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Bicycle Coalition Launches Revolutionary In- School Bike Education Program CYCLEGRA NEWSLETTER OF THE BICYCLE COALITION OF THE DELAWARE VALLEY ponsored by the School District of Philadelphia and the Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley, the “Bicycle Education Enhancement Program” (BEEP) was recently awarded a Transportation Enhancements (TE) grant from PennDOT. TE is funding source in new TEA- 21 transportation bill that supports projects that enhance and broaden the scope of the nation’s trans- portation system. Projects such as recreational trails, historic train station renovations, billboard removal and bicycle safety and education have been funded under TE. ‘The competition for funding was fierce, with only 40 million available statewide this round. Hundreds of projects were submitted. All projects had to pass through a number of selection rounds. In the end, about 35 projects were chosen, only nine of them were from southeastem Pennsylvania. Only two of the 35 were bicycle education, the other a PennDOT. statewide bike safety program. ‘The BEEP project is truly innovative. Philadelphia will become the largest school district in the country with an in-school bieycle education program. Children will lean bicycle safety and proper bike use as part of the health curriculum. There will be after-school bike clubs, as well as bikes, helmets, locks and fun bike safety guides for the children. ‘The BEEP program will install bike racks in all the middle and high schools in the district. ‘The BEEP program was originally conceived by the Bicycle Coalition as a way to teach Philadelphia's children how to safely use the 300-mile Philadelphia Bike Network currently being installed by Philadelphia Street’s Department. The Bicycle Coalition also noted the lack of bike parking at the schools. “Even if kids wanted to ride their bikes to school today, there would be no place to leave them once they got there,” remarked Sue McNamara, executive director of the Bicycle Coalition. “We went to the School District with the idea for this program and they were incredibly receptive. They even pointed out that they were looking at trans- portation issues because the SEPTA strike make them painfully aware of how they need to diversify the transportation options available to kids. And the tokens are just too expensive for some families.” continued on page 2 New SEPTA Bike Policy - Effective: May 15, 1999 X No permits, ever X Bikes allowed on Market Frankford and Broad Street subways as well as the Rte 100 Norristown High Speed Line weekdays off-peak between: ¥ 6:00 pm and 6:00 am (overnight) ¥ 9:00 am 3:00 pm. X “Bicycle Permitted” decals on the out- side of Regional Rail, Rte 100, Market-Frankford and Broad Street trains near the doors X Installation of a demonstration bicycle rack inside a Regional Rail car New “Bikes on SEPTA” information available on the SEPTA web site: hitp://, X Improved communication of SEPTA’s bicycle policies to it’s employees, espe- cially the Regional Rail crews X More bike racks and bike lockers throughout the system. SUMMER 1999 7 Light of the Moving Bikes Police Commissioner and Mayoral Candidates Ride in 4th Annual Bike to Work Day Coalition Appointed to CMAQ Committee Freedom Valley Bike Ride Friends of the Freedom Valley Pottstown Builds Downtown Transit Mall - Philadelphia Tears Out Downtown Transit Mall Montco News For a Kid.a Bike is a Terrible Thing to Lose News Briefs | | Bicycle Coahtion Launches Revolutionary In- School Bike Education Program, continued from cover “We are excited about the BEEP project and looking for- ward to working with the Bicycle Coalition,” remarked Marjie Wuestner, curriculum coordinator for the Physical Education department. “Bicycling is truly a life-long phys cal activity, If we can get kids involved in biking safely now, the skills they learn today can serve them the rest of their lives. It can also teach them how to safely get around town while staying healthy and not polluting the air.” ‘The BEEP program will be part of the Physical Education department, but both Wuestner and McNamara agree that lessons learned would reach across the curriculum. “We want kids to realize that life is full of choices that effect themselves, those around them and the environment. ‘Transportation is a choice. You can choose to ride a bike because it’s healthy, fun, non-polluting and allows you to better interact with the world around you. And if you bike, there's one less car on the road, making it better for every- cone. You don’t have to be trapped in traffic,” says McNamara. ‘Wuestner agrees, “We want to teach kids how to be self-suf- ficient. There is nothing more self-sufficient than a bicycle.” Light of the Moving Bikes a summer nighttime fun ride celebrating cycling tn the cool of the evening ... region for the fourth annual “Light of the Moving Bikes” ride. Escape the heat and explore the serene, moonlit