SBI Practice Set 1

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EXPLANATION WITH a\ SHORT ~ eS v/, \ oe, TRICKS ENGLISH LANGUAGE Q.1-15. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given belowit. Certain Words / phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Sheela and Jairam were @ poor old couple, Their only possession was one cow Once, Jairam fell very sick. Soon all their money was used up in buying medicines and they realised that they would have to sell their cow in order to bear the rest of the expenesSheela decided togoto the market and sell the cow. She set off, leading the cow by @ rope, On theiwvay, she met four young men. They were the local bullies who enjoyed teasing and tormenting old people. ‘When they sew old Sheela with her cow, they decided to pléiya trick. One ofthemsneaked up behind net, untied the cow and tied a goat in its place, Sheela had beenwalking immersed in thought, worried about Jeiram. Suddenly she heard a goat bleat behind her. Ste tumed around and was surprised to see that her cow had vanished. She was leading a goat to the market The four bullies came up to her and said, ‘There is magic in the airthesé days, See, it tured your cow into a goat." Poor Sheela walked on with the gat. Afteralittlé while, the boys untied the goat and tied a rooster ints place. The rooster crowed and Sheela(was surprised again. The ‘goat had tuned into a rooster! The four bullies shouted, "Magicin the ir, Grandma.” She resumed walking with the rooster in tow. Afiera few minutéSthe boys crep( up again, untied rooster and tied @ log of wood in its place. A few moments later Sheela realiged that she was dragging a log of woodwith @ rope. Again, the bullies shouted, “Magicin the aif, Grandma” Atera few minutes, the boys untied the log of wood too and ran away with it. When Sheela finally reached the market, she found that she had nothing but a rope in her hand. She came back home dejected asshe had lost the cow. She told Jairam the whole story. He immediately understood what had happened. “Make chapatti, vegetable did kheer for lunch tomorrow.” he said. “Cook foratleast four people. Iwill come home with Some guests. As Soon as they come you must say, I cooked what the rabbit told me. Come, eat your lunch.’ Leave everything else to me," Jairam reassured her. The next morning Yairam went anttborrowed two identical rabbits from a friend. He left one aathome, tied the other one witha string and started walking towards the market withit. On the way he too rfetthe four bullies. Hey Grandfather!" | have yelled, “Your wife's cow vanished yesterday. Where are you taking this rabbit now ?" Jairam sighed sadly and said, “This rabbit is like my son It obeys everything | say. But now | am sickand we need money, so lam going to sell it in the market.” The four tullies were surprised when they heard this. “Does it really Understand what you say, Grandfather "they asked. Jairam replied, “Of course itdoes, Here, Jairam tured towards the rabbit and said, ‘Hop home and tell Sheela to make chapatts vegetable and kheer for four people.” Then he untied the string and let the rabbit hop away, He'tirned towards the four boys and said, “Come home and have lunch with me." When Aiey reached highome his wife welcomed them and said, “I cooked what the rabbit asked me to cook Come, 44 yourlunch, She served the chapattis, vegetable and kheer to all of them. The ‘our bullies were stunned when they saw the rabbit sitting in the corner. They told Jairam, “We will Buy’your rabbit." Jairam pretended to think and said, “itis very precious to me.” The four bullies immeciately offered him a higher price, Jairam showed some reluctance. The moment he agreed to sell the rabbit they paid him the money and eft with the rabbit immediately, The four bullies decided to test the rabbit's abilities. They had been blackmailing a landlord for money. WB