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Systems Checklist For Mind Map









Central Nervous

Central nervous Muscular
The brain controls muscles by sending stimuli to the muscles to either
contract or relax.
The central nervous system (brain) also receives information from
muscles such as, if they are having a cramp or need more fuel, the
brain will respond by finding a solution.
Respiratory Circulatory
Lungs breathe in oxygen(O2) to bring O2 into the heart, then the
heart pumps it to the bloodstream then to their designated
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is carried from the muscles to the heart to be
pumped to the lungs so that we breathe out the carbon dioxide
because it is waste.
The circulatory system bring oxygen to the muscles by putting the
oxygen in the bloodstream which goes to your muscles that are in need
of the oxygen.
The muscles use up oxygen and drop off waste(CO2) to the
Digestive Muscular

There are muscles lining the esophagus and the rest of the digestive
track to push food along.
Your muscles allow the jaw to move up and down to chomp your food.
Skeletal Excretory
The skeleton protects parts of the digestive system including the
bladder using the bones
The bone cells burn sugar to stay alive, and generate waste products:
carbon dioxide and water, which are removed from the body through
the excretory system!
Respiratory Central Nervous
Your brain controls your breathing unconsciously during sleep
You control your breathing using your brain to send stimuli to your
lungs to deflate/expand.
Digestive Excretory
The excretory is an extension to the digestive system it removes
solid waste from the digestive system
The excretory system consists of the anus, genitals and kidney. The
anus is responsible for removing solid waste from the digestive system
Skeletal Muscular
The muscles are responsible for pushing and pulling the bones to move
The rib cage protects the heart (a muscle) and the diaphragm
(another muscle)

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