beauty of Philadelphia's Fairmount Park, then roll through the quiet streets of Fairmount, pedal downtown to enjoy the illuminated beauty of Center City’s architectural wonders and onto South Philly for some of the city’s lesser known historical treasures. Jz friendly cyclists from all over the city and the year’s ride has a new and exciting start - The Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site at the comer of 22"4 and Fairmount. Registration will be in the gatehouse and the Easter State Penitentiary Museum will be open and free to ride participants. “Cyclists are lucky to start this historical ‘and architectural tour is one of Philadelphia's most unique sites,” says Therese Madden, ride coordinator. ‘The ride, now in its fourth year, will raise funds for the Bicycle Coalition, which works to make bike riding safer and easier for both commuters and recreational cyclists all over Philadelphia and the area. Riders will fuel up on iced Light of the Moving Bikes Saturday, September 4th coffee and snacks at the start, then follow a 12-mile, easy- paced course. “There’s a serious side to this fun ride,” says Madden, “We need to spread the word that reflectors aren't enough. For safe night riding, a rear flashing light and a front headlight are essential. They help drivers see you better at intersee- tions and when you merge with traffic.” Madden notes that a ‘good set of front and rear lights can be purchased for under $30. “That's a small price to pay for safer night riding.” Besides the safety benefits, bike lighting can be a wonderful sight on night rides. “Last year, it was like a moving string of pearls along the West River Drive.” The ride also offers a chance to see the great strides Philadelphia has made in lighting. Programs by the Center City District have helped light up many historic buildings that once were almost invis- ible after sunset. Now, dramatic uplighting and accent lights enhance the sculptural details of City Hall and dozens of other buildings throughout our downtown. “And bicycling is a great way to see a lot in just a short time,” says Madden. Ride Begins at the Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site 22" & Fairmount Avenues, Philadelphia Free parking right next door! Registration: 6130 pm Ride begins: 7:30 pm sharp Cost: $20 Free T-shirt if you preregister by August 24th, To preregister, send check, money order or credit card information to: Bicycle Coalition, 252 S. 11th Street. Phila. PA 19107 This is a new, earlier time, but we'll get you home and in bed early enough to do a big ride on Sunday! Lights and Helmets Required ~ Lights will be on sale during registration Proceeds benefit Youth Cycle & Recycle Ride Coordinator: Therese Madden tel: 215.829.4937 e-mail: BCDV: tel: 215.829.4188 fax: 215.829.0426 e-mail: info@bedvorg. Police Commissioner and Mayoral Candidates Ride in 4th Annual Philadelphia Bike to Work Day Celebration Police Commissioner John Timoney and Mayoral Candidates Sam Katz and John Street participated in a Bike -to-Work Day caravan which departed from the front of the Art Museum on Friday morning, June 4th for a bike ride to City {all in honor of Philadelphia’s 4th annual Bike to Work Day. They were joined by fellow cyclists as they rode downtown, mn @ route that mostly consisted of bike lanes - part of the treet’s Department citywide Bicycle Network Plan. One iundred miles of the plan will be completed by 2000, with a otal of 300 miles planned for the entire network. It was wonderful to show the commissioner and the mayoral idates first hand how the bike lanes make city cyclists eel safer and give bicycles a real place on the road,” says sicycle Coalition Executive Director Sue McNamara. The ticycle Coalition, Center City District, EPA, the Delaware faliey Regional Planning Commission and the City of hiladelphia were all sponsors of Bike to Work Day. We wanted to show people biking to work can be safe and un, especially with all the new bike lanes,” says McNamara, alice Commissioner John Timoney addresses the crowd at Bike to Work Day Not only is it good for you, but it’s good for your neighbor- ood and community as well. More people biking means less it pollution and fewer cars on the roads - allowing traffic nd transit to flow smoothly. Fewer cars on the road also kes being outside in the city- whether strolling, sitting or laying- a calmer, safer, more pleasant experience.” even caravans rode in from points across the city. They con- erged on City Hall for a free breakfast, live music from the wz Juniors, free waterbottles from continued on page 5 Your support made it happen! Bicycle Coalition Appointed to CMAQ Committee ‘The Bicycle Coalition eared a spot on the local Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) committee thanks in a great part to the support of Bicycle Coalition members. ‘As you may recall from a recent mailing, the Bicycle Coalition alerted local cyclists that their rights might be in Jeopardy. Members