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l\epublic of tbe





Please take notice that the Court, First Division, issued a Resolution
dated July 28, 2014 which reads asfollows:
"A.C. No. 10449 (Francisco Binay-an, et al. vs. Atty. Atanacio D.
Addog). - The complainants are heirs of Barot Binay-an and plaintiffs in
Civil Case No. 005-CAR-07 for Annulment of Documents filed with the
National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), La Trinidad,
Benguet, against the defendants Angeline Damaso (Damaso) and the
Cordillera Small Business Assistance Center, Inc. The complainants are
represented in said case by Atty. Jerome W. Selmo (Atty. Selmo), while
Atty. Atanacio D. Addog (respondent) represented the defendants.
According to the complainants, on February 8, 2008, Damaso, who
is the constituted representative of the heirs of Barot Binay-an, called for a
meeting in Mandarin Restaurant. Paul Palos (Paul) and Bienvenido Palos
(Bienvenido ), who are also heirs of Barot Binay-an and their co-plaintiffs
in Civil Case No. 005-CAR-07, and the respondent were present in the
meeting. During the meeting, Damaso and the respondent managed to
convince Paul and Bienvenido to execute separate Affidavits of Desistance,
which were later notarized by the respondent.
The respondent
subsequently submitted the Affidavits ofDesistance to the NCIP, which the
NCIP Hearing Officer denied. The NCIP Hearing Officer also cautioned
the respondent on the ethical consideration in having the affidavits
submitted. The respondent later withdrew his representation for the
defendants. Thus, the complaint for misconduct against the respondent,
which was filed with the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP), docketed
as CBD No. 08-2303. 1
In his answer, while admitting that he was present during the
meeting in Mandarin Restaurant and notarized the affidavits of desistance,
the respondent denied the complainants' charges and stated that: Paul and
Bienvenido' s affidavits of desistance were freely executed; he was not
Rollo, pp. 2-3.

- over- five (5) pages ..... .



A.C. No. 10449

July 28, 2014

"lawyering" for Paul and Bienvenido; and he submitted the affidavits to the
. ,.,,,q{jj 11w1.I)i:ClP 1 i;\,g~l;ia~Pf his clients and not in representation of the complainants,
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. .,



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~" '"'4-"':ar\:J1.t5.(!tJl~~,,

-"-'.:..~_;., ~: rn:"
.. , In,R~~d~tion No. XIX-2011-191 3 dated May 14, 2011, the IBP

Boar.d~Q-f'~et!iors resolved to adopt and approve, with modification, the

:: Report- and-: ;&~commendation of the Investigating Commissioner, as
follows: -
RESOLVED to ADOPT and APPROVE, as it is hereby unanimously
ADOPTED and APPROVED, with modification, the Report and
Recommendation of the Investigating Commissioner in the aboveentitled case, herein made part of this Resolution as Annex "A" and
finding the recommendation fully supported by the evidence on record
and the applicable laws and rules, and taking into consideration the
seriousness of the misconduct committed, Atty. Atanacio D. Addog is
hereby SUSPENDED from the practice of law for six (6) months with
Warning that a repetition of similar acts shall be dealt with more

The respondent filed a motion for reconsideration, which was denied

by the IBP Board of Governors per Resolution No. XX-2014-18 4 dated
February 11, 2014. In a Report5 dated June 18, 2014, the Bar Confidant
noted that "[t]o date, no petition for review or motion for reconsideration
has been filed by either party." 6
Finding the IBP Board of Governors' resolutions to be in order, and
the Investigating Commissioner's report to be in accord with the rules and
the evidence presented, the Court hereby adopts the same.
The Investigating Commissioner found merit in the complaint
against the respondent and made the following findings:
Respondent, despite knowing that the Complainants Palos were not
represented by a counsel during that meeting they had with defendant
Angeline Damaso, communicated with the Palos and in fact indications
are ripe that it was he who convinced them to execute their affidavits of
desistance in exchange for monetary consideration. This presumption is
strongly supported by the fact that the affidavits were prepared and
notarized by him during the said meeting. Significantly, he did not take
it upon himself to inform Atty. Jerome W. Selmo about the act of his
clients. He too failed to advise the Palos to first consult their counsel
Id. at 18-21.
Id. at 137-138.
Id. at 136.
Id. at 143.
In Ramientas v. Atty. Reyala (529 Phil. 128, 135 [2006]), the Court set the guidelines to be
observed by the IBP in respect of disciplinary cases against lawyer, thus:

xx xx
(3) lfno motion for reconsideration has been filed within the period provided for, the IBP is
directed to forthwith transmit to this Court, for final action, the subject resolution together with
the whole record of the case. (Emphasis ours)

- over -



A.C. No. I 0449

July 28, 2014

about it. In fact he showed that he needed the affidavits badly as in fact
he went on to present the same to the NCIP Hearing Officer;to prove that
the Palos had clearly wanted to withdraw their complaint against the
defendants. The affidavits of desistance [were], however, rejected by the
NCIP Hearing Officer. 7

The foregoing findings are supported by the records on hand.

