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privilege of
a lifetime


I am Crystal Peaflor Botiquin.
17 years old. I was born at
Buhatan Sto. Domingo, Albay on 20th
day of May, year 1998. I have a
sister and she is Kris-Ann Rose P.
Botiquin. My mother, Cristina
Botiquin , is a house wife and my
father, Alwin Botiquin, is a
fisherman. I want to become a
teacher or business woman someday.
I love playing guitar, chatting,
posting on my Facebook account,
eating and etc. I am 3rd year
college in this coming school
year, taking up Bachelor of
Elementary Education. I have
friends and as this power point
goes by you will know who am I.



Kuya Arvin

For where your treasure is,

FAMILY there will your
heart be also.

Kuya Aries


My other side

Modeling and pageants help me

overcome my stage fright and it teach
the word sportsmanship.

A friend is someone with whom

you dare to be yourself.

If you have a crazy friends,

You have everything.

BESTFRIEND is the people in life that make

you laugh a little louder,

Smile a little brighter and

Live a little better..

Its not all about the title but it is all about the experience that Id
gained in that particular pageant. Im happy because Im 1st runner up
for the second time. And Im also happy to those who try to compete, to
fight, they are also a winner for me because they do their best just to
fight . That is the quality that everyone must possess.If theres one
thing that i should learned : Sportsmanship is the best of all.


Im much more me when Im

with you.

After how many years, this is me now. I can live with all
myself. There are so many changes but my heart and soul still
remain like what I am before. I may not be the beautiful person,
sexiest and talented that other people want too have but I am
the lady who have a beautiful heart, beautiful soul and
intelligent mind to think that beauty doesnt necessarily means
that you need to have a beautiful outlooks for as long as you
have a good heart and nice attitude then you are beautiful in
your own way. Just like in hand written we have our own
Thank you for watching my simple PowerPoint presentation.
God bless us

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