of local government had voted against having a bicyclists’ representative on the CMAQ commit- tee - the committee that will determine which transporta- tion projects will be used to help the region clean up its polluted air. After months of lobbying and endless letters of support from local cyclists and national organizations including the Surface Transportation Policy Project and Bicycle Federation of America, bicyclists were finally granted a seat on this important committee. “We're not just there to make sure bike projects get fund- ing under CMAQ, but to make sure the RIGHT bike pro- jects get funded - the ones that will be used by the most, people and will have the clearest transportation benefits,” said Sue McNamara, Bicycle Coalition executive director. Said Kaia Lenhart, advocacy director for the League of American Bicyclists, “It is important to have bicycle advo- cates - the local experts - involved in this process. We've seen some states spend a fair amount of money on bicycle projects, but the money is not necessarily going to the best projects. The Bicycle Coalition will be able to weigh the needs of the community to determine where the money should go.” Democratic Mayoral candidate John F Sieet rides with cyclists in Biketo Work Day convoy. Freedom Valley Bike Ride Therese Madden \wo days before the Freedom Valley Bike Ride and I ‘we were doing a fine job of remaining optimistic about a beautiful sunny day for the 19th annual Freedom Valley Bike Ride. Nay sayers were ignored as were our own fears of rain. The telephone was ringing, the office was packed with produce, water, and Cliff Bars. All was well. A man was on the phone requesting mem- bership information, and we invited him to come out for the Freedom Valley Ride. He replied “Oh yeah, I hate to tell you but it is going to rain on Sunday.” We immediate- ly tried to blow off this comment, “Oh everyone is a weatherman today ... But I am a weatherman.” It was true. Both, ‘That man is a professional weatherman, one we can see on television, and Sunday May 23rd, the day of the Freedom Valley Bike Ride was a wet, rainy day. The rain ‘was at it's worst in the early moming, when people were still tucked inside their homes with the option of a dry, cozy Sunday. The rain continued pouring down at 8am for the official start of the ride. The colorful raincoats present at the start were like the first blossoms of summer, if only there could have been more. The people who did come out for the ride had wonderful attitudes and said they had a great time, ‘The Freedom Valley Bike Ride is the Bicycle Coalition’s biggest fundraising event. Rain on such an event is pointing for everyone; the people who planned on the folks who got their favorite cycling clothes muddy (but they looked cool), the volunteers who were hoping for more action, the Bicycle Coalition, and the trail fund. The rain washed away a large chunk of our projected bud- get, and did a decent job of temporarily dampening our enthusiasm. Too bad the weatherman can't tell us six ‘months in advance which day we can count on to shine. =| Pohice Commissioner and Mayoral Candidates Ride in Bike to Work Day Celebration, continued from page 3 SEPTA, displays by bike shops, stunt demos by bike cops and short speeches on the importance of bieyeling by Timoney, Katz, Street and Streets Department Commissioner Larry Moy. Both mayoral candidates and the police commissioner stressed the importance of providing safe places on the streets for bicycling, promoting bicycling and institutionaliz- ing planning for bicycle facilities in city government. “Bikes are great for the city. They make it a more desirable place to live and work,” stressed candidate Katz. “I noticed people in ‘my caravan with ‘One Less Car’ shirts. A bike is one less car and that’s a good idea,” acknowledged candidate Street. Republican Mayoral Candidate Sam Katz chats with Bicycle Coalition director Sue MeNamara while riding n Bike 1o Work Day convoy. Special thanks to the people who did come out, to the people who pre-registered, to the many volunteers, and to the inventor of fenders. Thanks to the trooperst Bob Rossman, Barbara, Bridget Chadwick, Pat Vance, Michael, Bill Felton, Jeff Freedman, Darren Fava, Jeff Abrahamson, Bill Tancredi, Alexis Perriera, Roberta Shorrock, Paul Droesh, Noelle Beaumont, Paula Estronell, Steve Spindler, Fred Ulmer, Dave Ziccardi, Mike Farrell, Greg Ham, Dori Mc Claine, Jordan Mc Claine, Fergus Carey, Cameron, Matt Mellon, the Civil Air Patrol, Dan Murphy, Snacks, the Schlitzers, and the Maddens. would also like to thank our sponsors for their support: First Union, SEPTA, REI, D&Q, Metropolis, Clif Bar, Fresh Fields, Time Cycle Courier, Le Bus, Wissahickon Water, Philadelphia Weekly, Comcast Metrophone and Bike Line. Thope to see you all on next year’s beautiful, sun drenched, blue sky day. Friends of the Freedom Valley Therese Madden ‘ave I gotten a chance to thank all the folks who reg- He for