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Juanmanuel Rocha

English 9
Final Project


Once upon a time in a realm of fast food. The Ronalds and Kings were two
families of making money. They fought for customers to go and eat their food at their
restaurants. The Golden arch and most beloved child of the Ronalds was Princess Mac.
The child that put the crown on the Kings was Mr. Whopper. One day the Ronalds were
going to throw a big party for the whole Fast Food Town, but the ones not invited were
the Kings. In the evening the celebration began, and soon everyone was enjoying the
time and dancing to delicious music. While Princess Mac was gazing through the crowd
to find someone to dance with she spotted this handsome guy with sesame hair but
could not see his face. Out of curiosity she danced her way towards the handsome guy
and once their. The handsome guy found her pretty and also wanted to meet who that
girl was. Once Princess Mac reached him they talked, but once Princess Mac realized
he wasnt a Ronald, Wend, nor Bell, but a King. She thought to herself Why did he
have to be a King, why couldnt he be anyone else, why what is a king, its not a thief,
its not a crook, nothing but someone else living in Fast Food Town. They told each
other goodbye and each went their separate ways. She went back to her room and
called for her Nurse Fry which was a kind old lady that had served their family for quite
a while. She told her about this guy she had met at their party. Nurse Fry was so excited
that Princess Mac was starting to have feelings for someone else. It was getting late so
they went to sleep, but Princess Mac was having trouble sleeping because, she had
met such a perfect person, yet he was a King. The next day at night Mr. Whopper knew
that she was a Ronald, so he went looking for here to their restaurant after closing
hours. Princess Mac was just about ready to leave when she started to hear someone
familiar talking outside coming from the bushes in front of the drive-thru window. Mr.
Whopper knew Princess Mac could hear him and began to speak louder making
Princess Mac open the window and talk to the familiar voice. Princess Mac went outside
and talked to Mr. Whopper their they told each other their names and began to get
closer. Once they were done Princess Mac gave Mr. Whopper a kiss and told him that
hopefully one day they would get married. Mr. Whopper waved goodbye and left before
he got caught by the Fast Food Town guards. The following day Mr. Whopper went to go
talk to Father Shake about when plans could be made for the wedding of Mr. Whopper
and Princess Mac. Father Shake replied Indeed, maybe this marriage could end the
fight between the Ronalds and Kings which would make our town a safer place to live!
Mr. Whopper went home very excited and could not wait for the following weekend
when they would get married, but there was only one problem. How were they going to
tell their families or were they going to get married in secret? He thought to himself
about the issue and decided that, that would have to be decided with Princess Mac and
him. 2 weeks have gone by and Princess Mac and Mr. Whopper have decided to get
married in secret at Father Shakes lair. Once they reached Father Shakes lair, they

Juanmanuel Rocha
English 9
Final Project

confessed and finally got married. They left the lair and went on with life. It had been a
month now since they had gotten married. On the steps of Nugget Square Mr. Whopper
was with his friend O. Ring. O. Ring had been a friend with Mr. Whopper for many
years. Mr. Whopper and his friend O. Ring were wandering around when 5 members of
the Ronalds came along and started to pick a fight with the Kings. One of the Ronalds
began to fight with O. Ring the fight started out as a joke but then turned into a terrible
brawl. O. Ring could not keep up with his straw sword and the Ronald struck him in the
chest and O. Ring fell to the ground and died. Mr. Whopper was so furious that he
turned ketchup red and stabbed the Ronald member in the heart and died. Mr. Whopper
realized about his actions and he went to hide in Father Shakes lair because the Mayor
of Fast Food Town was going to arrive in a matter of seconds to the crime scene. Once
the Mayor arrived at the scene he realized what Mr. Whopper had done and gave him a
letter which read Mr. Whopper has been Exiled from Fast Food Town for life. Mr.
Whopper fell to the ground and cried because of what he had done, and what Princess
Mac was going to do without him. He left to a nearby city and lived there for not even a
month. Mac and Whopper were communicating through napkins. In one of them Mac
told Mr. Whopper about how her family had found a perfect match for her and that she
was going to fake the death of her to prevent from marrying the Perfect Match.
Princess mac had received this Food Poison from Father Shake which would make her
seem dead and slow her heartbeat down and the family would take her to the family
graveyard where she would wake up and Whopper would be there for her when she
woke up. She took it and fell to the ground. The Ronalds found her dead and took her
to the family graveyard. Mr. Whopper went to the family graveyard at night when
everyone was asleep after closing hours. Princess Mac woke up before Whopper
arrived and she was starting to get worried she was horrified to see her ancestors dead
that she killed herself in the tomb. When Mr. Whopper arrived she was already dead but
still warm if only he had gotten there earlier they would have ran off and have a great
life. Mr. Whopper was horrified to see all of the blood by the tomb that he too killed
himself and died at the Ronalds tomb. They families were notified and were sad that
they had lost their two favorite children. They lived in poverty for the rest of their lives
and the fighting between the Ronalds and Kings seized.

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