Wahendra's 2 at. a2 a3, a. as. as az. ‘ So thoy told the rabbit, “Go and tell the landlordto bring us tho money withinten minutos.” The rabbit hopped off. They waited for an Nour but the landlord did not come with the money. They marched to his house and yelled, “Give us the money and our rabit." The landlord had b3en waiting fora chance to teach these bullies a lesson. He ordered his strongest bodyguard to give them a good thrashing. Bleeding and bruised they went back to Jairam's house and said, "You fooled us. Retum our money at once." Jairam simply smited and said, The money has disappeared! ‘There is mage in the air.” ‘Whydid Sheela and Jairam decide to sell the cow? (4) They had spent alltheir money on Jairam's sickness and needed more money @) Shoala wanted to buy a rooster and they needed moneyfor that/ @) They were fed up of the four bullies and wanted to teach them lesson (@) They wantedto invite the four bullies for lunch and needed money for buying the ingredients ©) They owed moneyto the landlord Why was Jairam reluctant to sell the rabbit ? (1) He only pretendedto be reluctant in order to foo! theybullies, (2) He was fond ofthe litle rabbit and did not want to sell R tothe bullies @) He wanted to gift the rabbits to the landlord (@) He knew thatthe bullies would not take good-care of the rabbit (6) He wanted to sell the rabbit in the fiarket and get a better pfice forit ‘Which of the following maybe an appropriate tile to the passage ? (1) Magic in the air (2)Nevér steal cow @) The strongest bodyguard (4) The smart bullies ©) The obedient rabbit ‘What did Sheela do afterreaching the market empty handed ? (1) Determined to eam mohey, she managed to sell the rope thet she was left with (2) Sheretumned home dejected end narrated the whole incident to herhusband (@) She bought tw6 rabbits and devised a plan to get back at the bullies 4) Shewent to the landlord and complained about the bullies © Shewentfidine and cooked lnch for her husband and herself ‘What did the four bullies tie fo Sheela’s rope immediately after untying the cow? (1) Alog ofwood (2)Arooster @Arabbit (4)Agoat (5) Not mentioned in the passage Why were the four bullies surprised when they were talking to Jairam 9 (1) They knew that Yairam was sick and had not expected to see him 2} /They nado expected vairam to invite them for lunch GJ They-could not believe that the rabbit could understand and obey Jairam (4) They knew that Jairam didnot own a rabbit and were surprised to see © They could/not believe that Jairam knew the rabbits language ‘What did the/our bullies see when they reached Jairam’s house ? (1) They.s4wthat two rabbits were sitting in the corner (2) They sawthet Sheela had not prepared any lunch, @) They sawthe cow they had stolen from Sheela on the previous day (@) They sawthe log of wood they had tied to Sheola’s rope. ©) They saw that the same rabbit was sitting in the commer Wakeudra's 3 with one as. as. ato., an. a2, a3. 14-18 ans. as. 46-20. a6. Qu7. a8, a ‘Arrange the following incidents in a chronological order as they occurred in the passage, (A) Jairam and Sheela needed money (©) The four bullies sent the rabbit tothe landlord (©) Sheela cooked chapattis, vegetable and kheer (©) The four bullestied @ 1og of wood to the rope (yADBo @acos (@)ADCB, (4)DABC (DAC ‘Which of the following is true according to the passage ? (1) The four boys liked to help old people Q Jairam asked Sheela to cook lunch for atleast four people @) The rabbit could understand Jairam ) Jairam could not tick the four boys (©) None is true ‘What did the landlord do when the four bullies went to his hodse and yelled’? (1) He got scared andimmediately gave them the money @) Ho ran away and hid in the markot @) He complainedto Jairam about this (4) He ordered his strongest bodyguard to thrash thefn (6) He offered them lunch in orderto calm them dawn Choose the word / group of words which is most similar in the fneaning to the word ! group of, ‘words printed in bold as used in the passage. Thrashing: (Garbage) Be: Possession: (1) Controt @) Power (Custody (t)Kesping (6) Bolonging Vanished : (1) Gone missing @) Wes found (3) Waskilled (4) Was leftbehind (6) Had exchanged Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning tothe word printed in bold as used inthe passage. Agreed: (1)Decided/ Arranged ~—(@) Accepted ~—(4)Deolined (5) Fixed Dejected (1) Happy @ Huried @)Cresifallen (4) Slowly ®Angiily Each sentence below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. CCho¢se ine Set otwords tor each lank which best ritsthe meaning of the sentence as a whole. (@)Shouting) (4) Warming (5) Rejection THe students not reach on time_of the transport strike. (yan - as (2)could- because (@ may- account (4) will -despite (©) should - for They were_/ to vacate that house as, as possible, (1) asked“soon (2) ordered - easy (@)shown- early (4)told-- later (6) found -fast The teacher the concept by. practical examples (1) showed - telling (2)Gave-spezking (@liked-citing (4) found -looking (8) explained - quoting Wakendra's 4 a9, Q.20. Q.21-25. a2. Q.22. 2.23. Q.24, 25. Q.26-30. Q.26. a2. Q.28. a2, Q.30. ‘ ‘Tho managertold us_Remesh was very anxious the meeting (1) about in (@mat- betore @iie- uring (4) the -for (6) said-after ‘She didnottell___that she _ attended the party. (1) someone - have (2)no one- has. (3) him - not’ (4) her-can (@)stid- ater Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error offétomatic error int The error, if any, willbe in one part of he sentence. The number ofthat partis the answer. there is “No Error" the answer is'S'. (anore errors of punctuation if any.) ‘The shepherd counted / his sheep and found// that one of /them is fii8sing\No Exyér ) @ @ & 8 ‘The teacher were / impressed by her performance / and asked her to /participate in the (t) @ (3) @ ‘competition. No Error No Error ® ‘She asked her / son for help her /find @ place to bury/ the gold omarhents, No Error a) @ @) (4) 6) The painter was / ask to paint a / picture of the king, / siting on his throne, No Error O} 2 ® w 6 The story was/ about how an / intelligent man had saving/ himself from being robbed. No Error a @ @) 4) © Inthe following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage, against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Fing.out the appropriate word in each case. Emperor Akbar was fond of asking tricky questions to Birbal. One day heasked Birbal wnat he would choose if he were given a choice between justice and a gold coin."The gold coin," said Bisbal. Akbar wes fakén aback. He had knovin Birbal for many years and he knew that Birbel was a just person. Then\now could he choose the gold coin, “You would prefer a gold coin to justice 7” he/@Bked, incredulously’ "Yes," said Birbal. The other courtiers were amazed by Birbal's display of idiocy. For yeers they had been trying to discredit Birbal in the emperor's ‘eyes but without success and now the man had gone and done.t himself! They could not believe their good fortune. “I would have been dismayed if even the lowlest of my servants had said this” ‘continued the emperor “But coming from you i's shocking - and sad. | did net (26) you wore 50 debased..| never expected this from you. How could you be so sallow 2° 3 error, or" the One (27) or what ie does hot have, Your Majesty ! seid Birbai, quietly."You have (28) to it that in ouf country justice is available to everybody. So as justice is already available tome and{as I'm lvays(29) of money I said | would choose the goldcoin.” The emperorlaughed. He thoughtto himself, should have known that Birbal would come up with a wity reply as always.” He was so piéased with Birbal’s reply that he gave him (30) one but a thousand gold coins. (1) felt @) said (3) know (4) accept (saw (1) asks, @)chooses (3) look )find (wish (1) sure @) put (8) shown seen (made (1)n0 @ rich (@)shion ) poor (© plenty (1) but @)not (@)and (4)s0 only 5 Wakeudra's Q.31-40. What value should come in the piace of question mark (2) in the following questions ? ast. 0.32, a.33. 