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Alexis Cortazar

Cortazar 1

English 1
16 May 2013
Romeo & Juliet Compare & Contrast paper
Life is hard for many teenagers. In the tragic play Romeo & Juliet by William
Shakespeare, the two main characters of Romeo & Juliet experience many problems. Violence
and suicide are problems in the play and in present day 2013 that teenagers experience. Violence
and suicide are problems in Romeo and Juliet and today.
Violence & suicide are problems that many teens face today and in shakespearean
times.The problems is the same now and back then because teens kill their enemies. In Romeo &
Juliet, Romeo kills Paris for also being in love with Juliet.The problem in 2013 is the same
because a teen can kill a person who also loves their beloved one. Suicide is another problem in
these two times and all for love. In Romeo & Juliet, he commits suicide by drinking a potion
when he thinks Juliet is dead, so does Juliet when she finds him dead. Today teens commit
suicide for been depressed or rejected by someone. While there are similarities there are also
differences with these two problems.
Even there are similarities, there are also differences with the problems. A difference of
the problem is violence. In Romeo & Juliet violence is done for whatever reason. In 2013
violence is done for love, gangs, and more. The second difference is how they commit suicide. In
the play, suicide is committed by taking a potion and by stabbing themselves with a dagger. Now
in day suicide is committed by jumping of a bridge,and shooting themselves. All problems are
the same, but also have differences.

Violence and suicide are problems now and in the play Romeo and Juliet. These two
Cortazar 2
problems are the same in the way they are done. Also the difference is the way suicide is
done back then as in today.All teenagers have a life with problems.

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