFORE ME, The undersigned authority, on this day appeared the undersigned affiant, who afier being duly swom by me, on oath stated; My name is Jody Polvado a commissioned peace officer within the laws of the state of Texas, employed by the Clay County Sheriff's Office, located at 215 W. Gilbert St., Henrietta, Texas, 76365, and I have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about 17th day of May, 2016, GEORGE. COTY WAYMAN, W/M DOB: 09-10-97, SS#369583872, defendant did then and there commit the offense of Capital Murder , a violation of Texas Penal Code section 19.03, (a)(8) Capital Felony. AFFIANTS BELIEF IS BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FACTS AND INFORMATION, TO WIT: On May 17, 2016 at 2:56 p.m., the Clay County Sheriff's Office received a 911 call from fifth wheel travel trailer located on the property of 4784 Buffalo Springs Rd., Bellevue, Clay County, Texas. The 911 caller reported that a three (3) year old child was shot in the head and is believed to be dead. The travel trailer was occupied by several people at the time of the incident and is currently under investigation. Captain James Tannahill arrived at the scene with emergency medical responders. The child was identified as Dominic Tra’ Juan Castro, W/M DOB: 08-31-12, and is the child of an occupant of the trailer identified as Vernonica Rene Castro, W/F DOB: 07-22-85. The child was taken to United Regional Hospital in Wichita Falls Texas. On May 18, 2016 at approximately 10:34 a.m. the child was pronounced deceased from the gun shot injury sustained in the travel trailer. Investigators interviewed eyewitnesses in the bedroom at the time of this incident and have determined that WAYMAN is the individual that pointed and discharged the handgun that caused the death of the victim. The white travel trailer was processed for evidence and the evidence in the south bedroom of the trailer corroborates the witness account. It is the belief of the Affiant that on or about 17th day of May, 2016, GEORGE COTY WAYMAN, WM DOB: 09-10-97, SS#369583872 did commit the offense of Capital Murder, a Violation of Section 19.03 of the Texas Penal Code a Capital Felony. WHEREFORE AFFIANT REQUEST THAT A WARRANT OF ARREST be issued for GEORGE COTY WAYMAN, W/M DOB: 09-10-97, S$#369583872, for the offense of Capital Murder, a violation of section 19.03 (a)(8) of the Texas Penal Code, a Captal Felony. AGAINST THE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, _(Z%, AFFIANT ORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME BY Sergeant Jody Polvado , A credible person, This day of May, 2016, 1 Magistrate inffAd for Clay County Texas

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