34, 35. Q.36. Qasr. 2.38. Q.39, 40. att. a4, Qs. 3,6+36.5+3,66+0.26+3.0= 2 NUMERICAL ABILITY (1) 44.22 7722 @m2 4722 2KA5+15=? (1) 69 265 @e @71 abut ata 10 20 20 10 (1) 255 @ 35 @2 (4) 835 210, 17 wp ag? 4088 (1) 202 @218 233 (4) 227 83% of 2350 =? (1) 1509.5 (2) 1950.5 @) 1905.5 (4) 1500/5 1089 +3=(?)° as @6 @3 as 96325-5157 (1) 223 228 @z9 (a)221 2438 = (7 = (1) 1426 @ 1449 © 1463 (4) 1476 (5281-2 (189 97 Os 491 (63)?— (12° 27 (1) 3528 @) 3082 (@ 3582 (4) 3825 itisdaz4gd 55 4t0 7 7 3 9 (0 5 Qa Oe (41740 19615 ays 6 @7 ao 1798+31 x7=348" as @s @4 Ol (@or2614(40)-3-@7 as @9 @s @2 43% of 600 + 7% of 300 = 399 yas oa aa () None of these Wahendra’s (8) None of these (9) None of these (yNone of these (9) None of nese (6) None of these 4 (8) None of these (6) None of these 683 ©) None of these (8) None of these (8) None of these (©) None of these (6) None of these 42 0.48, a7. 0.48, a9, Q.50. ast. Q.s2. Q.s3. ‘ ‘What will be the compound interest on a sum of 75001: at 4 p.c.p.a. in 2 years ? (e618 @zera- @) ¥ 624 (4) = 608/- (8) 621/- Inhow many differentwayscan the letters ofthe word CREAM" be arranged? «720 @240 @)360 (4) 504 (5) None of these ‘The circumference of a circle is 792 meters. What will be its radius ? (1) 120 meters: (2) 133 meters: (3) 145 meters: (4) 136 meters (© None of these Cost of 36 pens and 42 pencils is = 460/-. What is the cost of 18 pens and 21 pencils 7 (1) 2007- @ 8 200/- #2021. (4)%320/- (5) None of these The ratio of the ages of A and B seven yearsago was3 : 4 respectively. THe ratio of their ages nine years from now willbe 7 8 respectively, What is B's age at presertt? (1) 16 years. 2) 19 years (@) 28 years. (4) 23 years (8) None of thes In how many years will ¥ 4600 amount to % 5428€t 3 p.c.p.a. siniple interest ? ays @s @s a4 (8) None of these ‘What willbe the average ofthe following set of scores ? 59, 84, 44,98, 30, 40, 58 (1) 62 Qe @75 (a) 52 6) 59 The sum of three conseGillive odd fumbers is 1383. Whats the largest number ? (1) 403 @ai9 487 4)481 @None of these Q.54-57.Study the information civen below and answer the questions that follow: Q.54, 55. 0.56. as. An article waS Bought for® 5600Mts price was marked up by 12%. Thereafierit was sold at a discount of $% on the marked price. ‘What was the marked price of the article ? (1) Fe207/- @) 6242 @)Fe202- (4) 76192/- (5) 76272- ‘Whaiwasithe percent profit on the transaction ? (16.8% (26.3% (3) 6.4% (4)9.6% ©6.2% ‘What was the amount of discount given ? (1) 2319.6 (223036 (3) 2306.3 (a) 7313.65 ©)2316.9 ‘The area of arectangle Is 1208 square meters. its length measures 39 meters. How much Is its perimeter ? (1) 122 meters (@) 134meters (3) 148 meters (4) 144 motors (©) None of these Wakeudra's 7 www 0.58.62 Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions that follow ass. Q.69. 2.60. a6t. 62. ass, 6s, 65. ‘The graph given bolow rosprosonts the number of users of two broadband and services Aand B across § cities P,Q, R, S and T. 8004 700 j A 600 4 7 me 500 400 4 P a R s v City ‘What is the total number of users of bfind B actoss all ve citi together ? (1) 2700 (2) 3000 (3) 3100 (4) 2900, (8) 3200 The number of users of brand Ain city Tis what percent of thé number of users of brand B in city a? (1)150 @) 110, @) 140 (4) 160 ©120 ‘What isthe average number of users of brand A across all five cities together ? (1) 560 @s70 (3) 580 (4)580 550 What isthe difference between the total number of users of Brand and B togetherin city Rand the total number of users of brand Aand B together in city ? (1) 170 (2) 140 (3) 130 (4)150 ©) 160 ‘What is the respective ratio of the number of users of