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Questions for Interview

1. What are your thoughts on gun control? Do you think they should be
stricter or stay the way they are and why? Well my thought about gun control is
great i really dont have a problems with guns. If we make it stricter it well be
safer but i might lose consumer.
2. Knowing that United States has the higher percentage of homicides
committed by guns, do you think it would be best to say that people do not use
the guns as it suppose to be used? Well some people use it for hunting and other
use it protection
3. Do you think there's a distinction between a crime committed by a gun and
a crime committed without a gun?
4. How do you think the world be if there were more restrictions when
purchasing a gun? Do you think the world would be safer or would it be the
same? Why?
5. Only 48% Americans own guns for self-defense, do you think the other
52% should own guns?
6. How is the U.S different now than it was in 1789 when the second
amendment was written? The second amendment: A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep
and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
7. Since the shooting at Sandy Hooks Elementary School, which was almost
two years ago, there have been at least 94 more school shootings.Knowing this
information what type of enforcements do you think should be enforced for
schools to be safe zone for students?
8. Guns dont kill people; people kill people, what are your thoughts on this
quote? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
Works Cited

"Analysis of School Shootings." Analysis of School Shootings. Everytown for Gun Safety Support
Fund, 9 Dec. 2014. Web. 03 May 2016.
Johnson, David Kyle. ""Guns Don't Kill People, People Do?"" Psychology Today. Sussex, 12 Feb.
2013. Web. 09 May 2016.

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