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ENGLISH :Q1. Read newspaper daily and write the 5 news headline daily on A-4 Size
Sheet and underline the common noun and circle the proper pronoun.
Q2. Learn four to five short story with a moral for the class presentation.
Q3. Practice a page of handwriting daily in a separate notebook.
Q4. Try to speak in English with your parents, neighbours and friends.
Q5. Do unseen Passage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in grammar book.
Q6. Visit any nearby Bird hospital and write your experience on an A-4 Sheet.

SCIENCE :Q1. Paste he different types of fabrics on A4 size sheet.

Q2. Make a First-aid box.
Q3. Make a collage of different types of animals (Herbivores, carnivores &
Q4. We have learnt about parts of a leaf in the lesson, But leaves I different
shapes and size. Collect any 10 different fallen leaves from the garden.
Paste & label types of leaves on A-4 size sheet.

MATHS :Q1. Write your age, brothers / sisters age and number of people in your
house in roman & Hindu Arabic numerals on A-4 sheet.
Q2. Make a model of Abacus.
Q3. Do 10 sums of addition and 10 sums of subtraction in a separate copy.
Q4. Learn tables from 2 to 20.

SOCIAL SCIENCE :Q1. Prepare a poster for your classroom giving message to protect our
Q2. Make a timeline using the dates of birth of your family members. Paste
photograph of your each family member.
Q3. Make a collage on lifestyle of early men.

Q4. Paste different types of pictures of food of


Northern India


Southern India


Eastern India


Western India


On A-4 size sheet.

COMPUTER :Q1. Paste essential parts of computer in computer copy.

Q2. Paste 3 pictures of input device, 3 pictures of output device and 3
pictures of storage device in computer copy.
Q3. Do five activity given on page -9 and Do five activities given on page -18
in books.

DRAWING :Q1. Do following art work as per your Roll no.Roll No.

1 to 5

Page 6 Photo Frame

Roll No.

6 to 10

Page 25 Lantern

Roll No.

11 to 15

Page 23 Balloon Mask

Roll No.

16 to 20

Page 25 lantern

Roll No.

21 to 25

Page 24 Aquarium

Roll No.

26 to last

1. Beautiful landscape on A-4 Sheet

2.Bunch of Flowers on A-4 Sheet.

01- frfnu lqys[k fy[kks vkSj iqLrd i<+us dk vH;kl djksA
02- A-4 lkbZt khV ij ,d dgkuh fk{kk lfgr fy[kksA
03- fuEu vkSipkfjd i= fy[kus dk vH;kl djksA

nks fnu ds vodkk ds fy, /kkukpk;Z th dks kFkZuk i=


f[kM+dh dk khkk VwVus ij {kek ekxrs gq, /kkukpk;Z th dks kFkZuk i=


Qhl ekQ djus ds fy, /kkukpk;Z th dks kFkZuk i=

04- fuEu fok;ksa ij vuqPNsn fyf[k,A


esjk fo|ky;


esjk f; i{kh


dksbZ ,d R;ksgkj


esjk eu ilan dkVwZu

05- uojl ds ikB 3] 4 ds dfBu kCnksa ls okD; cukb,A

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