brand in city P to the number of users of brand B in city S 7 (5:7 4:7 (2:5 (43:4 5:6 21 affiGleSWere bought for 6531 and sold for ¥ 9954. How much wasthe approximate profit pestentageypat frlicle ? (1) 569% 243% @) 52% (4) 49% 61% ‘Aand B togettier can complete a particular task in 8 days. IfB alone can complete the same task in 10 days, how many days will take to complete the tesk if he works alone ? (28 @% @40 (432 (8) None of these ‘The cost price of an article is 1700. If twas Sold at aprice of % 2006, whet was the percentage profit on the transaction ? ays @1 @0 15 ©)2 Makendea's 8 ‘ REASONING ABILITY .66-70. Following questions are based on five words given below Q.66. er. Qs. Q.69. Q70. a7. Q72. WT BAR URN ELF TOP (Thenew words formed after performing the mentioned operations may or may not necessarily be meaningful English words) I in each of the words, all the alphabets are arranged in English alphabetical order within the word, how many words will NOT begin with a vowel ? (1) None (2)One @) Two (4)qThree: (© Morethan three How many letters are there in the English alphabetical series between second ler of he word which is second from the right and the third letter of the word which is third from the left of the given words ? (1) One 2)Two @ Three (4) Four Five If in each of the given words, each of the consonant is"Ghanged to previous letter and each vowel is changed to next letter in the English alphabetical series,/in how many words thus formed will no vowel appear? (1) None (2) One @) Two (4) Throd (©) More than throo Ifthe last aiphabet in each ofthe words is changed tothe next alphabet inthe English alphabetical order, howmany words having two vowels (same or different vowels) will be formed ? (1) None 2)One @ Two (4)"Three () Four Ifthe given words are arranged in the order asthey would appearin a dictionary from left to right, which of the following will be fourth from the left ? wit (BAR @uRN ELF @ TOP Veena walked 5m towards north, took a left tum and walked 7m. She took a leftturn again and walked 8m before faking a left turn and walking 7m. She then took a final left turn and walked ‘1m before stopping. How far is Veena from the starting point ? (1) 3m (2)6m_ @4m (4)2m @7m In a certain code IDEAS is written as HEDBR and WOULD is written as VPTMC. How will RIGHT be written in the same code? (unis @)Qures @)SHHGU —(@)QuFIU @)auris Q.73-75, Study the following information to answer the given question. Q73° Amofiget five friends,A;B, C, D and E, each bought a mobile phone fora different price. paid mote “tham)Bothv© and E. Only B paid more than D. Edid not pay the minimum amount. E paid R5,.8,000 forthephone. ‘Which of the following is true with regard to the given information ? (1) Only two People paid a price less than the price paid by B @) E Paid more than c andB @) No one paid more amountthan thet paid by C (4) Amongstthe five friends, C is most likely to have paid Rs, 9,000 for the mobile phone © None is true WW Wakeudra's 8 a7. a7. IfD paid Rs. 17,000 more than the price paid by E, which of the following could possibly the ‘amount paid by A? (1)Rs.35,009 (2S. 16,000 (@)RS.7500 (4) RS. 26,000 | (5) Rs.6,500 Who paid the third hichest amount for the mobile phone ? aa 2B @c ao @E .76-80-In each question below given twothree statements followed by two conclusions numbered | and a7. azz. a7. ars. Q.80. II, You nave to take the two/three given statements to be true even if/they seem to be at variance from commonly known facis and then decide which of the given conclusions logically {follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Giveanswer(1) If only conclusion | follows. Give answer (2) If only conclusion II follows. Giveanswer (3) Ifeither conclusion | or conclusion II follows), Give answer (4) _ If neither conclusion | nor conclusion I! foll6ws: Giveanswer(5) If both conclusion | and conclusion II