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Thursday 19th of May 2016

EDFD462 Lecture and tutorial 11

Pre-service teacher Cybersmart program reflection
In todays lecture, we had a guest speaker named Greg Gebhart from The Office
of the Children's eSafety Commissioner, present the Cybersmart Pre Service
Teacher Program. This program is part of the Federal Government's national
cyber safety strategy, endorsed by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT).
The areas he addressed included; cyber safety in the relation to professional
standards 4 and 7, professional conduct for teachers and protection for ourselves
as pre-service teachers and as graduate teachers, current trends in schools in
relation to students internet use, safe social media networking, cyberbullying
and the legal implications of using online technology in the classroom.
In the tutorial, Greg worked with us also, engaging us in scenario-based
learning activities. Greg informed us of safe teaching practices, in relation to
practical strategies for integrating cyber safety into the curriculum and
classroom practice, as well as duty of care management in relation to students
internet and ICT use.
The presentation and engagement in this program, strongly informed my
professional knowledge and skills in addressing cyber-safety with students,
which I will definitely apply in future teaching experiences.

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