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Imperfect and Young

For you will bring all the beauty of puberty again

Overgeneralization: Too few

instances are presented to
reach an accurate conclusion.


This ad overgeneralizes both the population of people who love

this sandwich and that men have two desires. Food and Women. The ad
tries to convince men that getting messy by eating the sandwich is a sign
of their masculinity. The ad asserts dominance and power through the large
and bold font. Carls Junior tries to show the burger as natural through the
gradient color scheme used in the background. The background transitions
from dark to light. This transition ends with a light color that matches
perfectly with sandwich, so the sandwich appears effortless and natural.
The diction in the ad, also makes the person feel a sense of being left out if
not enjoying the chicken sandwich. The word everybody draws the
reader or customer to wanting to belong and be included.

QUOTE: "When Mexico sends its people,
they're not sending their best. They're not
sending you. They're not sending you.
They're sending people that have lots of
problems, and they're bringing those
problems with us. They're bringing drugs.
They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And
some, I assume, are good people."

NEWSDAY. Donald Trump controversial campaign

quotes. 2016 Newsday. 5 March 2016.
Online Newspaper. 09 March 2016.

In this quote, Donald Trump uses overgeneralizing. He claims that

approximately 11.3 million people currently residing in the U.S are criminals,
rapists, and drug dealers. Donald Trump uses no facts or stats to back up his
wild claim. He however uses this quote to draw publicity and garner attention
from conservatives. He appeals to people who have lost their jobs because of
the economic downturn, people who want someone to blame for their
misfortune and people who do not want to pay for non-citizens hospital trips.
He uses anaphora to continuously reiterate the problems of these people. He
not only overgeneralizes the people, but deems them guilty by association.
Since people, are of the same nationality of leaders of drug cartels, for example
El Chapo, they therefore are also drug dealers. Donald Trump uses these
fallacies to mislead voters, however; succeeds in gaining publicity and
convincing people that immigration in his campaign will not be dealt with
lightly. Donald Trump misuses persuasion techniques selling emotion for

Our BEST products!

January 2016
miracle mist that grows out
your armpit and leg hair in





June 2015

October 2015

FACE IT The stick on


braces that make your smile


The juice that brings those good

ol auditory voice cracks back!





March 2016

July 2015

Whats next?


deodorant that brings out your
natural B.O.!




The Product:
Reactiv Solutions
The acne cream thatll bring it all back!

Our Advertisement

Our advertisement uses three different fallacies: overgeneralization, either/or, and dicto simpliciter. Through
overgeneralization we claim our audience as everyone and we make the statement that will sell our product: everyone
wants to look young again. The font of this fallacy is simple and small so that it stands out from all the uncommon fonts and
resonates as less childish with the customer. The either/or fallacy is the headline of our ad and is the fallacy used to pull the
audience's attention into the advertisement. The font for the either/or fallacy is the largest thing on our ad because we want it
to be the question our audience is asking as the think about buying our product. The dicto simpliciter is the final fallacy we
used. We used this to tell our audience that our product will bring back their acne so that they look young again, but it was
used to guilt trip the audience into thinking they need acne in order to look any younger.
Besides our fallacies we have other marketing points. The product name--Reactiv Solutions-- in in the same font,
color, and is larger than the text around it every time it is mentioned because we want the name to stick in people's head.
Some parts are in green not only to tie in the green from our bottle but too make the, stand out amongst the white and black
text. We used before and after photos to show the success our product has tested with and we even state that our product is
doctor recommended.

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