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Erie Middle School, Pre AP Focus School

Todd Bissell, Principal

Dr. Rachel Heide, Assistant Principal


Monday, May 23rd

Extra iPad Check in

Tuesday, May 24th

Extra iPad Check in
8th Grade Bridge to High School Ceremony
7:00 pm Erie High School
Reception to follow

Wednesday, May 25th

Last Day of School
Have a great summer!

Monday, August 16th

First day for all new incoming students
8:00 am-3:00 pm

Tuesday, August 17th

First day for returning students
8:00 am3:00 pm

We are pleased to announce the recipients

of the St. Vrain Valley School District
Encore Teacher Awards!

Ms. Norma Eitemiller

Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Lindsay Kervan

6th Grade Science Teacher

Mr. Ben Tyler

Band Teacher
Mr. Tyler won the overall Teacher Award!

Congratulations to these educators!

Important Bus Pass Information for Parents/Guardians of Students Riding the


Dear Parent or Guardian,

As we near the end of the 2015-16 school year, I would like to thank you for
encouraging your student/s to show up with their bus pass each day this past school
year. Doing so has provided our students with a greater level of safety and security.
As was explained when your student received the pass; they only receive one free
bus pass. Therefore, we are asking that parents/students safely store the assigned
pass over the summer months until the start of the new school year to avoid and cost
of obtaining a replacement.
Should your student require a replacement pass, please contact the Bus Pass
coordinator by sending an email to or calling 303-702-7540.
The replacement cost for lost, stolen and/or mutilated bus passes is $5.00 and shows
up as fee under your students name in Infinite Campus.
Lastly, we are very excited to announce the initiation of Zpass+, a sophisticated
notification system that will allow parents to receive text notifications with time and
location information when your student scans on and off the bus. For more
information, and to sign up for this free service, please go to
When signing your student up, when asked for their First Name, you will need to
enter their first and middle name. If student does not have a middle name, enter first
name and nmn, Example (Jim nmn).
In addition you will need to enter your
students bus pass card number. If all else fails you may contact Transportation for
Assistance at 303-702-7540.
Randy McKie
Director of Transportation

A note from the Health Clerks desk:

Regarding medications at school:
To families of students who have medication(s) at school, according to district
guidelines, we are unable to store medication over the summer. Please stop by the
school to pick up your student's medication(s) as the school year wraps up. If you
need to stop by after the school year ends, office staff will be in the office until
Wednesday, June 15, 2016. After that we will be disposing of the medications in the
Health Office.

We will start fresh in August. New paperwork for medication at school will need to be
filled out, signed and turned in as we start the school year. Students that currently
have an Individual Health Plan for asthma, food allergies, etc. at school will receive
paperwork to be filled out over the summer. In August, when dropping off medication,
please remember a parent or guardian needs to bring it in and it must be in the
original container (prescription or over the counter.)
Medications may be dropped off starting Monday, August 8, 2016. We would like
them dropped off sooner rather than later.
Please see the Permission for Medication included in this weekly update to use for
medications during the 2016-17 school year.
Regarding immunizations:
1.) As the school year comes to an end, we will be notifying parents of needed
immunizations for their students via mail.
2.) In the fall, please drop off updated immunization records, so we can update
Infinite Campus. Per Colorado law students entering 6 th grade are to have received
the Tdap vaccination.
3.) Non-medical exemptions (religious and personal belief) will expire June 30th of
every year. Non-medical exemptions (K through 12th grades) are to be submitted
annually at each new school year.
It has been a pleasure getting to know your students and to assist them
regarding their health needs.
Have a safe and fun summer!
If you have any questions, please contact,
Nicole Meadows or Felicia Sanchez
Health Clerks

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