SVN: "Small Is Beautiful" vs. "Scale Matters"

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Love for Jay over Time

Right now

GIIRS/White House

Jay’s bright plenary idea

Benefit Corp

300 B Corps

Birth RIP

Scale matters

3 examples 1 myth
• Wal Mart • Local = Better

• $1/kwh

• 3,000,000,000
Local = Better?

• the myth of food miles

• the story of Jerry Turner

• some stats about impact

Some stats about impact

  Normal Co.’s BALLE Co.’s B Corps

Total Score 81 - 83 2% 105 30%

Accountablty 63 - 57 -10% 73 16%

Employees 57 - 56 -2% 62 9%

Consumers 43 - 48 12% 53 23%

Community 38 - 39 3% 41 8%

Environment 49 - 52 6% 58 18%
Some more stats about impact

  Normal Co.’s BALLE Co.’s B Corps


Employees 57 - 56 -3% 62 9%
& Benefit 57 - 54 -5% 63 10%
Ownership 29 - 21 -28% 30 5%
Environment 72 - 74 2% 80 11%

Community 38 - 39 2% 41 6%
Local 64 - 69 8% 63 -2%
Diversity 40 - 33 -18% 39 -3%
Charity /
Service 25 - 26 3% 31 25%
Ask the right questions

Low vs High Impact?

Small v Scale? +

One-off vs Systemic?
Systemic Change Driven by
High Impact Companies

Public Policy
• changing corporate law – Benefit Corp
• creating incentives – B Corp tax break
B Corps

Impact Investing
• GIIRS – creating an asset class

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