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2010-2011 Mentor Guidelines

Please read the following guidelines thoroughly before completing and submitting your mentor
application. If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please do
not hesitate to contact Lindsay Griffith via e-mail at

Bridges Beyond Borders’ Mission

Our mission is to assist refugee youth with the difficult transition to American culture and to
foster self-esteem, educational achievement, and a lifelong sense of belonging through peer
mentoring and a strong, reliable support network.

Bridges Beyond Borders was founded in early 2010 as a Clinton Global Initiative Commitment
to Action. Lexington has a large refugee population, composed primarily of citizens of Iraq,
Bhutan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. When they arrive here, they often speak
very little English (or none at all) and must immediately focus on securing housing, work, and
a new life here. Refugee children are often recovering from an emotionally tumultuous past
while trying to catch up to their English-language peers and adjust to life in the United States.

Bridges will help to bridge that gap between refugee youth and their peers through mentoring,
tutoring, and a strong, steady presence. Research has shown that mentoring can greatly
improve a child’s life in many ways. It improves school attendance and children’s attitudes
toward school. It can increase positive self-image and promote positive relationships, while
preventing substance abuse and negative behaviors.1 Research has also demonstrated that
the longer a mentoring relationship endures, the better the outcome for the mentee.

Program Format
Fifteen Bridges Beyond Borders mentors will each be match with a refugee student from
Morton Middle School, our partner school. Mentors will commit to work at least one hour every
week (except for University of Kentucky holiday weeks) during both the fall and spring
semesters in order to provide a stable, lasting relationship with mentees. Mentors will attend
an orientation session before beginning the program so that they are aware of the distinct
difficulties and needs of the refugee population.

Mentors will meet with their mentee each week at Morton Middle School, sometimes during
their after-school program (3:45-5:00), and sometimes during the day. This will depend on
both the mentor’s schedule and the after-school program’s timeline. There will be an opening,
mid-year, and year-end event to bring together mentors, mentees, and mentee families.

Application Timeline
• Friday, August 20 – application deadline (by e-mail)
• Tuesday, August 24 – interviewees notified
• Friday, August 28 – interviews in Student Center
• Monday, August 31 – new mentors (15) notified
• Wednesday, September 2 – mentor orientation at 6:00 in Student Center

Jekielek, Susan, et al. Mentoring: A promising strategy for youth development. Child Trends Research Brief. 2002.

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2010-2011 Mentor Application
Contact & Academic Information

Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Cell Phone ( )
E-Mail Address
Academic Year i.e. freshman


Please mark ( X ) all times you are available (not in class or working) each day.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Interest Essay
Summarize why you would like to be a mentor with Bridges Beyond Borders. Please use only the space
allotted (approximately 150 words).

Previous Volunteer Experience

Summarize your previous volunteer experience, paying special attention to any international or youth
experience. Please use only the space allotted (approximately 150 words).

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List two references over the age of 21 and not related to you.

Full Name E-Mail Address Relationship to You

Emergency Contact

Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Home Phone ( )
Work/Cell Phone ( )
E-Mail Address

Recruitment Survey
How did you hear about Bridges Beyond Borders?

Agreement Confirmation
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand
that if I am selected as a mentor, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made
by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal and replacement.

Full Name

Our Policy
It is the policy of Bridges Beyond Borders to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color,
religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Thank you for applying to be a mentor with Bridges Beyond Borders and for your passion to serve the
Lexington refugee community.

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Please return this form as an attachment via e-mail to:
Lindsay Griffith
Subject: Completed Mentor Application

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