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THE INDIAN BOILERS ACT, 1923 (Act No. 5 of 19231 (25rd February, 1823) ‘An Act to consolidate and amend the la relating to stan-oiers ‘Whereas itis expedient to consolidate and amend the law relating to steam-boilers; Tes hereby enacted as follows 1. Short title, extent and commencement (0) This Act may be called the Indian Biles Act, 1923, (2) I extends tothe whole of india exept the State of Jammu and Kashmir. (2) Xt shall come into force on such date’ asthe Central Government may, by notification In the Official Gaze, appoint. 2. Definitions In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject of context— (@) “Accident” means an explosion ofa boiler or teampipe or any damage toa boiler or steam-pipe which is calculate to weaken the strength thereof so as to render it lable to explode; (a) “Board” means the Cental Boilers Board constituted under section 27 A; (By “Boiler” means any closed vessel exceeding 2275 ites incapacity which fe weed expressly for generating steam under pressze and includes ary mounting or other fitting atached to such vessel, which is wholly or partly under pressure when i6 shut off C “Chie inspector’, “Deputy Chief Inspector”, and “Inspector” means, respectively, person appointed to be a Chet inspector, Deputy Chief Inspector and an Inspector ‘under this Act (ce) “economiser” means any part of feed-pipe that is wholly or partially exposed to the action of flue gases forthe purpose of recovery of waste heat; (ce) “feed-pipe” means any pipe or connected fitting wholly or partly under pressure through Which feed water passes directly toa boiler and which does nok fre an {nteggal part thereof, for Sotto Object and Rtn, Sot Gate of ni, 192, PV. p24 and foe Rep tint Stuhcs ben und 0 Br 4 of 19 Gon Dana nd iby Re 120 192 3 aed Zh Dire snd Nagel by Raf 198, and Sse Lace Maina Angi as Bylng a 98 2S na Sh a Rnd by Ae of 168, 3 te Sh 1 Thfatany 24 vid Nonion Ne, al dod Deb 98 se Gael of nd 192, 453 Indian Boiler Regulations (@) “owner” includes any person using a boiler as agent ofthe owner thereof and any person using a boiler which he has hired or obtained on Toan fom the owner thereof (e) “prescribed” means prescibed by regulations or rules made under this Act; (f “steam-pipe” means any pipe through which steam passes from a boiler to a prime-maver or other user oF both if (the pressure at which steam passes through such pipe exceeds 35 kilograms per square centimetre above atmospheric pressure; oF @) such pipe exceeds 254 millimeters in intemal diameter; and includes in ether case any connected fiting of a steam-pipe; () “sectural alteration, addition or renewal” shall not be deemed to include any. renewal of replacement of a petty nature when the part or fiting used for replacement is nc. inferior in strength, efficiency or otherwise to the replaced part or fitting 2A. Application of Act to feed-pipes very reference in this Act except where the word “seampipe” is used in clause (0) of section 2 toa steasr-pipe o steam-pipes shall be deemed to include also a reference toa feed- pipe or fed-pipes, respectively 28. Application of Act to economisers Every reference in this Act toa boiler or boilers except in clause (ce) of section 2, shall ‘be deemed to include aso a reference to an economiser oF economisers, respectively. 3. Limitation of application (2) Nothing in this Act shall apply in the case of any boiler of steam-pipe— (@) in any steam-pipe as defined in sexton 3 ofthe "Indian Steamships Act 1884 (7 ‘of 1884)], or in any steamvessel as defined in section 2 of the inland Steam vessels Act, 1917 (I of 1917) of (@) belonging to, or under the cantrol of the Army, Navy or Air Force; oF (€) appertaining to a sterilizer or disinfector ofa type such as is commonly used in hospitals, ifthe boiler does not exceed ninety one liters in capacity (2) The Central Government may, by notification in the Offical Gazette, declare thatthe provisions ofthis Act shall not apply inthe case of boilers or sten-pipes, or any specified class of boilers or steam-pipes. belonging to or under the control of any railway administered by the (Central Government or by any State Government or by any railway company’ as defined in clause (5) of section 3 of the “Indian Railways Act, 1890 (9 of 1890). Fl Ger now the Indian Merchant Siping At, 1929 2 of 1929, 8.2 Sena The Raye Act 1989 to 156 Amn M/s JME JAINA BROS, 2, Mon Cate Duh = 1006 NELA) Pa stitztsoe fae