Jonathan CV

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Curriculum Vitae


Jonathan Swallow


609 Manchester Road


Date of Birth:

22nd September 1998

Acoustic guitar grade 1 distinction
Acoustic guitar grade 2 distinction
Acoustic guitar grade 3 merit
Acoustic guitar grade 4 pass
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
ICT BTEC merit
Judo up to red belt
Grade 5 swimming
Young Leaders Award- Scouts
Achievement History
Key Achievements:
1. Silver and Bronze Chief Scouts Award
To get this award it required completing the creative challenge, fitness challenge,
friendship challenge, global challenge, outdoor challenge and the promise challenge.
All of these challenges were aimed at developing team building skills and becoming a
valued member of the community.
2. Opportunity To Become A Young Leader
Following a camp with over 4000 young people from all over the world, I was
selected to undertake a training course to become a young leader. I passed this in
February 2015.
3. Completed Bronze Duke of Edinburgh
I undertook a walking expedition, community volunteering service This involved
working on a number of tasks including, cleaning a graveyard and liaison with leaders
to ensure a smooth running of the team. I help motivate the team to get through the

Jonathan Swallow

Work experience
6th December 2014 secured weekend employment at Big Outlet Store clothing retailer.
The job consists of completing various tasks daily on and off the shop floor. The task include
customer service, till operating, stockroom planning, Re-planning tidying shop floor at the end of
work and watching and keeping an eye on the shop floors.
As a result of being employed I feel I have gained confidence in dealing with new or unfamiliar
people. I have proved that I am reliable and an asset which can be depended on.
Resigned due to exam commitments May 15.
Sept 15 Secured employment Cafe @Penny Lane, Holmfirth. I feel this offers me new
challenges in a different work environment. I am developing the ability to multi-task through
working in this catering environment.


In my spare time I enjoy developing my programming skills to produce and develop
games. I am developing a youtube channel

After college when all my homework is complete I enjoy going to see my friends,
meeting new people and make new friends

Jonathan Swallow

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