Observation Interview

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Teacher Interview

1. What ways do you find yourself reflecting on your teaching practices? For example do you think your conversations with your
colleagues, journal writing, examining student work, conversations with your students, or just thinking about your teaching for the
The teacher uses the 5 minutes between classes and driving time to and from work to reflect on her teaching practices.
2. How does reflecting on your teaching practices drive your future instruction?
She reflects on what worked and didn't work. For example, a temp was too fast. Sometimes she will make a change during a class.
3. What method do you use to keep track of grades and homework completion?
She tracks progress by observing how the students are doing. She also conducts occasional listening tests and recorder song testing for the
recorder students.
4. What assessment does the district use to determine a students ability at the beginning of the year and what assessment is used to
determine progress? Do you use any other forms of classroom assessment to determine academic progress?
She keeps track of student progress mostly by individual observation. She can see who is singing along, who understands the songs. For
the recorder classes, she can see who is doing well and not so well on the frequent test songs.
5. Can you tell me about the Rti process in your school district? What is the process to refer a student for special services?
The music program is not involved much with the Rti process. The school does a lot of process and interventions. There are no special ed
only classes at the school.
6. What methods would you suggest for keeping yourself organized? For example what method do you use to keep track of parent
contact, when students turn in permission slips, lunch count, attendance or picture day money?
The teachers give the class attendance list to the music teacher. She uses a seating chart to keep track of who has participated in the
instrument of the week routine.
Her lesson plan was pretty simple Seussical practice for some classes; particular notes, songs and perhaps testing for the recorder classes;
sing along with the number counting song and other songs for other classes.

7. How do you keep your students families informed about what is going on in the classroom or with their individual student?
She gives classroom teachers occasional letter to send home. She has sent recent letters about upcoming concerts, choir participation
invitations, recorder class rules.
8. Do you encourage parental participation and volunteering in your classroom? Why or why not?
She does not encourage parental participation in her classroom because the half-hour class goes quickly and the subject is very specialized.
9. Do you meet with your grade level partners on a regular basis? Do you have collaborative plan time built in your schedules? What
is discussed at these meetings? Is this district or school mandated or do you find time to collaborate yourselves?
She meets with other music teachers in the district during professional development days one Thursday a month. The music teachers
discuss assessments, curriculum, combined concerts and sometimes give or listen to a report on a recent seminar.
She also participates in grade-level meetings at her elementary school.
10. What clubs, coaching, or committees are you involves in beyond the school day? Does you district compensate employees for
sponsoring, coaching, or committee membership? Is there a minimal requirement?
She directs an after school choir. She is compensated for leading the choir. There are lots of programs at her elementary school.
11. Does your administrator solicit feedback from teachers on school initiatives? What kind of initiatives are taking place in your
school right now?
The administration is devoted to the visible learner concept. All teachers state and display learning targets and success criteria at the
beginning of each class.
12. How do you stay current on hot topics in education or best practices?
The district music teachers meet monthly and spend some time discussing best practices.
13. Do you attend workshops or participate in professional development activities? What are the most recent ones you have
participated in?
14. Are you a member of any professional organizations? If so, which ones?

15. Are you on any leadership teams or are you in charge of any committees? What are your roles on these committees?
16. If you knew then what you know now, what advice would you give me?
Music teaching is a great path. Enjoy it.
Also, whenever possible, get the student ringleaders on your side.
17. What is the most rewarding thing about being a teacher?
It is so rewarding to see students mature in unexpected ways.
18. What is the most challenging this about being a teacher?
It can be exhausting, especially when there is an evening concert.

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