the Freedom Valley Bike Ride? Thanks! For all of you people who pre-registered and did not make it through the rain drops to the ride, remember your money is still going to a good cause that you can enjoy for many sunny days to come. Funds from the Freedom Valley ike Ride work to make our communities more livable by supporting trail efforts and regional bicycle projects. Money ised through the Freedom Valley Bike Ride is distributed in the form of grants to fund various projects throughout the region. New "Friends of the Freedom Valley” Newsletter Each year, the Freedom Valley Bike Ride brings on a flurry of inquiries about trail projects. In hopes of answering some of these questions, we are creating a “Friends of the Freedom Valley” newsletter which will keep contributors informed and involved. “Friends of the Freedom Valley” will be able to keep on top of local trail projects and lobby o get more bike and trail projects. One immediate goal for the “Friends of the Freedom Valley” is to develop a Freedom Valley Network that will ink to the current Philadelphia-Valley Forge trail, creating a afe bicycle transportation system for the region. If you nave information or questions about trail projects in your -ommunity, let us know! For more information, contact Therese Madden: tel: 215.829.4937 -mail: Committee Meetings Delaware County: Meets 3 Tuesday of the month, 7PM at the Helen Kate Fumess Library, Re. 252, Wallingford. Meetings are scheduled for Aug 17, Sept 2land Oct 19. For more info call ira Josephs at 610.565.4088, Montgomery County: Meets 3° Monday of the month, 7PM at RELL, Ridge & Butler Pikes in Conshohocken. Meetings are scheduled for Aug 16, Sept 20 and Oct 18. Call Bridget to con- firm: 215.628.8124 Chester County: Meets 4 Wednesday of the month, 7PM at the Chester County Government Complex, Westtown Rd. Meetings are scheduled for Aug 25, Sept 29 and Oct 27. For more info call Dennis Kelly at 610.269.6976 Bicycle Coalition Meetings: Monthly board meeting day will be changing from the 1* Thursday of the month pending board vote, Please call the office for dates of the next meeting 215.829.4188. The focus of these meetings is internal business andthe public is weleome. Pottstown Builds Downtown Transit Mall - Philadelphia Tears Out Downtown Transit Mall s Philadelphia moves at warp speed to tear out the Aout Street Transitway, Pottstown Borough in Montgomery County is building a one acre transit- related and pedestrian mall in the heart of the business dis- trict. The area will be the hub of the borough’s transit sys- tem, Pottstown Urban Transit, and local SEPTA service. ‘The park-like transitway will be open to bicycles with bike parking. “We believe this project will play an important role in revitalizing the borough's downtown business dis- trict,” said David Forrest, the assistant borough manager. “This is an excellent idea. They seem to be forward think- ing and working with a good plan that involves the com- munity and local businesses. They have incorporated sound planning principals and secured the funding for quality construction,” said Jeff Friedman, Bicycle Coalition President. “Too bad all these elements were not in place when the city built the Chestnut Street Transitway.” In the past, the Bicycle Coalition has been critical of the City of Philadelphia's implementation of the Chestnut Street Transitway plan. The original plan conceived of clean, quiet trolleys plying down the street, rather than the dirty diesel buses that eventually took over. The city also allowed delivery companies to use Chestnut Street as an all day loading dock. Low quality building materials made Chestnut Street fall apart and become undesirable rather quickly. The city, with what some may argue as its typi lack of vision in regards to transportation, has chosen to ‘return auto traffic to Chestnut Street and widen the road to provide parking. The south lane will be a bike/bus lane with a no right tum prohibition for cars. We expect that prohibition to be short lived, but the Bicycle Coalition intends to fight its overtum. The right tum prohibition is arguably the only forward thinking element of new Chestnut Street design. “Unfortunately,” laments Friedman, “good planning and political will to make the hard choices that will ultimately make towns and cities more livable in this region is fre- quently happening in little pockets rather than on a wide- spread basis.” 