Macbeth Visual Project

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I am in blood: Influential Whispers

of Ambition Leads to Guilt in

William Shakespeare's The Tragedy
of Macbeth

Gardin, Bailey
English 10-Green CP

In The Tragedy of Macbeth written by


William Shakespeare, the playwright displays

dominating forces of evil as powerful motifs to
juxtapose Macbeths and Lady Macbeths true
morals and their rationale for committing such
tyrannical acts; therefore, their hidden ambitions
catalyze their relentless greed, and their obsession
for power ironically leads them to instigate their
own downfalls and deaths.

In my paper, I decided to talk about the influences of good, evil, greed, and power surrounding the characters
that Shakespeare portrays effectively in The Tragedy of Macbeth. I chose to write about this prompt, because
I knew that many examples such as quotes, would help me construct a strong paper. I found most of my
success when I chose to dissect and juxtapose the roles in Lady Macbeth and Macbeth's relationship. I
discovered that Lady Macbeth views her husband as a very weak man and recognizes that in order for them
to have their goals and dreams fulfilled, she must manipulate her husband to commit devious acts.
Conclusively, through the use of specific literary devices and addressing appropriate feedback, my exam
paper strongly supports my argument that excessive ambition (greed) leads to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's
downfall and internal destruction.

My Reflection

What did I learn?

I learned the significance of footnotes and how they help improve the comprehension of the reader.
I learned the value of an outline and how it keeps thoughts organized.
I learned that effective literary devices will strengthen my paper.


How did I expand my knowledge about Macbeth?

I learned more about why some characters did what they did?
I learned more about Shakespeares purpose and the writing style of tragic playwrights..
I learned how to take quality notes while discussing the book in class.


My conclusions?
The plot of the story was very interesting, therefore allowing me to stay engage and strengthen my writing.
Dingles comments and guidance ultimately forced me to grow as a writer.
I firmly believe that my paper is one of my best ones that I have ever written.

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