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Artist Bio:

____(name)______________ is currently in grade _(#)____ student in _________(name

teacher) _____________ class at St. Gregory School. ___(name)__________was born in
____(place born)____ and has lived in Regina for __(# of years) ___. _______ (name)
believes that tattoos are __________________________________. The meaning behind
the symbols on ___________(names)______ tattoos are as follows: (explain symbols
here and why you put them on your design.)
The greatest challenge __(name)_____faced during this project was
_________________________. ____(names) ______ part of the project he/she is most
proud of is _________________________________. If __(name)______ was to do this project
again, he/she would __________________________________________________.

(names)__________________ favourite type of art is _(form) __________________ and

favourite artist is __(name artist)____ because __(explain why like
artist)________________________. One thing ____(name)_____ learned from this project
was _____________________.

A medium ___(name)________________ would like to try in the future is _______(art

material love to try)____.

_______(name)________ would like to be a ___(profession)__________ when

_____(name)____________ is an adult.
(name)_________________________ believes art teaches you ______________ ___(what
can art teach you?)

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