1 Montco News Montgomery County Trail Annual Update: Five Trails are currently funded: X Schuylkill River Trail Extension between Betzwood and Rte. 29 - Project completion expected within 3-5 years. X Chester Valley Trail between I-76 and Exton - Project completion within 3-5 years. First Phase built by PaDOT as part of the Rte.202-400 highway improvement project, and includes the I-76 bikeway bridge and a section between I-76 and Warmer Road. That phase will be com- pleted in 2 years X Chester Valley Trail between I-76 in King of Prussia and the Schuylkill River Trail in Norristown - Project completion within 5-7 years X Cross County Trail - Part of the tral (1 mile) has been built by Lincoln Property Developers along Alan Wood Road in Plymouth Township. Preliminary engineering for connector to the SRTrail in Conshohocken Borough and to Fort Washington State Park and beyond to Bryn Athyn will start within 6 months. We expect construction to be phased. The Conshohocken connector and a connector through the Metroplex development to Germantown Pike in Plymouth Meeting will be constructed within 3-5 years and other phases within 5-10 years. X Connector of the Wissahickon Trail between Stenton Ave. to Fort Washington State Park - It is expected that construction will start in next 2-4 years. A Bicycle trail connector along Stenton Avenue and Northwestern Ave expected to start within the next 3-5 years. To support these and other regional trail projects, join the Friends of the Freedom Valley (see page 4 for additional information). Related Bike Projects Rte 202 Improvements Also in the recent mailing, we told members about East ‘Norriton's opposition to bike lanes on the planned improve- ments for Rte 202. The township has dropped their opposi- tion and bike lanes will be part of the Section 600 project that runs from Norristown to Montgomeryvile. Other sec- tions of Rte 202 that are slated to be improved also contain bicycle facilities. As part of Section 400 construction, PennDOT is building the section of the Chester Valley Trail that runs from the Schuylkill Expressway (including a bike bridge over the expressway) to Wamer Rd. Montgomery County is currently also working to extend the Chester Valley Trail to Rte 100 in Exton. The Chester Valley Trail will connect with the Schuylkill River Trail via a spur origi- nating in Norristown. Section 700 of Rte 202 from Mongomeryville to Doylestown will contain a separated ‘rail running the distance of the project. Radnor P&W Trail In the same mailing we also spoke of the hard efforts by the Friends of the Radnor Trail to convert the old P&W line through Radnor Township into a community trail. After a Jong and hard-fought battle, the Friends of the Trail pre- vailed and plans for the trail are back on track. The trail will run from Martha Brown’s Wood Park to Sugartown Road. Other newst ‘The County has information on the web regarding bike commuting and bike programs - com. In addition, has commuter maps that can be downloaded for two areas of the County. For a Kid, a Bike 1s a Terrible Thing to Lose ~- You Can Help! public school district’s Bicycle Education Enhancement Program (BEEP), kids in all the city high schools and middle schools won’t have to lose their bikes at school. As part of BEEP, safe, secure bike racks will be installed in all Philadelphia public middle and high schools, allowing kids the opportunity to actually RIDE THEIR BIKES TO SCHOOL! T= to the Bicycle Coalition and the Philadelphia Here’s where you come in - PennDOT hhas given us the money to purchase and install the racks, but not the money for the preliminary work with the schools, kids, principals and building managers at 139 schools to determine where the racks should be placed, how many bike parking spaces each building needs and what the best racks are for each site. We can’t get the money for the purchase and installa- tion of the racks without raising the money for this preliminary work. Ifyou, your employer, a neighbor or friend is able to help, please contact the Bicycle Coalition at 215.829.4188 or send e-mail to Many companies have matching grant programs for the nonprofits to which their employees belong. Thanks so much. News Briefs: Bicycle Coalition Helps get Bike Facilities at Deptford Mall Quick action by the Bicycle Coalition helped get a bike lane and bike rack as part of the road construction project that, will provide better access to Deptford Mall. There will be a bike lane in the approach to the mall and bike parking at the mall. The Bicycle Coalition will be working with the team on the project to make sure they choose quality bike racks. New SEPTA Bike on Rail Policy Now Available on Waterbottles SEPTA’s new Bike on Rail Policy is now on large size, smart-looking waterbottles. To get one, stop by the BCDV office or attend any BCDV event. Says Bicycle Coalition member Greg Ham, “Now the next time a SEPTA conductor says I can’t take my bike on the train, I can just pull out my waterbottle and show him the Bike on Rail rules that say I can!” Gyelegram is published bimonthly by the Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley, PO. Box 8194, Philadelphia PA 19101. The Coalition is e non-profit organization working to improve conditions for bicycling throughout the Greater Philadelphia area, promoting bicycling for trans portation and recreation. Coverage of an event not sponsored by BCDV foes not constitute an endorsement. Cyclegram may be reproduced in ‘whole or in part provided prominent credit