Stan}, ena eoheacm “ndignBoiler Regulations 4. Power to limit extent ‘The State Government may, by notification in the Offical Gavette, exclude any specified area from the operation ofall oF any specified provisions ofthis Act 5. Chief Inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors (2) The State Government may appoint such persons asi thinks fit tobe Inspectors for the State forthe purposes ofthis Ac, and may define the local limits within which each Inspector shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and imposed on Inspectors by ot under this Act (2) The State Government may appoint such persons as it thinks fit to be Deputy Chief Inspectors forthe tate and may define the local limits within which each Deputy Chef Inspector shall exercise his powers and perform his duties under this Act. {@) Every Deputy Chief Inspector may exercise the powers and perform the duties confessed and imposed on Inspectors by or under this Act and, in addition thereto, may exercise such powers or perform sich duties conferred or imposed on the Chief Inspector by of under Act, fs the State Government may assign to him, (@) The State Government shall appoint a person to be Chief Inspector for the State who ‘may, in addition tothe powers and duties conferred and imposed on the Chief Inspector by or under this Act, exercise any power or perform any duty so conferred or imposed on Deputy (Chief inspector o Inspectors. (©) Subject to the provisions ofthis act, the Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors shall ‘eercise the powers and perform the duties conferred and imposed on them by or under the general Superintendence and control of the Chief Inspector. (© The Chiet inspector, Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors may offer such advice as they think fit to owners regarding the proper maintenance and safe working of boilers. () The Chief Inspector md all Deputy Chief Inspectors and Inspectors shall be deemed to be public servants withis the meaning of section 21 ofthe Indian Penal Code ($5 of 1860). 6, Prohibition of se of urepsered of uncertifct boiler Save a these exresly povided in the Act no owner of bole hl we the bole ox permit toe oot (ene it hasbeen retered in cordance with he provision thi Act (in the cae of ny baer which has ben tranfere from one Se ant unt the taser has een reported nthe pres mane (0 nls a eft or provisional order authorising the use othe oer i forthe fine begin force ue he Ac (4) ata prenure higher than the maximum presto recorded nich cetifeate ot proviral ender (©) where the Sate Govemment has made rls regrng that boilers shall bein charge of persons holding Certificates of proficiency’ oF competency, unless the, boiler is in charge of a person holding the certificate required by such rues. 456 Indion Boiler Regulations Provided that any boiler registered, oF any boiler certified or licensed, under any Act hereby repeated shal be deemed to have been registered or ceritied, as the case may be, under this Act 7. Registration (1) The oviner of any boiler which isnot registered under the provisions ofthis Act may. apply tothe inepector to have the boiler registered. Every such application shall be accompanied by prescribed fee. (2) On receipt of an application under sub-section (1), the Inspector shall fx a date, within thirty days or such shorter period as may be prescribed from the date of the receipt, forthe amination ofthe boiler and shall give the owner theteo! not less than ten days’ notice of the date so fixed. (9) Om the said date the Inspector shall proceed to messure ancl examine the boiler and to determine inthe prescribed manner the maximum pressure, f any, at which such boiler, may 'be used, and shal report the result ofthe examination to the Chie Inspector in the presribed form, (4) The Chief Inspector, on receipt of the report, may— (@) register the boiler and assign a register number thereto either forthwith ot after satisfying himself that any structural alteration, addition or renewal which he may deem necessary has been made in oF to the baler or any steam-pipe attached thereto, oF (b) refuse to register the boiler Provided that where the Chief Inspector refuses to register boiler, he shall forthwith communicate his refusal tothe owner of the boiler together with the reasons therefor. (5) The Chief Inspector shall, on registering the boiler, order the issue tothe owner of &

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