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Track II diplomacy

Track II diplomacy is a specific kind of informal diplomacy, in which non-officials

( Academic scholars, retired civil and military officials, public figures, and social activists )
engage in dialogue, with the aim of conflict resolution, or confidence-building.
[1] This sort of diplomacy is especially useful after events which can be interpreted in a number
of different ways, both parties recognize this fact, and neither side wants to escalate or
involve third parties for fear of the situation spiraling out of control.
For example, suppose that a general from the People's Republic of China (PRC) commented
that atomic bombs are not out of the question if the PRC and the United States should engage in
low-level conflict over the Taiwan question. If the US immediately responded with heavy press
coverage and speeches by major officials, the PRC would then be forced to take either of two
stances: (1) admission that the general was incorrect, which would inflame the Chinese
population and cause grassroots ire and anti-American feeling, or (2) claim that the general was
correct, which would be detrimental to world peace and diplomatic relations.
Instead, the US might engage in Track II diplomacy to try to understand whether the initial threat
was as serious as it seemed to be. Dialogue would be deliberately invited in order to determine
the stance of the PRC without creating a confrontational atmosphere.
The informal nature of Track II diplomacy allows serious and potentially dangerous issues to be discussed in an open,
non-official forum.

Asia-Pacific or Asia Pacific is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean.
The region varies in size depending on context, but it typically includes at least much of
East Asia, and Southeast Asia.The term may also include Russia (on the North Pacific)
and countries in the Americas which are on the coast of the Eastern Pacific Ocean; the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, for example, includes the United States, Canada,
Mexico, Chile, Peru, and Russia.

Alternatively, the term sometimes comprises all of Asia and Australasia as well as
small/medium/large Pacific island nations - for example when dividing the world into large
regions for commercial purposes (e.g. into Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific).
Even though imprecise, the term has become popular since the late 1980s in commerce,
finance and politics though the economies within the region are heterogeneous, they are
mostly emerging markets experiencing rapid growth.

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