i given tothe Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley. Cpelegram is printed on recycled Paper. BCDV Board of Managers Jeff Abrahamson, Chair, Development Committee [] Jeff Friedman, President [215.686.1835] ‘Sue MeNamara, Executive Director [] Carlos Rogers, Secretary [215.735.7849] [vacant], Treasurer Sue Ellen Klein [215.386.6785] Jeff Appletans (215.627.5629) Alec Meltzer [215.386.3987] Darren Fava [215.440.5523] BCDV Staff ‘Sue McNamara, Executive Director [215.829.4188] Therese Madden, Assistant Director [215.829.4937] Patrick MeDevitt, Bookkeeper Youth Cycle & Recycle: Claudia Crane, Program Director [215.763.5124] Marion Solar, Instructor Dan Murphy, Instructor Cycle Gram Publication ‘Sue MeNamara, Editor 25258. Ilth Steet, Philadelphia, PA 19107 tel: 215.829.4188 fax: 215.829.0426 e-mail: Bicycle Coalition Works to Save NIDOT Capital Funding for Bike Projects ‘The Bicycle Coalition and others, lead by the TriState ‘Transportation Campaign, help tuned back a would-be cut in the NJDOT capital funding budget for bike facilities. This was especially disconcerting, since NJ Governor Christie Whitman had pledge to build 200 miles of bike facilities a year for ten years in her 1998 State of the State ‘Address. The proposed cuts in the capital budget would | make almost any new bike facilities impossible. Hard lob- bying, phone calls and letters reversed the decision and restored the capital budget funding for bikes. Bicycle Coalition Helps Get Region-wide Bike Coordinator at the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (DVRPC) Lobbying by the Bicycle Coalition lead to the appointment of a regional bike coordinator at DVRPC. The bike coordi- nator will be in charge of region-wide bicycle initiatives and is project leader of the Suburban Bike Network Project. Along with the Bicycle Coalition and the county planning commissions, the DVRPC bike coordinator is seeking funding for a regional wide bike parking project, a “Share the Road” bicycle education and encouragement project and a new regional bike map. Bicyclists Join National Traffic Board For the first time a bicycle organization, the League of ‘American Bicyclists (LAB), has been voted membership on the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD). The NCUTCD is an independent organization that drafts the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices used nationwide. The Manual is the mandatory national standard for road signage, markings and traffic devices on all trails, roads, streets, and high- ways. The Bicycle Coalition of the Delaware Valley's director Sue McNamara was chosen by LAB to be the advocate representative and LAB’s voting alternate. “Is. important to let advocates know there are standards for road marking and signs. These standards are not always followed. I've learned a lot about why certain signs are chosen over others and am anxious to share this tool with other advocates,” said McNamara, BCDV Electronic Lists httpu/ to subscribe, unsubscribe, or to check your subscription status > f BCDV MEMBERSHIP | want to help make bicycling better -- sign me up! Name | Address i City State Zip. { Telephone (H) (Ww) 1 ay fvore bike shop 1 Lam voluntary setting my membership dues at the following level: $100* ___$75*__$50*__$35_$10 (limited income) _other * includes free t-shirt 114 also tke: | Bike Coalition tshirt M, L, XL sis 1 wineat design on front & “One Less Car” on back ! BCDV Commuter Map S6 | Cycle & Recycle Calendar s10 1 Urban Bikers Tricks & Tips S15 + S2s/h Total Amount Enclos Send to: BCDV P.O. Box 8194 Phila PA 19101 ------------------------4 [ey 3iycle Coalition ofthe Delaware Valley P.O. Box 8194 1s) Philadelphia PA 19101 215-BICYCLE FORWARDING AND RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED Address Correction Requested /evee this iS your last Cy legram BE IN THE KNOW RENEW ToDAY- i it whl of the Moving Pikes Prinedon Saturday, September 4¢# 100% Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site Free F-shint if you preregister by August 24th tel: 215.BICYCLE. ¥ fax: 215.829.0426 ¥ ¥ e-mail: info@bedv org, Recycled Paper Don't miss an issue! x If you're not already a member, join now and put your money to work improving bicycling in the Delaware Valley! Your membership includes a one-year subscription to Cyclegram, discounts at most bike shops in the Delaware Valley, invitations to Coalition special events, expert help from the Coalition’s touring, racing and commuting advisors as well as the chance to tum your love for cycling into positive action. Join us! Coalition members are commuters, recreational riders, mes- sengers, touring cyclists and others ‘who support clean air and a healthier urban environment. Help us win safer roads and respect from motorists. NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PHILADELPHIA, PA PERMIT NO 2683 & Registration: 6:30 pm, Ride begins: 7:30 pm sharp, Cost: $20

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