follow. Statements: Allkites are birds, ‘All aeroplanes are kites, No bird is a fish. Conclusions: |. No fish isa kite. U.Allaerdplanes are birds. Statements : Somewitesare fires {Ali fires/are tyres. Conclusions: |. Atleast some tyres are wires, _II. Some fires are definitely not wires. Statements : No clips apin. All badges are pins. Conclusions: |. No badge is a clip. U.All pins are badges. ‘Statements : No colouris a paint No paint is a brush Conclusions: |. No colour isa bflsh. U.All brushes are colours. Statements : All starslare planets, All planets are galaxies. Conclusions: | All galaxies are planets. Iall stars are galexies. Q.81-85. Study the followingartangement carefully and answer the questions given below: aot. 82. aes. ass. 85. BUBDCEDBDEUBADCBEACDAEBAUACDBCAC How many sich pairs of alphabelsare there in the series of alphabets given in BOLD (A to E) inthe above arrangement each of which has as many letters between them (in both foward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical series ? (None (2)One @) Two (4) Three (6) Moro than three ‘Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the twentieth from the left end of the above arrangement ? ag 2 @u 4B @A How m&nymeaningful words can be formed with the alphabets which are frst, second, rith and sixinfforn jhe left end of the above arrangement ? (1)None (2) One @) Two (4) Three (8) More than three How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement each of whichis immediately preceded by a vowel and also immediately followed by a consonant ? (1) One 2)Two @) Three (4) Four (8) More than Four Ifall As are dropped from the above arrangement, which of the following willbe eleventh fromthe right end of the above arrangement ? WE Qc @d @uU (5) None of these WB Wahendra's * ‘ Q.86 -90. Study the following information to answer the given questions: Q.86. Qe. 88. Q.29, 0. Eight people are sitting in two paraliel rows containing four people each, in sucha way thet there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 P, Q, R and S are Seated (but not necessarily in the same order) and all of them are facing south. In row-2A, B,C and D are seated (but not necessariy in the same order) and all of them are facing north. Therefore, inthe given seating arrangement cach member seated in a row faces another member of th other row. R sits second to the right of P. Als an immediate neighbour of the perSom who faces R. Q sits second to left of the person vine faces A. Only one person sits between Band C. C does Nat face P. G does not sii at any of the extreme ends of the line. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based onthe given'seating arangément and thus form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ? aa 2P @R 4B @s ‘Who amongst the following faces B (yp @aQ @)R as (6) Cannot be determined ‘Which of the following istrue regaraing 2 (1) S sits exactly between R and P Q S sits second to left of @ @) Pisanimmediate neighbour of S (4) Disanimmediate neighbour of the person who faces S ©) None is true ‘Who amongst the following faces Q7 (a @B @ec re) (©) Cannot be determined ‘Who amongst the following faces the person who sits exactly between 6 and C 7 ap @a @R as (8) Cannot be determined Q.91.92.Each of the questions given beloWwis based on the given diagram. The dlagram shows three asi. figures each representing Engineers, MBA degree holders and Bank employees. ‘AP? Bank Employees T> Engineers }> MBA degree holders ‘Which of the following does the group B representin the above diagram ? (1) All suchéngineers who are not MBA degree holders @) Suelrbank employees who are engineers but not MBA degree holders @) All such engineers who are MBA degree holders but are not bank employees (4) All such MBA degree holders who are not bank employees, (6) All such bank employees who are engineers as well MBA degree holders Wakeudra's " 