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Headmasters Newsle4er 70

Forensic Day
Year 6 spent a day this week being Forensic
Scien)sts. They learnt about the
anthropometric system of iden)ca)on that
was rst used - and realised how unreliable
it was! Advances in ngerprin)ng and DNA
were shown and other forensic retrieval
methods undertaken - shoe impressions, ink
chromatography and analysis of tool marks!
Finally all those who took part were
awarded the rank of 'CSI Bronte'.

20 May 2016

Dance Examina@ons
Our versa)le School Hall was today turned into
a dance studio when many of the children were
taking LAMDA dance exams, following their
hard work during their clubs this year. They
certainly looked very professional in their dance
ouDits. Miss Amelia (Amelia Appleby School of
Performing Arts) and the teachers, Miss Rosa
and Miss Sarah were delighted with the
children and received posi)ve comments from
the examiner. Finger's crossed while we await
the results!

Good Luck to all on the French Trip
Children from years 4, 5 and 6 will be leaving
for the Chateau de la Baudonniere on
Sunday morning. We wish them, and Mrs
PrescoR, Mrs Lippard, Mrs Kitsell and Miss
PrescoR a "bon voyage" and a fun-lled week of

Science AIernoon
On Wednesday the school hall became a hive of
ac)vity with children from each year group
sharing their science knowledge with parents.
There were numerous ac)vi)es ranging from
forensic science, permeability tes)ng of rocks,
food chains, lifecycles, colour mixing, habitats,
sound and hearing, micro-organisms and a
rather messy non-Newtonian liquid
demonstra)on! Visitors from Mayeld
Grammar were impressed with the way the
science was being delivered and the children
were doing a fabulous job of demonstra)ng
their understanding. Thank you to Mrs
Lonergan for arranging the a\ernoon and to
everyone involved.

House Rugby

Well done to all Years 5 an 6 who took part in the
House Rugby. The nal score was 6-6. Some
excellent tries by Ben, Ayomikun, David, Kaden,
Toniloba and Jamal. Try of the day goes to
Hannah. Thank you Mr Hinks for refereeing the

Looking Ahead

Week 6

Sun 22nd May French trip departs for Chateau de la
Baudonniere, Normandy (assemble
School 8.15am)

Fri 27th May Half term begins (3.30pm)

Sat 28th May French trip returns from Chateau de la
Baudonniere, Normandy (approx.

Week 7

Mon 6th June School re-starts (8.45am)

Tues 7th SAT Assessment Week (Years 1 6)
Fri 10th June

Thurs 9th June Years 5 and 6: Gravesend Kwik
Cricket Fes)val (Gravesend Cricket
Club ground, 12.30 - 4.30pm)*

* All welcome

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