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Carlos Hernandez

English 1101
Prof Bowers
17 May 2016
I havent taken an English class since my senior year in
high school back in 2010. Taking this course was a refresher that
will help me out in my next few years of college. Some of the
areas that I feel I improved on is Revising, editing, and
proofreading, Development of a text, and summarizing.
I always had a problem with run on sentences and until
recently I have not had a clear answer as to what exactly a run
on sentence is. In this years English class I learned some
valuable editing skills and the peer reviews that we had in class
also helped out in finding the mistakes that we miss when
When it comes to writing I seem to have trouble clearly
explaining my point and it usually resulted in my paper being
unorganized. Writing the assignments and receiving feedback from
both peers, and the one on one conferences really helped me out
in breaking down the information and organizing it into a text
that expressed my thought clearly.

Lastly incorporating and correctly citing a summary and

quotations is something that I have forgotten over the years and
this class gave me a refresher. I know that in my future English
classes I will be required to cite sources that I found my
information and now I know how to properly incorporate them.
The semester went overall well and Im glad that I received
this information that will help me out in the future. Writing for
me was always a challenge and this class helped me write out my
thoughts into a clear and organized text.

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