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Applicants Detail
Applicants Name
Position Applied
Company Name
Current Position Held


Referees Detail
Person Contacted
Company Name
Position/ Title
Contact Number
Email address


During the checking, please bear in mind that the applicants is applying for the position
Make sure that you make prior appointment to the referee to have ample time to discuss about
the candidate.

1. What is your relationship with this person? How long have you knows this person?

2. What is the candidates primary role?

3. Please describe candidates work performance:

How you rate the initiative
What about the learning habit
Please share some of the successful outputs this person contributed
Work integrity?

4. How is the candidates working relationship with others?

4.1 How does the candidate communicate/ interacts with others? With his/ her peers?
4.2 What about to his/ her subordinates?
4.3 Please describe his/ her leadership style

Page 2
(Name of candidate)

5. How high/ low was the work load this candidate has faced? Please describe, how the
candidate deals with:
5.1 Working under pressure/ dateline?
5.2 handling multiple activities? Any conflict in setting p priorities?
5.3responding to continuous changing?

6. What would you say were the candidates strength points?

7. What would you say were the candidates area of development/ weaknesses?

8. Do you know what the candidates reason to resign?

9. Would you re-hire this candidate? If yes what jobs would you hire her/him into? If
no why not?

10. Any additional information that we should know about the candidate? (such as
attitude issues, disciplinary, etc)

Conducted by


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