Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser: Scott Richards - Dreamweaver Team

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Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser

Scott Richards | Dreamweaver Team

© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

What are Web Widgets?

§ Web Widget = a rich UI element implemented with HTML, CSS,

JS, Ajax
§ Popular Javascript Frameworks
§ Mootools
§ Prototype
§ jQuery
§ Developers creating Widgets, AjaxRain has a great collection of
UI Widgets
§ Buttons
§ Menus
§ Sliders
§ Sortable Tables
§ LightWindow
§ Slideshow
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The Problem

§ Lots of moving parts (files to

§ Dependencies on Javascript
§ Widget implementations vary
§ Quality of documentation and
samples also varies (often
targeted at developers)
§ Markup & code requirements can
be confusing
§ Want to make it drop dead simple
to get Widgets into your web
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Widget Browser

§ Free Stand Alone Application that works with Dreamweaver CS5

§ Browse Widgets Submitted to the Exchange

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Preview & Interact with Widgets

§ Try out built in presets

§ Add Widgets you like to “My Widgets”

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My Widgets

§ Click “Configure” to modify a preset

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§ Modify the Properties the Widget Developer provided

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Code View

§ Can see the code as you change the properties

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My Presets

§ Save your own presets

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Save Widget Files

§ Can Save html, Javascript, and CSS files wherever you want &

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Inserting Web Widgets with Dw

§ Insert javascript, css files creates links to external files

§ Drops html code wires it up Javascript
§ Get Tabbed Outline in Design View
§ Property Inspector links to Developers Site
§ Removes associated html code, script references,
and associated files when you delete
§ Demo Web Widget

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Dw Live View & Related Files

§ See all Related files, Live View Runs Javascript, Filter on File Type

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Dw Live Code

§ See classes applied via

§ Freeze Javascript to
click on elements
and check out the
code in different

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Dw Features help with CSS

§ Code Navigator
§ Alt Click in Live View
§ Hover to get pop up
§ Click on Class
§ Nav to corresponding Style

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CSS Styles Panel

§ See Cascade
§ Easy to Change/Add
§ Check Specificity of each Rule
§ Right click to Go to the Code
§ See which properties are
being overriden rollover to
see by whom
§ Comment out properties
§ Display All rules

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Open Ajax Alliance

§W o rkin g w ith O p e n A ja x A llia n ce o n W id g e t M e ta D a ta S p e c

§O A M – O p e n S o u rce X M L file fo rm a t d e scrib e s W id g e ts

§W id g e ts p a cka g e d u p a s . zip file s


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Widget Projects

§To C re a te W id g e ts fro m O p tio n s click “ E n a b le W id g e t Pro je cts”


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Widget Projects

§To cre a te a w id g e t yo u sta g e th e Ja va scrip t C S S file s

§C re a te a n O A M . xm lfile th a t re fe re n ce s th e m a n d sp e cifie s
e d ita b le p ro p e rtie s
§C re a te a W id g e t b y p o in tin g to th e O A M . xm lfile

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Package Widget

§W id g e t B ro w se r V a lid a te s O A M . xm l file
§R e p o rts a n y W a rn in g s / E rro rs

§U se V a lid a te a s X M L in D w

§C lick Pa cka g e to cre a te a Z IP File

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Create Developer Presets

§C lick Pre vie w to C h e ck o u t th e W id g e t

§C re a te D e ve lo p e r Pre se ts

§C lick Pa cka g e to in clu d e D e ve lo p e r Pre se ts in th e zip

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Distributing Widgets

§Po st th e . zip to th e E xch a n g e o r o n yo u r site

§Im p o rt d ire ctly fro m th e th e . zip b y clickin g “ Im p o rt W id g e t” in “ M y
W id g e ts”

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§ Encourage you to create your own Widgets!

§ Tutorial Video
§ Help
§ Widget Developer Guide
§ Widget Browser Forum

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© 2010 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential.

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