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7th grade

First name:
Last name:
Tuesday, October 26th
Test paper

I. Complete the postcard using the present simple or the present continuous:
Hi, everyone!
News from Newquay! Everyone is waiting for the surfing championships to begin.
They are a very popular event and thousands of people _________________ (come) to
Cornwall every summer to watch them. Ive already got some good friends here.
One is an Italian guy called Gianni. He is a lifeguard on the beach and he
__________________ (stay) at the same guesthouse as I am. Then there is a girl called
Nicola. She is here for the summer holidays. She ________________ (work) for her
aunt, who has a hotel here.
I ________________ (write) this postcard at a caf on the beach. Lifes hard!
See you soon,

II. Write about A funny event. Write about : where you were and what you were
doing at the time ; how the incident happened and the result of the incident. Use
the words: study, English test, hear, noise, see, my cat, chase, mouse,

It was a dark and rainy night.

While I ___________________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________ .






_______________________________________________________________________________________ .
In the end, I _________________________________________________________________________________ .

7th grade
First name:
Last name:
Tuesday, October 26th

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