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Classroom Management Plan

1. Classroom Management Checklist

Become familiar with school policies:
Start of day/dismissal
Supervision at lunch
School wide behaviour policies
Fire drills/lockdowns

Late/absent policies
Test writing policies
Class times
Important dates

Become Familiar with classroom and classroom rules/procedures:

Learn rules and procedures
Locate lab
Become familiar with classroom set-up.
with technology
Locate important spots first aid, eye-wash, etc.
Discuss the
major rules
Identify desk arrangement
students names
Locate any potential distractions
Try to match
students with names
Develop Classroom Management Plan:
Develop rules for classroom/lab
Develop start/end of day procedures
Develop cell phone policy
Develop policy on homework
Develop attention getting policy

Develop intervention plan

Develop relationship-building
Develop work time

Implement Plan:
Go through rules and procedures with class
Review plan throughout practicum
Revise plan is necessary
2. Classroom Rules
1. Respect yourself- This means you act in a manner that allows you to learn
best. This means you believe in your abilities. Always have the mindset that
you can succeed.
2. Respect others- This means you act in a manner that allows the people
around you to learn best and feel welcome. This applies to both students and
adults. You show respect to others by be attentive when they are speaking
and not putting down their ideas.

3. Respect your Environment- Take pride in your workspace, your school, and
your community. Always try to keep a clean workspace and make sure to
clean up after yourself.
Lab Rules
1. All students must have hair tied back, loose jewelry away and long sleeves
rolled up.
2. Make sure to follow all instructions properly, if you not sure feel free to ask
me first.
3. Report any spills or accidents to me; do not try to clean it up until I get
4. Make sure the lab is clean before you leave.
I will enforce these rules by having students review them with me when they
have broken a rule. For example, if a student leaves his workspace a mess I
will ask them what rule they have broken and how we can fix it. If students
continue to break rules then I will need to have multiple talks with them. This
could lead to ultimately to a talk with the principal or vice principal.
3. Classroom Procedures:
Attention-Getting Procedure:
1. I will raise my hand and ask for the classs attention. Once they are quiet I
will give further instructions.
2. In other cases I will raise my hand and do a silent countdown with my
fingers from 5. By the end of the countdown students should be seated in
their desk and quiet ready for instructions.
Question-Answering Procedures:
1. Students will raise their hand when they have a question or comment and
I will call on them. 2. If I would like students to answer quickly I will ask them
to say the answer out loud without raising hands.
3. If a student is talking all other students should be quiet and listen to what
they have to say.
Transition Procedures:
1. Most of my lessons will be transitions from direct instruction presentations
to individual/ group activities or discussions.
2. Before beginning the activity or discussion I will give the directions. If any
student isnt clear on the directions I will review them further.
3. I will do quick check for understanding then they can begin.
4. Once I need them to transition back to the direct instruction or a class
discussion I will use one of my two attention getting procedures. Once I have
everyones attention I will move on.
Individual Seatwork and Group Procedures:

1. During work time I encourage students to collaborate with group

members. However that being said, they need to stay focused on the task at
hand and keep the noise level at a reasonable level.
2. Also students are allowed to listen to music but it cant be too loud in case
I need to get their attention.
3. As well they may use their cell phones if they need to research something
quick but not for texting or anything unrelated to the activity.
Start/End of Day Procedures:
1. At the start of the day, students will come into class get their textbooks
out and have their binders open and ready.
2. If they were absent they should check the absent folder or ask me for
missed work. 3. Afterwards they can work on the review question posted on
the board.
4. At the end of the day students must make sure to listen to any
announcements and hand in any work that is due. Also they must make sure
not to pack up early because this can be distracting.
Homework/Late Assignments:
1. Homework and assignments should be handed in on the day they are due.
2. I will allow a one day grace period where students can hand the work in
the next day without being docked marks. Afterwards students will be
penalized depending on how late it is.
3. If a student has a good reason or requires an extension they can come talk
to me and we can work something out.
I will teach each procedure during my introductory lesson and we will discuss
them as a class. During the first few weeks I will remind students of
important procedures and ask them how certain things should be done in
class. If procedures are not being followed I will set time aside to review
them once again as a class.
4. Relationship-Building Plan
I feel it is extremely important to build relationships with my students during
my practicum. By having a positive relationship with my class I will be able to
be a more effective teacher. Also by getting to know students I can adjust my
lessons to better fit their learning style. To build positive relationships in my
classroom I will take the following steps.
1. Have students fill out an interest inventory so I can get to know them.
2. Tell students information about myself so they can get to know me.
3. Have students make name tags so I can learn names quickly.
4. After reviewing the interest inventories I will make a list of all their
favourite music. At the start of each class I will have one of their favourite
songs playing.

5. I will encourage students throughout the practicum when they accomplish

something or get an answer correct.
6. I will incorporate student interests into my instruction and activities.
7. I will make sure to have a positive classroom environment where there are
no bad questions.
8. I will give students positive feedback on assignments and tests.

5. Intervention Plan
Low- Key Intervention Strategies: For my intervention plan I will follow
the bumps system from intervention. For minor disruptions I will
use a variety of low-key responses such as proximity, teacher look,
signals and pausing. If the issue requires more intervention I will move
up to bumps 2, 3 and 4. I will square off and move closer to the
student. I will offer them limited choices and make sure that they are
effective choices. After I have offered the choice I will make sure to
follow through on the choice they have made.

High-Key Intervention Strategies: If the behavior is becoming too

disruptive I will have to have an informal chat with the student. I will
send the student into the hall and then from there I will let them know
that what they are doing is not acceptable. From there we will find out
what is wrong and work out a solution. If the behavior continues I will
need to follow school policy and use the Thursday after school
detentions. If the behavior is severe they will be sent to the detention
room and I will set up a meeting with the vice principal or principal.

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