92. a.93. a9, 95. Which of the following groups represents all such Bank employees who are not MBA degree holders? (GAEandC @)AEandC @)AandE — (4) OnlyA ()Aande Which of the following groups represents all such persons who are MBA degree holders butare neither engineers nor bank employees ? (1) Only S (2) Only D @)Dande (4) Only & (8) Not represented in the diagram ‘Which of the following represents such engineers who are MBA degree holders but not bank employees ? (1)Gand8——@)OnlyF @o we © Noho of these Which of the following correctly represents such engineers who are neither bank employees nor MBA degree holders ? (1) Only (2)CandB @AandD (a) Cand@’-/) Only Q.96-100. Study the following information carefully and answer th given questigns. Q.96. Q97. a9. Q.99. 2166. Five friends P, Q, R, $ and T travelled separatelyso five differeft cities namely Chennai Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mangelore by different modes offransport, i.e. by bus, train, aeroplane, car and boat from Gos. ‘The person who travelled to Delhi did not travel by boat. R travélled to Mangalore by car and S travelled by boat. Q travelled to Kolkata by.aeroplane and’T travelled by train. Goa is not connected by bus to Delhi and Chennai Straveliedto__by. (1) Hyderabad, tain (Chennai, boat (8) Chennai, train (4) Dotti, boat Peni, train Who amongst the following travelled to Delhi? ar OR @s ar @a Q: Kolkata lin thesame way as °? (1) Hyderabad @ Chennai (8) Mangatore (4) Dethi © Cannot be determined ‘Which ofthe following combinations of place and transport is correct ? (1) otkata-Bus @)Dethi-Aeropiane @yMarigalsre- Train (4) Chennai-Boat (5) *ijderabad -Car ‘Which of the following combinations istrue for ? (1) Travelledto Kolkata by bus (2) Travélted to Delhi by train (@) Travelled o Chennai by boat (4) Travelled to Hyderabad by bus (8) None of these Watendra's 2 Q.4.(1) Q.2(1) 2.3(1) 2.42) asia) 263) a75) 2.33) 2.912) 10/4) an) az) 13.1) 14.4) 2.15.(1) 2.16.2) 0.18.65) Q.31.(4) 321) Q.33,(2) ENGLISH ‘Thrashing means beating someone Possession here means belonging ‘Vanished means something that nas dis- appeared which means the same 2s gone missing agreed means had same views orto give Consentso its antonym among the given optionsis dectined dejected means depressed, its antonym among the given optionsis nappy. Could isa modal verbthat is used in the past tense to indicate an action and be- Cause should be used in the second blank as it can be followed by of. asked should be used here as we use this word in the reported speech when ‘somebody is told to do something apn the second blank soon'Should be used aswe use a positive dearee of adie with as ___as form easy cannot be used here asthe house can be vacated ‘soon but not easy. explained - quoting is the bestoption among the given choices as a concept is explained. LANGUAGE Q.19,(2) A sentence in the reported carries that afterthe verbtold or said 2.20.3) Q.21.(4) Replace is with was as the sentence is. in the past tense. .22.(1) Replace were with was as the teacher is a singular subject so a singular vero ‘should be used with it 0.23.2) Replace for with to, Q.24,(2) uso asked jn’ place of ask/was/wers should be used either with progressive form of verb (in the continuous tense) or with the past form of the vert in the pas- sive valve. Q.25(3) Used saved in place of saving 2.25.(3) kndWw Q.27.(1)_asksis the appropriate word here as when ‘you want something you ask for it. Q.2848) shown Q.29,(3) shortof mdney means having less money. For other options : {@) no gannot be followed by of (b) rich of money is inappropriate firstly because its not followed by of and sec- ‘ondly it would give an opposite meaning tothe statement (©) pooris also not used with of money (@) plenty means in abundance. Itwould give an opposite meaning to the state- iment. 