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Viva la Revolution

By: Brendan Stanley

The French revolution was a period of far-reaching problems, mainly political and social.
Upon the arrival of the revolution the government was overthrown, many people starved and
died in different and unique deaths. Many deaths were by the guillotine and where to the public
to show meaning that they will not be crossed by any rebels. People were starting to takes sides
based off their opinion of what they believe (mainly the Peasants V. The Rich). With the different
sides taking place leaders started to rise and take their place, but this time may be different. What
would happen if we switched who were the great leaders of the French Revolution? What would
Jean Cottereau, one of the greatest leaders of his time. Jean fought in many different wars
and was a part of a group that named themselves the Catholic and the Royal army. He would be a
great leader from war experience and the experience of being a leader. In a different universe
Jean Cottereau was the great leader of the French Revolution. Jean Cottereau realized that he
could not lead the revolution by himself. Searching for the right man for the job he found John
Adams (as you can tell this timeline is a very interesting one). John Adams was the 2nd president
of the United States; Adams was also political theorist in the Age of Enlightenment. With
Cottereau and Adams side by side they lead of the greatest revolutions in history.
This revolution was important for all mankind for many different reasons. France was
under three different estates, these estates separated the people from each other. The third estate

was the people that didnt have near as much money as others; also they made up more than half
of the population in France. Alongside our leader he found a philosopher by the name of jeanJacques Rousseau. His philosophies dealt with citizenship and the right of people. After the
revolution was over he helped build back up society and brought balance to their new
The few other leaders of this revolution where Richard hennery lee(the assistant leader),
monsieur deforge, the one who helped with military combat and strategies, and finally Sidney
Carton. The voice of the French revolution.
The citizens and leaders of this revolution rose to the call of freedom of taxes. They
eventually overthrew the rich and their king, Louis the XIV. After louis was beheaded by our
leader (Jean Cottereau) . Jean took Louis head and raised it to the cheering crowed. A bit of
blood spilled onto Jeans coat but he was to enthused by the screams and cheers of the crowed to
notice a thing about it. Louis eventually brought the rest of his team to louis home and brought
the head with them. They slammed it upside down on louis own desk.
Jacques Rousseau wrote the declaration of independence in that same hour waiting to be
signed with Louis own blood. The team united to sign and the new age had begun.


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