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Jl. Babakan Madang, Bukit Sentul BOGOR- INDONESIA, telp: (o21) 87960912 Fax: (021) 87960069

CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name:
Theo Bentang Perdana Ginting
Proposed activity: Taekwondo
Date of starting: 17 August 2014
Day: Sunday
Approximate time: 2 hours
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Sabum Alfian
Position: Taekwondo Instructor
Contact detail: 08159992112


Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB
CAS requirement?

For CAS Im proposing taekwondo. It will be done at Citra Gran Sports center and
the time is 1.5 hours. My reason to choose this activity is because taekwondo is
physically demanding and also teach discipline. So it will improve my physical ability
and it will help me improve my discipline.

Developed new skills

I have been practicing taekwondo for a long period of time. That is why Im
proposing Taekwondo as one of my Activity for CAS. By keep practicing taekwondo I
will increase my expertise in taekwondo.

Undertaken new challenges

As a person who went in the practice of taekwondo, no practice session is the

same. I will face new technique and challenge every time I practice, so I undertook
new challenge in every practice session.

Show perseverance and commitment in their activities

Taekwondo is a very tiring activity that requires plenty of spirits. I must not give
up if any problems happen during the course of practice. I have to push myself to my
limit either physically or mentally, no matter how tired I am or if my instructor shouts
at me because I did something wrong. Therefore this activity will ensure my
determination and spirit so I may consistently endure any sort of physically or
mentally demanding routine in the future.

Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am
aware of the need for evaluation and am willing to provide this.
Leaders signature:
Approved by CAS Coordinator:


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