2.30,(2) not isthe most appropriate word here as ‘we need a contradiction in the sentence. (not one but many coins) NUMERICAL ABILITY 3.6+36.5+3,66+0.26+3.0= 2247.22 23xAB18=9. 2943 7 2d a2 y7i52_ 32 oa 6 2 58490 63. 2 Wahendra's 2 1628-756 132 sr 132 80 132, 2- 9-620 33 4 ass) 2227048 45 2 = 4046 « 21017 2~ 4048.14. 1 1417 2+ 298 7=2380. 8% 0.352) 7= 235075 2= 1950.5 Q.36,(2) (7) = \1089 +3 (2) =93+3 (= 96 226 Q.37.(2) 2 = 96+32*5-31 =96+160-31 = 256-31 = 225 0.3848) 7:36=7'-8 (49-8) x 36 pe 4in3t = 1476 0.99.8) 2 = (6287 =91 Q.40.(4) 2 = (63)° = (12) = 3969-144 = 3825) Q.41.(1) 918, 3 5 5 40 529,18, 43 5 5 10 9 18+36-+43 18 .42.(1) 0.43.(2) 444) Q.45.(4) .45.(2) ‘ 10 1719471615 LAT AGA “4615 =8 1798-91x72348 58%7=348 30 =6 (ome 34h 40y2-0y gest svar) 27+323° 9-39 : 43 300. 2 =399 400°" 400 600 258 +3«?=399 3x72 11 2247 principal = = 7500|1+4. L400 principle amoung = 7500 20 | 28 = 7500 2, 26 25°25 = 812 0.47.6) 0.48.5) 2.49,(1) Q.50.(4) 2.51.8) 52.5) Q.53.(1) a Compound interest = Mishradhan - ac- tual amount = 8112-7500 =t612 Required number=5! =120 Circumference = 2xnxr Circumference radius = teat 22 2125 m 36 pen + 42 pencil = 7460 devide from (1) to (Il). 2420 a4 18 pen + 24 penci 9 years ago ratio after9 years = 7:8 Difference in ratio = 4 4 ratio = 16 years {7+9} 1 ratio = 4 years So, B's age before seven years = 4x4 = 16 years Atpresent B's age = 16+7 = 23 years Simple interest = 5426-4600 = 828 si<109 7 BR 828 100 4600 x3 ~ 3 feos Required average 50-04" 44 496 +9040 +58 ~ 7 = 413, =50 Let three consecutive odd numbers are. = (X-2),x,(x+2) According to question Wahendra's 16 54.5) 2.55.03) 2.55.(4) 57.5) 2.58,(2) 2.59.(3) de Dhetet2 = 1383 3x= 1383 x= 461 largest number x#2 = 40142 = 463 112, valie= 5600 marked value Tat . jt 12) 100-5 6.0. Fel Sie 7) (00) profit oft percent >/— «100 Profitpercent > seiingprice Selling price cost prise 100 ‘cost price / (1.084 «x-x)100 —_a~ = 6.4% 112 marked price = 5600 5 t= 6272 95, = 6272. cost price 700 = 7 5958.4 concession = 6272-59584 = 2313.6 Area _ 1209 Breadth of rectangle= Length 30” ** perimeter = 2[I+0] =2130+31] = 140m Total number of Brand B = 600+500+650+700+850 = 3000 Number ofof A Brand in City T= 700 Number of of Q Brand in City B= 500 700 500" 100 Required percentage = 2.60.(3) 2.61.4) 2.62,(2) 2.63.3) 0.66,(2) 2.67.2) .68.(3) 2.69.3) 2.70.3) artsy = 140% Average number of Brand A ingluding five cities. ‘= 500++850.+.600:+550:+700 _ 2200 3 5 Total number of used Brand A and B in cities R = 600+650 1250 500+600 = 1100 Required difference = 150 Number of Brand A in city P= 500 Number of Brand incity 6 = 700 Required ratio = 5:7 9954— 6531 9954 =s00 Profit percent = »100 3423 9954 100 = 5241 ~ 52% @.64,(3) Daily work. Day AB 8 * B Ato 10 L.C.M. (6,19) 40 A's deily work = 5-4 = 4 near cay Pott Q.65.(1) Profitpercent= Sofing price 1? Soling Price _ 2006 - 1709, 2100 4700 REASONING ABILITY ITW, ABR, NRU, EFL,OPT Second letter of word which is second from right=L Third letter of word which is third from left=N Letier between D& NM TH TED Gag LE vepenp enh rey agrriiusbiet veh ehR [ELE TOP URN wir Ce—2 B sm 8m, ‘ . ha 7 AF = BE - (BA+FE) =8-(5+1) ane | 24F 4g woud D Ybay dt 4 ‘| “4 a] “f 4) L Rs. 8000. 073.3) 0.74.2) Q.75.(1) 0.76.15) a7.) 78.1) 2.79.03) Q.80,(2) 2.81.5) ‘Amount paid by D = 17000+8000 = Rs, 25,0000 Amount paid by A must be less than Rs. 25,000 and greater than Rs. 8000. It could be Rs. 16,000 Kite Bid Ce (Cr) eS @.82.(4) 8" to the left of 20" fromlefi end means. 20-8" = 12" fromeft end =B Q.83.(2)Letters- BUCE Word - CUBE Q.84,(5) Vowel Consonant. u m ass(i) = 0.86.99. s 2.86.3) Q.87,(1) 2.89.(4) @.90(2) 2.923) 2.932) @.96-100. Person 4onOD B Oo 0 ass. Consonant . 0 0 oD (5) A915) 2.94, city Hyderabad Kolkata Mangalore Chennai Delhi 2.96.(2) a97(1) 99.4) 100.4) 8 (2) 2.9544) Mode of transport Bus ‘Aeroplane car Boat Tran 2.982) OT Te Pa Nes Otay 4 DOC lee eee Ue uke

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