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Name: ___________________________________ Period: ________________ Poetry Project

Poetry Project Expectations

Partner Presentation

Totally! (5)

Sort of (3)

Nope (0)

Song has at least 3 poetic devices

Printed lyrics for display show effort
and care
One partner recites the lyrics clearly
One partner explains the poetic
devices cleary
The analysis of poetic devices is
clear and accurate.
Total: ___________________/ 25 pts
Poetry Slam Performance

Totally (10)

Sort of (5)

Nope (0)

Totally (5)

Nope (0)

Explains to Ms. DAmico or Ms.

Ciaccia what the student will be
performing on May 23rd BEFORE
Friday, May 20th

Performs with effort and enthusiasm

on May 23rd.

Writes a typed reflection that states

how the performance went and how
the student felt afterward.

Total: _____________________/ 25 pts.

Poetry Slam Attendance

Totally! (5)

Sort of (3)

Nope (0)

Typed reflection is neat, accurate,

and error-free.
Is a respectful and responsible
audience member
Checks in with Mrs. Ciaccia at Poetry
Slam for attendance
Totally (10)
Writes a typed reflection about the
Total: ___________________/ 25 pts

Nope (0)

Name: ___________________________________ Period: ________________ Poetry Project

Poet Biography

Totally! (5)

Sort of (3)

Nope (0)

Essay provides a brief summary of

the poets life (1 paragraph)
Essay includes one of the poet's
original poem and an brief analysis (
1 paragraph)
Essay includes a second original
poem by the poet and a brief
analysis (1 paragraph)
Essay explains common themes,
poetic techniques, or structures that
the poet is famous for (1

Writing is typed, neat, and error-free

Total: ___________________/ 25 pts

Original Work

Totally! (5)

Sort of (3)

Nope (0)

Poem includes at least 10 lines of

neatly typed poetry
Poem includes at least one example
of figurative language (metaphor,
simile, personification)
Poem includes at least one sound
device (alliteration, rhyme,
consonance, assonance)
Poem includes a third poetic device
of your choices (meter, symbol,
Author provides an error- free
explanation of what 3 poetic devices
were used in the poem and why the
devices are important (1 paragraph)
Total: ___________________/ 25 pts

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