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1) Introduction :- Mr. Ratan Tata has launched “NANO” car

for middle class family. This is called ‘lakhtakiya’ because of
it’s low price. The aim of this report is to study the effect of nano
car on indian market & how much living standard of middle class
family is increased. This report tells us that which marketing
strategy are applied by tata company for promotion for nano car.

2) Problem identification :- Nano car has been

popular in middle class family’s people because of it’s low price.
The sale of bikes and small size car has influenced. So in this
report we will study that what is the effect of tata nano car on
automobile market.
3) Scope of study :- Scope of study is region specific
& industry specific. In this report we will study small size
car & bikes. Basically we will collect data from jaipur &
4) Objective of study:- Objective of study is to analyse
that how the nano car effecting automobile market.
5) Hypothesis :- Wide effect of tata nano car on automobile
6) Methodology:- Source of data collection in the study are
primary & secondary source. In primary source we will collect
data from dealers & in secondary source we will collect data
from internet, magzines & newspapers.
7) Review of litreture:- Kotler Philip, marketing
management- this book has enabled me to understand the basic
concept market leadership, how a firm becomes market leader,
what are biggest threat etc.
8) Chapterization:- Tata company has launched for
middle class family. The competitors of middle car are bikes &
small size car like alto, maruti.
9) Bibliography:- kotler Philip, marketing management, 12
edition, 2004 pearson education
For contemporary issue
“Effect of nano car on
automobile market”

Submitted to:
submitted by:
Miss samridhi
chimanpal (faculty)
mba – II sem
psom - A

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