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Bailey McLaughlin

Ms. Kirschner
English II
18 November 2015
Jordan Belfort
The door to the court room being flung open from within, and out of the large oaken
doorframe stepped a handcuffed man rather short in stature, with an almost disappointed twinkle
in his eye. Following closely behind was the court clerk, a sad old man that represents the
epitome of being close to retirement; he forced the man down the concrete stairs of the building
into the flashes of cameras. On his other arm is his concubine, a beautiful woman wearing a
plain black silk dress with a V-neck that dipped too far for comfort.
The man began to hide behind the woman, who was suddenly dazed by all the
photographers. Although, soon the man realized that it was pointless and came out from his
hiding place, only to receive many gasps. Embroidered on the mans coat was an M, stitched
with immense precision. The singular letter was depicted as twelve hundred dollar bills woven
together with a plethora of pennies gushing out of the sides of the crest. These coins represent
their actual selves, reflective and eye catching, toting the fateful phrase, In God We Trust. As
the man made his way to the police car awaiting him below, the flashes of xenon lights and cries
of the mistress losing her lover both became more intense. Reaching the bottom, the man
disappeared into the car and was driven off passed the horizon.

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