2010-05-18 EEC Agenda

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Ewing Township Environmental Commission

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
7 to 9 P.M.
Municipal Complex, 2 Jake Garzio Drive
Ewing, NJ 08628

I. Call to Order-Open Public Meetings Statement:

The notice requirements provided for in the Open Public Meetings Act have been satisfied. The
Ewing Township Council properly gave notice of this meeting in the resolution on January 4, 2010,
which was filed with the Clerk and posted in the Ewing Township Municipal Complex, and then
appeared in the Times of Trenton, and the Trentonian, on January 12, 2010.
II. Roll Call: Hal Rapp, Sect.
III. Approval of minutes: Mar. 16 and Apr. 20 meetings. Hal Rapp, Sect.
IV. Statements/comments from the public.
V. New Business:
a. Presentation by Bill Erney, Head of Construction Office, ET
b. Filling a vacant spot on the EEC.
VI. Reports of committees and/or special events
a. Planning Board and Site Review: Discussion on review of plans presented to ET.
Hal Moeller
b. Green Team and Sustainable NJ update: John Hoegl
c. Updating photos on EEC website. Ann Farnham
d. Invasive update: Ann Farnham
e. Vernal pool, second look. Van Cotter
f. Trolley Trail clean-up effort, etc. Pete Boughton
VII. Old Business
a. EEC liaison effort for 2010 continued (reports from the provinces by
Boughton, Cotter, et. al).
b. YTD chart update of total EEC volunteer hours outside of meetings.
VIII. Correspondence –Hal Rapp, Sect.
IX. Adjournment

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