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Frequently Asked Questions

Summer Work 2016

Advanced English 10
1. What should my characterization textual evidence journal entry look like for chapter one since there is an absence
of major characters?
Due to the absence of characterization in chapter one, you may skip this chapter in your journal entries!
2. Should my characterization textual evidence journal entries maintain a formal tone, or am I permitted to use the
personal pronoun I in my reflection?
You may use the person pronoun I when creating your journal entries. The purpose of the journal entry is for your
to interact with Hawthornes characters. However, you should maintain a formal academic tone when completing
your analytical writing tasks.
3. How many pieces of textual evidence should I use in my analytical paragraphs?
I would recommended using four-five pieces of textual evidence. These paragraphs are an opportunity for you to
introduce yourself as a writer. I am interested to see the quality of your writing, specifically your ability to analyze. I
am not so much concerned with quantity. If you feel that you need to include more than four-five pieces of textual
evidence in order to present your best work, then do so.
4. When filling out my SIFT chart, how many notes do you want per section?
Note three-four items per section. For example, in your first SIFT chart for chapters one -eight you should note
three-four symbols under S and three-four instances of imagery under I. You do not need to include a quote
from the text on the chart, but I would recommended including the page number for future reference.
5. Should I type or handwrite my notes on the SIFT chart?
You can type or handwrite your notes on the SIFT chart.
6. When are items due?
Characterization Textual Evidence Journal and SIFT charts are due on the first day of school.
The analytical writing responses are due:
Response One (Symbolism)-6/25/2016
Response Two (Imagery in Chapters Nine and Ten)-7/22/2016
Response Three (Theme)-8/12/2016
Save LastName_SIFT1, LastName_SIFT2, and LastName_SIFT3 to by midnight of the due date.

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