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EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236

The development of an individual teaching philosophy is influenced by many factors.
This essay discusses research into the issues that shape a teacher and their beliefs.
These issues include self-reflection by teachers and students, the use of assessment
for learning to inform individualised learning, the development of critical investigative
thinking and citizenship and the creation of safe learning environment. A deeper
understanding of these issues, and how they shape an individual teaching
philosophy, has been gained as a result of undertaking this research.

Both teacher and student reflection is important in improving teaching practices and
student learning. By engaging in critical self-reflection of their own teaching methods
and styles, teachers are able to identify what went well in the lesson and areas that
need to be improved to enhance students' learning. Killen (2013) asserts that
through reflection teachers can improve students' learning as a result of their
improved teaching skills. As a result of reflecting on one's self as a teacher, a
teacher can assess if they are continuing to follow their teaching philosophy and, if
not, determine how best to get back on track or whether their philosophy has
expanded. It is through the skills of reflective practice that teachers need to continue
their process of professional development (Jones, & Jones, 2013) to be the best
teacher they possibly can be for their students. Both teachers and students are
continuous, life-long learners and it is through reflection that we learn, as Dewey
(1938) stated, 'we do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on
experience' (as cited in Sammaknejad, & Marzban, 2016).
Through self-reflection on their learning, students are able to identify any gaps in
their knowledge and where they need to focus future efforts in order to enhance their

EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236
understanding. Teachers are able to model and scaffold self-reflection for students
and help them reflect on themselves, their learning and accomplishments to assist in
interpreting their progress and areas of focus (Elder, 2010). It is through
understanding their progress and identifying areas of focus that students have the
ability to 'set meaningful learning goals and develop themselves to achieve those
learning goals' (Chueachot, Srisa-ard, & Srihamongkol, 2013, p.122). Using
reflective practices in the classroom benefits both teachers and students as it
provides a method for critically self-assessment of their progress against teaching
and learning goals.

The use of formative assessment tools, such as assessment for learning, in the
classroom provides students with the opportunity to be involved in their learning. The
use of both formal and informal formative assessments also provides teachers with
qualitative insight into students' understandings (Antoniou, & James, 2014), identifies
any gaps in their learning and informs future lesson planning. It is through
assessment for learning that students are able to set learning goals for themselves in
regards to what they want to achieve. The use of this assessment strategy 'actively
engages students in assessment and the learning process with the goal of achieving
set learning goals' (DeLuca, Luu, Sun, & Klinger, 2012, p.6). This assessment
strategy provides students with the feedback necessary for them to improve their
learning as it aims to move students along a growth pathway, enhancing students'
learning (Brown, Harris, & Harnett, 2012). Through appropriate feedback, students
are able to identify gaps in their learning, where they need to improve and how to go
about improving those areas. The use of formative assessments, in the form of

EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236
assessment for learning, is a vital tool in providing teachers with further insights into
and understanding of students' learning. It also provides a means for students to
receive vital feedback into their progress, gives greater involvement into how and
what they learn and ultimately provide a better learning experience.

Students are diverse learners and individualised learning provides students with the
opportunity to have differentiated learning experiences to help them reach their full
potential. Individualised learning is an important teaching approach as the teacher
recognises the pace of learning needs to be adapted to the abilities and interests of
individual students. It is through differentiating learning that teachers are able to
'recognise and teach according to different student talents and learning styles'
(Morgan, 2014, p.34). By identifying the individual needs, values and capabilities of
each student, teachers are able to understand how those students learn best and
personalise learning to achieve greater engagement and learning (Deed, Cox,
Dorman, Edwards, Farrelly, Keefe, Lovejoy, Mow, Sellings, Prain, Waldrip, & Yager,
2014). Because students learn differently and at different rates, by recognising that
there is no one size fits all approach to learning teachers are able to provide richer
learning experiences and more opportunities for students to reach their full potential
by becoming successful learners. It is through the implementation of individualised
learning that students not only take responsibility for their learning, but also become
inspired and are encouraged to set their own learning goals and track their learning
progress (Lindy-Anne, 2015).

EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236
By encouraging students to become critical thinkers and active citizens in society,
they become more aware of what is happening around them. Research
demonstrates that the development of critical thinking abilities contributes to students
becoming active citizens in society. This is supported by Gordon (n.d.) who states
that developing investigative and thinking skills of students, contributes to their ability
to participate effectively in society. It is through the establishment of critical thinking
skills that, over time, students will be able to make their own decisions and engage in
problem solving. Burke & Williams, (2008, p.105) views critical thinking as being
central to problem solving and decision making. This is an important step for
students in becoming active citizens. To foster critical thinking and active citizenship,
students need to engage in real-life issues in which they can make observations and
judgements to learn how to act, or react. In providing these real-life issues in the
learning environment, students are 'encouraged to make sense of their world'
(Brooks, & Thompson, 2005, p.48) not only in the classroom, but in the wider

In establishing a learning environment for students it needs to promote and support

students in their learning. In addition to this, the learning environment also needs to
support and promote equity and social justice where every child is valued and
accepted, irrespective of their background, and what they bring to the classroom is
understood. Allen (1997) states that schools need to take a firm stance in
maintaining positive social and cultural identity of all students. To provide a positive
environment for students, teachers need to believe that students can reach their full
potential. It is through believing that students can learn that teachers are able to

EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236
provide rich learning experiences to assist in their learning (Jorgensen, & Niesche,
2008). Research into the creation of learning environments for students, emphasises
the importance of creating an environment where students feel safe. This
environment must be one where students feel safe to take risks in their learning and
make mistakes, as they will not take risks in an unsafe environment (Sharma, 2015).
It is within this environment that we have to teach values and respect, in order to
make the classroom physically and emotionally safe for students to learn. When
turning the classroom into a safe environment, teachers need to take into
consideration the 'many factors of life that students bring into the classroom,
considering that respect and other values are not necessarily brought in with them.'
(Miller, & Pedro, 2016, p.294). It is important that we create an environment that is
not only safe, but one that also recognises students and provides many opportunities
for their learning.

In conclusion, research into the areas of reflection, assessment strategies and

individualised learning in a safe environment has informed further knowledge of the
role of beliefs in an individual teaching philosophy. Self reflection for both teachers
and students is an important learning strategy that can improve overall teaching
practices and, in turn, enhance students' learning. The use of the assessment
strategy, assessment for learning, provides teachers with a better understanding of
each student's learning progress and promotes student involvement in setting their
learning goal. Gaining student involvement in setting goals recognises that they are
diverse learners and individualised learning supports the notion that there cannot be
a one size fits all approach to teaching and learning. In order for students to become

EDFD 462 AT1 -Research Essay

Katherine Hodgens S00153236
active citizens and build an awareness of the world around them, they need to
develop and engage in critical investigative thinking. To encourage this, a safe
learning environment needs to be created in which students can learn to their full
potential. This environment needs to encompass equity, social justice, safety and be
supportive of students in all aspects their learning.
[Word count: 1375)

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