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Galileo Galilei

was a big part of the Scientific

Revolution. He invented many things like the telescope,

which he used to discover many planets. He was born
Galileo Galilei, on February 15, 1564 in Pisa, Italy.
Galileo had three siblings, one of whom was the famous
composer, Michelangelo (not the artist).
When Galileo was young, he moved to
Florence, Italy, and he stayed there for two
years. Galileo dropped out of the University of
Pisa in 1585 due to insufficient funds. He had
three children with his wife, Marina Gamba.
One of the first things Galileo vastly improved was the
telescopeconsidered a magical device at
the timethat was used to see far away.
He used his newer and better telescope to
see and discover more details about planets,
for instance: four moons orbit Jupiter; Venus has
phases like the moon; Saturn has rings; and the
Sun has spots.
Galileo's discovery of the phases of
Venus was thus arguably his most empirically
practical [and] influential contribution to the
two-stage transition from full geocentrism to full
heliocentrism via geo-heliocentrism (
quote shows us that Galileo used the phases of Venus as proof for the existence
of Heliocentrism.

Next came the thermoscope (shown at left), which later turned into the
thermometer. He also invented the compass, which helped mathematicians
sketch, and led them to discoveries about pi and other equations related to the
circle. And lastly, to prove the church wrong about the Aristotelian theory, he
The Theory of the Tides
. The church got upset that he wrote and
supported the Copernican theory (aka, Heliocentrism Theory), although he
was a devout Catholic. Because of this, the church put Galileo under house
arrest for the rest of his life. However, Galileo never stopped supporting the
Heliocentrism Theory, and making things until his death eight years later
on January 8, 1642 at the age of 77.
Mathematics is the language with
which God has written the universe,
said Galileo Galilei. This quote by
Galileo shows us how he believed that if he understood math, he could
understand the universe. Also, I think he believed that if someone was
accomplished and smartthen they were capable of great things.
Throughout his lifetime, Galileo invented and discovered many things like
the Theory of the Tides. Galileo went against the church and pulled for
Copernicanism Theory. He also invented the telescope, which he went on to
use to discover important information about the planets we commonly know
today. In doing so, Galileo Galilei, the great polymath, proved himself to be
one of the greatest minds in history.

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