Moreover, as shown during the mandatory conference held on February 20,
2009, the respondent even admitted that he was the one who prepared and
notarized the joint affidavit of desistance signed by Paul, Isabela Daniel
and Romana Palos (Romana). 8 As regards the affidavit of Bienvenido, the
respondent denied drafting the same; nevertheless, he admitted that he
notarized it in his office. 9
Canon 8, 10 Rule 8.02 of the Code of Professional Responsibility
A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, encroach upon the
professional employment of another lawyer; however, it is the right of
any lawyer, without fear or favor, to give proper advice and assistance to
those seeking relief against unfaithful or neglectful counsel. (Emphasis

In this case, the respondent knew that Paul and Bienvenido were
represented by counsel, Atty. Selmo. His act of preparing the affidavit of
desistance, even assuming that it was only the joint affidavit of Paul,
Isabela Daniel and Romana which he drafted and notarized was true,
nonetheless encroached upon the legal functions of Atty. Selmo.
Worse, the respondent even disclosed that the affidavits of desistance
were executed by the affiants in exchange for a certain sum of money.
ATTY. ADDOG: Yes, Your Honor, are claiming certain amount which
is [P] I 00,000.00 each, Your Honor, in exchange for the
withdrawal of the complaint filed in NCIP, Your Honor. So, I
have advised them, if that is the case, for the protection of my
clients you execute this affidavit of desistance. So, that was
signed. 11
xx xx
- over-

Rollo, p. I 41.
Id. at 67-73.
Id. at 68.
TSN, February 20, 2009, rollo, p. 73.


. ,,


A.C. No. 10449

July 28, 2014

COMM. CACHAPERO: Are you saying, Atty. Addog that those who
executed affidavits have already received [~] 100,000.00?
ATTY. ADDOG: Yes, Your Honor. 12

It was unscrupulous of the respondent to compel some of the

complainants in Civil Case No. 005-CAR-07 to execute the affidavit of

desistance sans the knowledge and agreement of Atty. Selmo. In this
regard, the respondent should have been mindful of the canon dictating
A lawyer should not in any way communicate upon the subject of
controversy with a party represented by counsel, much less should he
undertake to negotiate or compromise the matter with him, but
should deal only with his counsel. It is incumbent upon the lawyer
most particularly to avoid everything that may tend to mislead a party
not represented by counsel, and he should not undertake to advise him as
to the law. 13 (Emphasis ours)

In Likong v. Lim, 14 the Court disciplined and imposed a penalty of

one ( 1) year su~.pension from the practice of law on a lawyer who prepared
a compromise agreement between the parties in an action for injunction
with damages, without informing the opposing counsel of the agreement.
The Court conc:uded, "[u]ndoubtedly, respondent's conduct is unbecoming
a member of thE legal profession." 15
Similarly in this case, the respondent's acts clearly violated the
ethical tenets of the legal profession and must, therefore, be disciplined.
"Such acts constituting malpractice and grave misconduct cannot be left
unpunished for not only do they erode confidence and trust in the legal
profession, they likewise prevent justice from being attained." 16
WHEREFORE, Atty. Atanacio D. Addog is hereby imposed the
penalty of SUSPENSION from the practice of law for a period of SIX (6)
MONTHS, effective immediately upon his receipt of this Resolution, with
WARNING that commission of the same or similar acts in the future will
be dealt with more severely.
Let a copy of this Resolution be made part of his records in the
Office of the Bar Confidant, Supreme Court of the Philippines, and be
furnished to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines and the Office of the
Court Administrator to be circulated to all courts.
- over-



Id. at 78-79.
Canons of Profossional Ethics, Canon 9 (Negotiations with opposite party).
A.C. No. 3149, August 17, 1994, 235 SCRA414.
Id. at419.


A.C. No. 10449

July 28, 2014

Very truly yours,



1vision Clerk of C2\W .


Mr. Francisco Binay-an, et al.

Municipal Hall, Poblacion
2603 Tuba, Benguet
Atty. Domingo B. Lingbawan
Counsel for Complainants
2"d Flr., CASA BEATI Bldg.
109-A Laoyan 1, St. 3, Betag
2601 La Trinidad, Benguet

Integrated Bar of the Philippines

1600 Pasig City



Atty. Atanacio D. Addog

lD-39 Abalos Bldg.
Km. 6, La Trinidad
2601 Benguet
The Bar Confidant (x)
Supreme Court
Office of the Court Administrator (x)
Supreme Court

Public Information Office (x)

Library Services (x)
Supreme Court
(For uploading pursuant to A.M.
No. 12-7-1-SC)

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