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f ibreworks 2010 A biennial juried exhibition of Canadian fibre art

September 11 - October 31, 2010


Visual Artist, Toronto Director, David Kaye Gallery, Toronto


1. Open to all Canadian artists. Limit of 3 entries per artist. Deadline for entry is: June 25, 2010.

2. Eligible works include any artwork where fibre or textile is the principle element. All work must have been completed by the artist within the last two years.
All works must be of reasonable size, ready to install and available to ship within Canada.

3. Each entry may be represented by up to 3 images including details. Each image must be numbered and include the name of the artist and title of each artwork.
Please submit images on CD, saved as RBG compatible JPEG files — image size: 1024 x 768 pixels, resolution: 72 dpi.

4. Please include a brief statement (75 words max.) describing each submitted artwork and a 1 page CV. Submissions will not be returned.

5. The jurors' selection takes place in two stages.

Stage I: A shortlist will be compiled from digital entries. Shortlisted artists will be notified of the jurors' decision by July 30.
Stage II: Shortlisted applicants will need to arrange to have their artwork delivered to the gallery for the final selection prior to August 20.
The gallery will cover the cost of shipping and return of all shortlisted entries.

6. Final selections will be made at the discretion of the jurors. All decisions are final.

7. Finalists will receive an honourarium of $75 for each artwork selected.

8. The Jurors' Award will be announced at the opening reception on Saturday, September 11 at 2:30 pm.

FIBREWORKS ENTRY FORM Please print. Complete form and forward along with labelled CD, brief statements and one page CV to Cambridge Galleries by June 25, 2010.

Name: ___________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

City: ____________________________________ Province: _________________________________ Postal Code: ______________________________

Telphone: _________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

Submission 1 Submission 2 Submission 3

Title: _________________________________ Title: _________________________________ Title: _________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Medium: _______________________________ Medium: _______________________________ Medium: _______________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Dimensions: H_______ W_______ D_______ cm. Dimensions: H_______ W_______ D_______ cm. Dimensions: H_______ W_______ D_______ cm.

Date: _____________ Value: $ _____________ Date: _____________ Value: $ _____________ Date: _____________ Value: $ _____________

No. of images submitted: ________ No. of images submitted: ________ No. of images submitted: ________

I have read and agree to the conditions of entry. Signature: ____________________________________________________________________________

Return Entries to:

FIBREWORKS 2010, c/o CAMBRIDGE GALLERIES T: 519.621.0460 F: 519.621.2080
1 North Square, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, N1S 2K6 Cambridge Galleries are supported by the City of Cambridge, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council

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