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Daniela Marin


Subject: The subject to the article What Professors Expect From You is to better the mentality
of college students on college.
Occasion: The occasion is for college planning, to know what to look for while entering college.
Audience: The audience of this is to every person going/ attending college, mostly around age
group of 18 and up.
purpose: The purpose of this article is to figure out if you are for college and the way the
professors look at college and students
speaker: The speaker from this article is professor Dr.Wheeler.
Tone: The tone in this article is very educational, and serious.
Diction: The author uses diction to achieve an effect on readers, for instance; Dr.Wheeler uses
the words per se to exclaim something similar instead of using for example... This way its
more meaningful to the readers.
syntax: The length of the sentences are long and declarative.
organization: In the beginning, Dr.Wheeler talks about what your mentality shouldn't be and
towards the end he states what's the best way to view your education.
Figure of Speech: A figure of speech the author uses is parallel structure with rhetorical
questions in his article to capture the reader's attention, mostly to show them that he understands
what they are thinking about.

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